July 7th Documents & Downloads
July 7th Truth Campaign Documents, Articles and Flyers
Documents and images produced by the July 7th Truth Campaign. Please feel free to download and distribute these documents. To download files to your computer right click a link and select, 'Save as'.)
Note: Some spurious individuals have been endeavouring to pass off non-J7 literature as official J7 literature for their own nefarious ends. The July 7th Truth Campaign publishes all its official J7 flyers and documents on the J7 web site. If it's not here, it's not an official J7 document.
J7: Flyers - PDFs and HTML Versions
Original pre-J7 flyer [PDF]- N/A
London 7/7 How To Be Good FAQ [PDF] - Take the media to task over their factually inaccurate accounts of what happened on July 7th 2005.
View as HTML
J7: Articles
July 7th as Machiavellian State Terror?' an article by Professor David MacGregor in which the events of 7/7 are given historical context and examined as potential acts of, 'Machiavellian state terror, spectacular violence perpetrated against the state by elements of the state itself'. Click here for printable PDF version.
Capitalising on Terror - Who is really destroying our freedoms? - A look at how 7/7 has been used as the justification for the imposition of Draconian laws that criminalise everyone. Click here for printable PDF version.
July 7th Multimedia Downloads
Download the four page archive of the Channel 4 Community Discussion Forum thread, ' 7/7: WHO REALLY BOMBED LONDON?' which was entirely removed from the Channel 4 Community Forums after just a few hours. (Note: Channel 4 'Community' forum administrators have banned users for discussing the events of July 7th, solely for their questioning of the evidence free allegations of the government narrative.)
VIDEO: Sky News report of controlled explosions being conducted at Edgware Road, explosions which would seriously have hampered the collection of evidence from the scene of the original explosion. [AVI video file]
VIDEO: The ITV News (RIP) television interview with Peter Power of Visor Consultants at 20:20 on the evening of July 7th where he again explains that he was again running an exercise based on simultaneous attacks on the London underground. [WMV video file]
- VIDEO: The June 28th alleged 'dummy run' footage [2MB WMV video file | or | smaller, lower-quality version]
AUDIO: The original Radio 5 Live interview with Mr Peter Power of Visor Consultants where he reveals how he was rehearsing bombs going off at precisely the railway stations they did on the morning of July 7th. Some coincidence? [MP3 audio file]
AUDIO: report from Guardian journalist Mark Honigsbaum, reporting from outside Edgware Road detailing an explosion under the train and a subsequent train collision after the explosion. [RealAudio file]
AUDIO: BBC Radio 4 'File on 4' programme, first broadcast on Radio 4 at 2000 BST on Tuesday 25 October. Use the link at the bottom of the this page to listen to the programme.
- BBC Radio 4 programme, variously known as Koran & Country (subtitled with the non-prejudicial) Biography of a Bomber and presented by Nasreen Suleaman, or Faces Of Islam – The Life Of A Bomber as originally broadcast on Thursday 17 November 2005 20:00-20:30 (Radio 4 FM). This programme is no longer available to listen to from the BBC web site but can be downloaded here (MP3 audio, 3.5MB) and was introduced as follows:
What turns a British-born Muslim into a suicide bomber? Nasreen Suleaman talks to those who knew Mohammad Sidique Khan, the eldest of the July 7 bombers. He tries to unravel the mystery of what turned this well integrated, popular and intelligent young man into a terrorist.
July 7th Data Analysis Archive Version 2.0 (38MB) (via Official Confusion)
77 release 6 - London Bombings video (Google video)
Official July 7th Sources of Information
June 5th 2006 - Final Report of the 7 July Review Committee
- Vol1: Report of the 7 July Review Committee [PDF]
- Vol1: Report of the 7 July Review Committee [RTF]
- Vol 2: Views & information from organisations [PDF]
- Vol 2: Views & information from organisations [RTF]
- Vol 3: Views & information from individuals [PDF]
- Vol 3: Views & information from individuals [RTF]
Download all three documents listed above as a PDF archive or as a RTF archive.
The London Assembly 7 July Review Committee
The 7 July Review Committee was set up on 8th September 2005 as the London Resilience Committee by the London Assembly to 'examine the lessons to be learned from the response to the London bombings on 7 July, and in particular communications to people in London during the day'.
- Current work [archive.org copy]
- 7 July Review Committee contacts
- Membership - membership and terms of reference of the Committee
- Meetings - access to agendas and minutes
7 July Review Committee Webcasts
Webcasts of the 7 July Review Committee meetings are available from the webcasts page of the GLA web site. Below are links to the complete chronological list of 7 July Review Committee webcasts. Additional links to the minutes and transcripts of these meetings are also provided:
- 7 July Review (London Resilience) Committee - 3 November 2005
- 7 July Review (London Resilience) Committee - 1 December 2005
- 7 July Review (London Resilience) Committee - 11 January 2006
- 7 July Review (London Resilience) Committee - 1 March 2006
- 7 July Review (London Resilience) Committee - 23 March 2006 (eye-witness accounts)
- 7 July Review Committee - 13 April 2006
- 7 July Review Committee - 14 June 2006
- 7 July Review Committee - 22 June November 2006
London Assembly Meeting papers
Date of meeting | Agenda |
PDF files |
RTF files |
22 November 2006 | Draft Minutes PDF Draft Transcript PDF |
Draft Minutes RTF Draft Transcript RTF |
14 June 2006 | Minutes PDF | Minutes RTF | |
13 April 2006 | Minutes RTF | ||
23 March 2006 | Minutes PDF Transcript PDF |
Minutes RTF Transcript RTF |
1 March 2006 | Minutes PDF Transcript PDF |
Minutes RTF Transcript RTF |
11 January 2006 | Minutes PDF Transcript PDF |
Minutes RTF Transcript RTF |
December 2005 | |||
3 November 2005 | Minutes PDF Transcript PDF |
Minutes RTF Transcript RTF |
Join the discussions, ongoing analysis and review of these documents, the events of July 7th, and the official 'narrative' at the July 7th People's Inquiry Forum.
Link to the July 7th Truth Campaign
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