Thursday, March 20, 2014

A little catching up..

I know.. Two posts in two days?! I'm on a roll! Lol... It is crazy how life changes from year to year and where your life can take you. I do apologize for not blogging as I once did.. I am still making things... But I tend to be on Facebook instead. Yes I finally broke down and opened a Facebook account. For me, it's more private and I can see Family:) But I do miss my blog friends! If your on Facebook- and I know who you are.. Come find me:) I plan on opening a page for Katie's Corner, just haven't gotten around to it yet... 

So enough with all the crap you don't wanna hear... And on to the pictures:)
This is a church I built recently. I had planned on making four, but didn't realize how much work was going to go into one, lol. 
Every piece of wood was hand cut, painted several times, and sanded before being added to the house. I wanted a beachy/shabby chic feel to it:)
I so love how it turned out.. I kinda don't want to list it:) But I will sometime in the near future. 

Next is a birdhouse clock that I have decided not to sell.. Only because I added something personal to it. The time happens to be an anniversary date:) I would however like to get my hands on more clock kits one day to make some for the store. 
And my last picture is of a Mushroom house that seems to have become another unfinished house. It needs door hardware, the inside needs to be done- but I wasn't thinking of how to get my hand in the hole when I was making it- duh! And I have a small base for it that I want to landscape. 
Not even sure what scale this house is, It's less than 8 inches tall. And so stinking cute:) 

So as you can see I have been trying to do something.. I've just been quiet:) 
Hope all of you are doing well.. And Thank you to those of you that have gotten in contact with me to check on me:) I really do appreciate it!

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New Birdhouses

Just wanted to stop by real quick and give you a sneak peek of the birdhouses I just listed on Etsy:) 
Hope you like them:)

Friday, January 31, 2014

Ready for Spring!!

Well Hello there:) Thought Id stop by and say hello... It's been awhile! Not much new here... Still trying to put 2013 behind me and move on:) 

I have been doing a little work here and there, but to be honest, it is just too darn cold to do much of anything! I can't wait for spring:)

I have been making a collection of paper items. I've actually been working on the tubs for months- they need so many coats of paint to make them feel sturdy, that I got bored and put them up for a long time... I've also found that using thicker paper helps- duh! The first batch I did in Vintage White and made them look older by making my rust spots bigger... At least in my mind they look older:)
I've always had a passion for these pitchers.. Even have my own collection in the real life of ceramic ones:) These are listed in my store.. And I have single ones that I can list. 
The tubs I'm still photographing and will get listed one day- as always if your interested, feel free to email me and we can talk:)
I love how they stack:)
And I still have a box full to paint:) I'm thinking pastel colors for Spring? 

Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year! 
Until Next Time:)
(I'll try not to stay gone as long next time, lol)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Potting table has been listed:)

Finally got the potting table listed in etsy.. 

I almost don't want to part with it.. But I've got to clear out this house so I can make room for new stuff.. 

I've also reduced the prices on a few things to try and clear out my inventory.. 

And hopefully before Christmas I can get the Christmas stuff listed. I did make some Christmas tree shelves using different trims:) but still need to add a star to the top... They look much better in person- I've been slowly dragging out the Christmas stuff to try and take some great pictures, just keep getting sidetracked... 

 I am moving at a snails pace over here, I do apologize.. You know how life can be sometimes. I still can't find my muse... Makes it really hard to be creative.. I just miss having full use of my hand and need to suck it up... You can see how much of the tip I lost- and oneday I will get it fixed! It still hurts- and is making me sad. I just want my old life back... 
... Until Next Time...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Potting Table

Thought I'd share a few pictures of something I made the other night. I'm losing my creativity over here.. Stress is just got my mind bogged down! But! I am not one to give up.. So the other night I pulled out the wood and just went with it:) And this is what I came up with..

And look:) It's even got wheels!! And it actually rolls! 
Hope you enjoyed the pictures:) 

Until Next Time...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy Halloween

Just made a collage with all my Halloween stuff:) Hope everyone is enjoying Fall!
Until next time...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Finally listed:)

I got the pumpkins, the teapots and the pitchers listed in the store. 
It's been raining for days, which means no natural light:( I like to use pictures with both inside light and outside light. The pumpkins have several colors in them- and they photograph different in different light. 
I really like how they turned out:) I hope you do too!!
You can find a link to my store on the top right of my page. And don't forget to check out all the other amazing miniatures while your at Etsy:)

Until Next Time...