- Introduction
- Release Highlights
- Known Issues
- Credits
- Test Results
Apache jclouds 2.3.0 is a first major release after a long period of time.
In this release we have focused on modernizing the codebase and upgraded many dependencies which should help users with more modern environments.
You can read the official announcement here. To get started with jclouds, please see the jclouds installation guide.
Release Highlights
New features in Apache jclouds 2.3.0 include:
- Upgradings Guava, Guice, and GSON dependencies
Bugs and patches
- [JCLOUDS-912] - GCS uploads with InputStream payloads are not working
- [JCLOUDS-1470] - Vulnarable Guava dependency dragged from jclouds-driver
- [JCLOUDS-1529] - NullPointerException in org.jclouds.json.gson.internal.JsonReaderInternalAccess.INSTANCE
- [JCLOUDS-1533] - Using Azure SAS Token unable to upload the file specific folder in the container
- [JCLOUDS-1538] - Expires header value is incorrectly formatted in S3 upsert requests
- [JCLOUDS-1543] - list() results are not in order when using withDetails
- [JCLOUDS-1544] - Unable to build javadoc with JDK >= 8
- [JCLOUDS-1547] - Google InputStream blob upload ignores MD5
- [JCLOUDS-1552] - AWSError#parseAWSErrorFromContent attempts to parse the response even if there is none
- [JCLOUDS-1559] - ParseJson is using the system's default charset to parse HTTP responses
New Feature
The complete list of fixed issues and improvements can be found here.
Known Issues
jclouds would like to thank everyone who contributed time and effort in order to make this release happen:
- Apache jclouds PMC and community for verifying the release.
- Check out who has been busy on Open Hub.
Test Results
Please see the discussion and the vote threads for live test results for 2.3.0: