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Posts mit dem Label Blog-Party werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, 16. März 2011

One world one heart/ gifts and thoughts

Hello my friends
Yesterday I recived the last of eight gifts I won in the "One world one heart" blogparty.
I am so  thankfull for this wonderful opportunity to get to know other people from all over the world, and of cause happy to have won this awesome items.

But what has been left, beside the gifts that some of us did win.
I felt that the world is a much smaller place than I thought before.
I learned that the other participiants from all over the world are just like me.
Creative, passionat, careing, silly and crazy.
But since friday I feel that the world as we know it is falling into pieces.
I know, that my blog-friend Bella is from Japan, she lived there. I hope so much that her family and friends are well and save.

But thousands of men, women and children aren´t. People just like us.
I can´t watch TV without crying.
No matter how far away Japan might be from your country, this is a global catastrophy.
What those people go through is beyond all bearings.
And this can happen everywhere to everybody.
I hope with all my heart that the leaders of this world will learn to work together for the benefit of the people and mother earth.

It might seem shallow to talk about being a lucky winner, but I really want to introduce the blogs to you and to say thank you.
From  I got a lot of small collage items, some really cool stams and a lovely card. gave me this absolutly awesome fabric- collage.
From I got a great butterfly- magnet, an awesome brooche and a great pendant.  had that pretty butterfly watercolour- painting for me.
From  I got that little sweet house- collage
Some really cool fabric asnd a very sweet little felt- acorn I recived from  send me cat earings and a pendants. It is a wonderful matching set 
From   I got a sweet little teddy, and best of all I could choose the colour.
Thank you Ladys, thank you so much.

I am hoping for the best
I know, so do you

Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011

Winner of OWOH

Hello my friends.                         wasn´t this a great event. I loved to learn so much about other bloggers from all over the world, and there are so many blogs more, wich I follow now. But to make it short, here is my winner.
It is Anni from Denmark.
Her Blog is called "Fabric Art". Check that out.
Congrats to Anni and thanks to all the 225 people who took part in my giveaway.

Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011

One World One Heart ♥ Welcome to my world !

Hello my friends,
and hello to all the visitors that might come to see my little world.
For those who don´t know me yet, you can see that I do a lot of things. I love to paint, to draw, to sew, I love woodturning and I love to play around with new materials and technics.
This is my first time that I take part in OWOH, and I am glad to be able to join ´this great event.
OWOH is a great occasion to learn more about other bloggers and to share art and friendship.
My giveaway is a little acrylic painting on wood, showing a little scene from my german homeland.
I will pull the winners name out of the hat on Feb. 17.
I wish you a great time joining the event.

Samstag, 17. Oktober 2009

A Hauntingly Magical Celebration

Hallo meine Lieben,
heute ist die große Blogparty von a fanciful twist. Es ist der 17.10.2009 und wir haben 0.00 Uhr.
Jeder Teilnehmer postet etwas zur Party. Also schaut bei a fancyful twist vorbei und habt viel Spaß. Es machen eine Menge Leute mit. Dies ist meine erste Halloween- Blogparty und ich weis nicht, was die anderen zu schreiben haben....... Ich mach es so, ich schreibe welche Vorbereitungen ich für eine gelungene Halloweenparty für unabdingbar halte.
Viel Spaß
Hello my friends,
today is the big blogparty of a fanciful twist. It is the 17th of October 2009 and it is 0.00 o´clock. Every partier posts a halloween- party-post. So check it out at a fancyful twist and enjoy it. Lots of people join it.
It is the first blog-party for me, and I don´t know what the others will wright....... I do it like this;  I tell you what preparations I think are necessary for a fabulous halloween- party.
Have fun

Wenn ihr zu einer Party geht, müßt ihr natürlich großartig aussehen, nur dann fühlt ihr euch auch so.
Habt Mut aufzufallen und verzichtet auf keinen Fall auf einen Hut. Je auffallender, desto besser.
When you go to a party, you have certainly to look phantastic, just then you can feel great.
Don´t be afraid to stand out and don´t go without a hat. The flashier, the better.
Es ist wichtig mit den richtigen Leute zu feiern, das heißt die Leute die einem wichtig sind und die man mag.
Wenn Leute auf der Party sind, die ekelig sind und die ihr nicht leiden könnt, dann macht sie betrunken und stiftet sie an, etwas peinliches zu tun. Das wird eure Laune heben und vielleicht sind die Ekelpakete nachher viel netter.
It is important to invite the right people, that means the people that are important to you and that you like.
If there are disgustful people at the party, whom you detest, then make them drunk  and abet them to do something distressing. That will lift your spirit and the crock might be much nicer afterwards.

Sorgt für die richtige Atmosphaere, sonst kann keine Stimmung aufkommen. Kerzen sind wunderbare Stimmungsmacher, solange sie nicht in der Nähe von wehenden Gardine aufgebaut werden.
Wenn eure Gäste johlend um ein Feuer stehen und "Burning down the house" singen, habt ihr etwas falsch gemacht.
It is important to have the right atmosphere, otherwise you won´t get in the right mood to party. Candles are wonderful to create the right mood, as long as they are not beside waving curtains. If a crowd of your guests are standing around a fire singing "Burning down the house", something went wrong.

Die richtigen Elexiere sind absolut wichtig. Ich empfehle Mojitos, Bloody Marys, White Russians und so weiter. Ihr könnt auch etwas mit Krötenschleim und Mäusedreck anbieten, aber ich bezweifle, dass das so gut ankommen wird.
The right potions are very important. I approve Mojitos, Bloody Marys, White Russians and so on.
You can give toad- slime and mice-dung a try, but I daubt that your guests embrace it.

Nach dem Genuß diverser Tränke bietet es sich an, etwas zum Essen anbieten zu können. Ich empfehle Kürbis- Suppe die wunderbar zur Jahreszeit und dem gegebenen Anlass paßt und auch von pummeligen Hexen bedenkenlos gegessen werden kann, weil sie nicht viele Kalorien hat. Außerdem ist sie vegetarisch und damit etwas für jedermann.
After the consumption of several drinks, it is a good idea to have a soup to offer. I approve the pumpkin- soup wich fits wonderful to the season and the occasion. It can be eaten unconsidered even by chubbily whitches, cause it hasn´t a lot of calories. By the way, it is without meat and so it can be enjoyed by everybody.
Nach diesen wertvollen Hinweisen kann doch nichts mehr schief gehen, oder?
Ich wünsche eine tolle Halloween Party.
After this precious hints nothing can go wrong, can it?
I wish you a gorgeous party.