Monday, November 30, 2015

Hello! :)

 Oh, my! I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post. Twas never my intention to just walk away, but, it is what it is.

So much has happened in the past two years, gees, this year alone has been a roller coaster ride of good and bad for me and my family. I won't bore you with all of the details. ;)

Let's get up to date! :)

Please do let me know what you have been up to as of late!

Most recently, I exhibited at Philadelphia Miniaturia for the third year in a row. Best time evah! and best show to date! So happy to be included with so many fabulous artisans. I feel so privileged to be included in such a fabulous show.

This year I had the opportunity to teach that went really, really well. My students were so happy with their mini creations and I am so bummed that I completely forgot to bring a camera. I will try to remember for next time.

For now, some pics of my table at the show;

My very sweet son took this pic;
and I took this one of the table;
I have more pictures on the ipad, but have yet to figure all of that out completely yet. I'm still learning, even though I am old! lol

Okay, so bear with me, this old dog is going to have to learn new tricks, after being away for so long, everything is so new and different, I have much to learn, but I will keep on trying!

Thank you for still being around and interested. I really appreciate it. :)

There is much in store for dale's dreams in the coming months and coming year and many new minis to be seen. I hope you continue to join me in this miniature journey. I'm still loving it and I hope you are as well.

Many blessings sent out to you and yours!
As ever,
dale :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

AMERICANA is now live at Etsy!

By working together, we can accomplish great things!

May I present to you;

 These are the collaborative works of myself, CalicoJewels and KatiesClayCorner

all are now available for sale at etsy in our shops

If you would like to see the inspirations for this line, you can find them here on pinterest.
Feel free to follow my boards.

My mother was very patriotic, it gave her great pleasure that her father in law was a Yankee Doodle Dandy (born on the 4th of July), she loved history and was a genealogist. When our country celebrated the bicentennial, my mother recreated the flag that Betsy Ross made. It is for these reasons that I dedicate my new line of miniatures, AMERICANA, to her memory.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

And, the new line is...

I am pleased to announce the name of my new line is.... (drum roll please) AMERICANA! This has been the result of months of work and research. It has been a collaborative effort, I've joined forces with Linda Sweigart of CalicoJewels at etsy and Katie Reid of KatiesClayCorner and blog of the same name, also at etsy. Linda is well known for her Medieval, Tudor and fantasy furniture. Katie makes all kinds of cute accessories for the dollhouse. The listings for the new line of Americana miniatures will go live in our shops on Labor Day. 

Are you following dalesdreams on facebook

If you are and you share the announcement post about the new line, you will be entered in a drawing to win a sneak peek preview of the line with an early option to purchase before the listings go live. 

Have you signed up to be on my mailing list? To receive the latest news and information from dalesdreams simply email me at [email protected] put mailing list in the subject line and you won't miss out on any important news, information or sales details. 

Thank you all for your support and encouragement during the creation phase.