The following is the list of providers that are supported by the jclouds API.
The Maven Group ID for all supported providers below is org.apache.jclouds.provider. Providers in labs (denoted by *) are under org.apache.jclouds.labs.
Provider | Maven Artifact ID | ISO 3166 Codes |
CloudSigma HI* | cloudsigma2-hnl | US-HI |
CloudSigma NV* | cloudsigma2-lvs | US-NV |
CloudSigma FL* | cloudsigma2-mia | US-FL |
CloudSigma CA* | cloudsigma2-sjc | US-CA |
CloudSigma DC* | cloudsigma2-wdc | US-DC |
CloudSigma CH* | cloudsigma2-zrh | CH-ZH |
DigitalOcean | digitalocean | |
Dimension Data* | dimensiondata-cloudcontrol | |
ElasticHosts HK | elastichosts-hkg-e | HK |
ElasticHosts GB | elastichosts-lon-b | GB-LND |
ElasticHosts GB | elastichosts-lon-p | GB-LND |
ElasticHosts US | elastichosts-lax-p | US-CA |
ElasticHosts US | elastichosts-sat-p | US-TX |
ElasticHosts US | elastichosts-sjc-c | US-CA |
ElasticHosts AU | elastichosts-syd-v | AW-NSW |
ElasticHosts US | elastichosts-tor-p | CA-ON |
Go2Cloud | go2cloud-jhb1 | ZA-GP |
GoGrid | gogrid | US-CA,US-VA,NL-NH |
Google Compute Engine | google-compute-engine | |
Microsoft Azure* | azurecompute | AU-NSW,AU-VICBR,HK,IE,JP-11,JP-27,NL,US-CA,US-IA,US_IL,US-VA,US_TX,SG |
Microsoft Azure Resource Manager* | azurecompute-arm | AU-NSW,AU-VIC,BR,CA-ON,CA-QC,CN-BJ,CN-SH,HK,IE,IN-GA,IN_MH,IN-TN,JP-11,JP-27,NL,US-CA,US-IA,US_IL,US-VA,US_TX,SG |
OpenHosting | openhosting-east1 | US-VA |
ProfitBricks | profitbricks | DE-BW,DE-HE,US-NV |
Packet* | packet | US-CA,US-NJ,NL,JP |
ProfitBricks REST v3* | profitbricks-rest | DE-BW,DE-HE,US-NV |
Rackspace UK (First Gen) | cloudservers-uk | GB-SLG |
Rackspace US (First Gen) | cloudservers-us | US-IL,US-TX |
Rackspace UK (Next Gen) | rackspace-cloudservers-uk | GB-SLG |
Rackspace US (Next Gen) | rackspace-cloudservers-us | US-IL,US-TX |
ServerLove | serverlove-z1-man | GB-MAN |
SkaliCloud | skalicloud-sdg-my | MY-10 |
SoftLayer | softlayer | SG,US-CA,US-TX,US-VA,US-WA, NL,HK,NSFTW-IL,AU,CA-ON,GB |
You can also set the context property [Artifact ID].endpoint
to use the following APIs for your private cloud.
The Maven Group ID for all supported APIs below is org.apache.jclouds.api. Providers in labs (denoted by *) are under org.apache.jclouds.labs.
Provider | Maven Artifact ID |
Abiquo* | abiquo |
AWS | ec2 |
Bring Your Own Node | byon |
CloudSigma* | cloudsigma |
CloudStack | cloudstack |
Docker | docker |
ElasticStack | elasticstack |
OpenStack | openstack-nova |
Vagrant* | vagrant |
The Maven Group ID for all supported providers below is org.apache.jclouds.provider. Providers in labs (denoted by *) are under org.apache.jclouds.labs.
Provider | Maven Artifact ID |
AWS | aws-s3 |
Backblaze B2 | b2 |
Google Cloud Storage | google-cloud-storage |
Microsoft | azureblob |
Rackspace US | rackspace-cloudfiles-us |
Rackspace UK | rackspace-cloudfiles-uk |
You can also set the context property [Artifact ID].endpoint
to use the following APIs for your private cloud.
The Maven Group ID for all supported APIs below is org.apache.jclouds.api. Providers in labs (denoted by *) are under org.apache.jclouds.labs.
Provider | Maven Artifact ID |
Atmos | atmos |
S3 | s3 |
Filesystem | filesystem |
OpenStack | swift |
The Maven Group ID for all supported providers below is org.apache.jclouds.provider. Providers in labs (denoted by *) are under org.apache.jclouds.labs.
Provider | Maven Artifact ID |
AWS Elastic Load Balancer* | aws-elb |
Rackspace UK | rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk |
Rackspace US | rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us |