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Kekkaishi Wiki
Kekkaishi Wiki
Chapter 062: Forever...
Kanji ずっと...
Rōmaji Zutto...
English Forever...
Other Information
Volume Volume 7
Release Date May 18, 2005
Episode Episode 28:The Kokubourou's Declaration of War
Cover Characters Tokine Yukimura; Hakubi; Yoshimori Sumimura; Madarao; Tokiko Yukimura; Shigemori Sumimura; Masamori Sumimura; Toshimori Sumimura; Shuji Sumimura; Shizue Yukimura; Gen Shishio

Forever... (ずっと..., Zutto...) is the 62nd chapter of the Kekkaishi Manga written and illustrated by Yellow Tanabe.


Yoshimori receives a Shikigami bird from his mother, warning him that a strong enemy is approaching and that he should cooperate with Masamori. He excitedly tells his family, only to find that they received birds as well. Shigemori Sumimura tells Yoshimori about Masamori's promotion, and advises him to follow Masamori's orders when the time comes. Yoshimori asks why they don't cooperate with the Yukimuras, but Shigemori firmly refuses.

Yoshimori is in a foul mood at school, to the point where Yurina Kanda is hesitant to approach him with her concerns about Gen Shishio. While in the cafeteria with her friends, Yurina spots Tokine and decides to tell her about Gen. Tokine recognizes Gen from Yurina's description and assures her that he is working with them. Tokine also explains that she isn't Yoshimori's older sister, as Yurina thought she was. However, this leaves Tokine wondering what she and Yoshimori are to each other.

Yoshimori waits for Tokine after school by the gate. Tokine is walking with her friend Madoka and is annoyed at him for talking to her during the day and ignores him. Madoka points out that Yoshimori likes Tokine, which seems to shock Tokine. Tokine insists that Yoshimori is just a kid, but Madoka says he won't be a kid forever.

Aihi presents an improved set of human skin disguises to Byaku. While they aren't ready for mass-production, she is confident that they are stronger, more flexible, and more closely resemble actual humans. Byaku decides to have some subordinates test the performance, which to him is most important. Aihi disagrees, saying that training the subordinates is more important. She is still upset that Byaku destroyed her favorite subordinate that she spent so much time training, but is not willing to recreate him because she would have retrain him all over again.

Characters (in order of appearance)[]


Volume 7
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