About J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign
In the time that has passed since the horrific events of July 7th 2005, and despite the release of a limited amount of CCTV footage purporting to be from the day, not one piece of evidence has been released by the authorities that could be used to convict someone in a court of law for what happened, yet the British government still has no plans to organise an Independent Public Inquiry. When the official government narrative of events was released by the Home Office in May 2006, the alleged alleged suicide bombers were still placed on a train that was cancelled!
Technically, this leaves us with over 50 killed on London transport, over 700 injured and no credible official story of quite how it came to be, nor any evidence which supports the allegations against the four accused of perpetrating these crimes.
The Motivation for a People's Inquiry into July 7th
Thus far analysis of the key questions of who, what, when, where, why and how has been almost entirely devoid of political analysis that includes the event in the context of recent history prior to Iraq, and indeed the largely undocumented Imperialist history of the United States since the end of the second world war.
With an incorrect analysis of precisely WHAT happened on 7/7 and HOW it happened, in its correct geopolitical context, everything that ensues from that analysis is equally as flawed.
The government have made clear their position regarding an Independent Public Inquiry, refusing a public inquiry on at least three separate occasions, despite repeated calls from survivors, the injured and their families, and many and varied cross sections of the British community.
What do we want and who are we to demand it?
In his book, '7-7 The London Bombs - What went wrong?', former government intelligence officer, Lt. Col. Crispin Black, wrote:
"We need an official inquiry - now. Not a whitewash inquiry like Lord Hutton's. Or a punch-pulling inquiry like Lord Butler's. But an inquiry run by plain Mr or Mrs somebody."
This site and the associated investigation forum was set-up by a collective of plain Mr, Mrs and Ms somebodies comprising concerned residents and independent public researchers, all with the single aim of getting to the truth behind what happened on July 7th through an Independent People's Inquiry.
J7: The July Seventh Truth Campaign is not affiliated with any political or religious movement and the only agenda of the campaigners is to establish the facts of the events of July 7th 2005.
If you have any doubts at all about the official version of events, especially in light of the official Home Office narrative, the errors contained in it and the complete lack of any evidence in the public domain to corroborate the official story, please write to your MP, the Home Office, to local and national newspapers and ask all the questions that you feel need answering.
Join the fast-growing community of concerned individuals who are collaboratively researching the events of 7 July 2005 via the July 7th Investigation Forum at:
We urge you to investigate with an open mind and to remember that conspiracy theories are quite often conspiracy FACTS.
"When two or more people together plan to commit a crime there exists by definition a conspiracy. Therefore any theory about who did it or how it was done is by definition a "conspiracy theory". The question is then not whether you are a conspiracy theorist but for which conspiracy theory you find the evidence most compelling."
Those of us who ask questions and investigate the events of July 7th seek only the truth behind what happened because every single one of us in Britain, not just the Muslim community, is now living under rigourously oppressive new legislation - much of which has been brought about and justified with the impetus of the events in July - that give the State hitherto unprecedented powers against every single one of us - guilty, innocent, or otherwise.
We are told that we live in a democracy and in a democracy our politicians and 'public servants' must be held to account for their actions. Otherwise, it is not a democracy any more. And, when the State can summarily, and extra-judicially, execute unarmed and innocent people on the London Underground, without recourse, it is perhaps time for all of us to take an active interest in the world around us.
All we are asking for is the information, the evidence and the truth. Only the truth will stand the most rigourous of questioning and only liars need fear the questions being asked.
For peace, truth and justice, and dedicated to all the innocent victims, injured and their families.