Friday, December 11, 2009

Giveaway #4 until December 14th...(CLOSED)

Christmas is here, and as we all know, that means trying to find gifts for family and friends. If you are looking for gift ideas that are different, fun, and meaningful - then I have the perfect solution for you. Matthew Toone just published a book entitled: Great Games! 175 Games & Activities for Families, Groups, & Children. This book is literally full of fun game and activity ideas for people of all ages, groups of all sizes, and there are games for any category or setting.

Discount: To purchase Great Games! 175 Games & Activities for Families, Groups, & Children at 40% discount, click here.

You can enter to win a copy of Great Games! 175 Games & Activities for Families, Groups, & Children up to THREE times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, Matthew Toone is going to create a second edition of 'Great Games'. He is looking for people to send him a one paragraph response about a time when they played games with their family or friends and it created a fun memory, strengthened relationships, or simply brought their family closer together. If your submission is one of the three chosen to be in the book, you will receive a free copy of 'Great Games'. If you would like to send in a paragraph, please send it to [email protected]. You must tell him you were sent by Give Away Today. If you decide to send him a paragraph, you receive a second entry. In a NEW comment, please tell us your first and last name and "Paragraph".
Example: Jane Doe: Paragraph

For a third entry, add Give Away Today's button to your blog. You can find it here. Once you have added it, or if it is already on your blog or website, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and Button.
Example: Jane Doe: Button

The winners of the Great Games! 175 Games & Activities for Families, Groups, & Children will be announced Monday, December 14th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 324   Newer›   Newest»
Super Random Girl said...

Nilanthi King

Anonymous said...

Chatti Stavast

Unknown said...

Elisa Hutchings

Ludmilochka said...

Lyudmila Sizova

Jenny said...

Jenny Rekeweg

Laura Waltz said...

Laura Waltz

Laura Waltz said...

Laura Waltz: button

Lisa Ashby said...

Lisa Ashby

Anonymous said...

Tami Madsen

John and Debbie said...

Debbie Lee

Dave and Tricia Folsom Family Fun said...

Tricia Folsom - Button

April and Michael Maughan said...

April Maughan

Mom's Place said...

Amber Anderson

DizzyLizzy said...

Elizabeth Olson

J, K, L, and D said...

Katie Harrison

J, K, L, and D said...

Katie Harrison: button

J, K, L, and D said...

Katie Harrison: paragraph

Anonymous said...


Lani said...

Lani Wilkinson: button

O family said...

Michele Ondra: button

Jessica said...

Jessica hansen: Button

Jenn said...

Jennifer Elton: Button

O family said...

Michele Ondra: paragraph

Doty Family said...

Brandy Doty: Got your button!

TRogers said...

Tara Rogers

Catherine said...

Catherine Tanner: paragraph

Catherine said...

Catherine Tanner: Button!

Rachel said...

Rachel Cultice

Anonymous said...

Rachel Nelson

Catey said...

Catey BAll

The Jolley Family said...

Britney Jolley: Button

Huber Family said...

Jessica Huber

Katie and Alice said...

Katie Fermin

Katie and Alice said...

Katie Fermin: Button

Ashley Davidson said...

Ashley Davidson: Button

Sherry said...

Sherry winckel

Melanie said...

Melanie Spendlove: Button for blog

PerfectBlueMoon said...

Anna Roberts: Button

Anonymous said...

Ashley Lown

Kendra said...

Kendra Wright: button

Anonymous said...

Ashley Lown - paragraph

Anonymous said...

allesha rasmussen

Chelsey said...

Chelsey Long

Lacy said...

Lacy McDonald

Lisa said...

Lisa Gettler: Button

Telsha Winger & fam said...

Telsha Winger- button

monica said...

Monica Blood

Sweet Mommy Dreams said...

carrie lim

Annette said...

Annette DeFries

Anonymous said...

Leslie Bloomquist

Kelly Spence said...

Put your button on my blog

Adam and Sarah said...

Sarah Freitas: button

Anonymous said...

Whitney Hyer

linda said...

Linda Muir:button

Kelly, Carrie, Kylie and Zachary said...

carrie ovard - button

Aubrey said...

Aubrey Seeholzer

Anonymous said...

rita barriga

Jeremiah Burns said...

Kara Burns : Button

Jill said...

Jill Greenwood

Traci said...

Traci Bird: Button

Heidi said...

Heidi Kartchner

Heidi said...

Heidi Kartchner

Shelli said...

Shelli Kennington

Jumanji said...

Jami Sorensen

Unknown said...

tiffany kimble

KT said...

Katie Yates

Christiann said...

Christiann Griffin: button

Anonymous said...

Danna Gray

Eric Rogers said...

Sarita Rogers: button

Erin said...

Erin Engler

Julie said...

Julie Scott- Button

Anonymous said...

Lisa Topham

Anonymous said...

Lynnea Hamatake

Camille said...

Camille Colon

Janelle said...

Janelle Dudley; button

Anonymous said...

Tracy Murri

christa said...

Christa Brower: Button

girlsmama said...

Jessica Ribble

reddquilter said...

Becky Lambert

Sweetpeas said...

LaRee Brown: I love the Christmast plaid flower clip!

robcallfamily said...

Lindsay Call

Amanda said...

Amanda Bradshaw - button

Unknown said...

amy pugmire: button

We Krazy Knuts said...

Sheri Knutson, button

whitney said...

whitney shafer

Anonymous said...

Kelly Roper

Anonymous said...

Anna Richins

Kimberly said...

Kimberly Pueblo: button

Anonymous said...

Trisha Bracken

The Bucks said...

Megan Buck: Button

Caught a fish said...

Kate Fish: paragraph

Anonymous said...

Leslee Kitchen

Anonymous said...

Chelsey Lucero

Anonymous said...

Chelsey Lucero - Button

Tiff said...

Tiffany Arnold

BBC said...

beka clement

Ashley Calaway said...

Ashley Calaway

Ashley Calaway said...

Ashley Calaway: Button!

Amanda Butterfield said...

Amanda Butterfield: Button

Ashley said...

ashley harper: button

Ashley said...

ashley harper: paragraph

Margo said...

Margo Murphy

Jaime said...

Jaime Larsen

Rebecca said...

Rebecca Varney

Melissa said...

Melissa Burr

Melissa said...

Melissa Burr: button

Laura said...

Laura Wilkinson: button

Katelyn said...

katelyn andersen

Melody said...

Melody Nartker

Melody said...

Melody Nartker: Button

Katelyn said...

katelyn andersen: button

Anonymous said...

Miranda MEtekingi

Sara said...

Sara Brown
[email protected]

Mak said...

Melissa Philips: Button

The Lucksters said...

Kellie Jorgensen-Paragraph

The Lucksters said...

Kellie Jorgensen-Button

Kristen said...

Kristen Preston

googlebug said...

Jeni Wilson: Paragraph

Caleen Boyter said...

Caleen Boyter

lori.plott said...

perfect for my 8 year old.

The Vimahi's said...

Michelle Vimahi

joeybelle said...

Geoffrey Dickinson

Shan said...

Sharylann Smith: Button

Sandy said...

Sandy White: button

Sandy said...

Sandy White: paragraph

Julie said...

Julie Schmidt

Sam and Josh said...

Samantha holt:button

Alex said...

Alexandria Gigantone

Unknown said...

Katherine Shores

Unknown said...

Katherine Shores: button

Julie said...

Julie Schmidt - Button

Jill said...

Jill Green

Karyn said...

Karyn Ormston

Stephanie R. said...

stephanie rutledge
[email protected]

Loraleigh said...

Loraleigh Anderson

Holly said...

Holly Lang: paragraph

Gage said...

krista gage

Vee said...

Brookeh Call: Button

Anonymous said...

Melina Moore

evitafjord said...

Dawn Young

RaeAnne said...

RaeAnne Saunders

Anonymous said...

Danny Meaders

Anonymous said...

Deanne Saunders

Erin said...

Erin Crandall

Anonymous said...

shauna rawlings

Tricia said...

tricia little

Tricia said...

tricia little: paragraph

Kami said...

Kami Davenport

Becky said...

becky fitch

(me)linda said...

Melinda Hough

Maygen said...

Maygen Richards

Maygen said...

Maygen Richards

Danielle said...

Danielle YOung

Danielle said...

Danielle Young: button

Donna Hainsworth said...

Looks like fun

Bess Family said...

Teresa Bess

Crystal said...

Crystal Adams - Button

Crystal said...

Crystal Adams - Paragraph

Kristen M said...

Kristen Mason

Kristen M said...

Kristen Mason: button

Lindsay said...

Lindsay shore

easleyfamily said...

Amy Easley

Jessica :) said...

Jessica Harwood: Button

Aspen said...

Aspen Casper

Aspen said...

Aspen Casper: button

Amber said...

Amber Higgins

Becky J. said...

Becky Jensen

Becky J. said...

Becky Jensen: Button

Nicole said...

Nicole Hatch

This is me said...

Susan Hilverda

Andrea, Mrs. said...

Andrea Hales

Andrea, Mrs. said...

Andrea Hales: button

Brian or Tricia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Torrie said...

Torrie Smith

Amy and Brent and our lives said...

Amy Dickie

aimee said...

Aimee Wade

Heather O'Donnell said...

Heather ODonnell

Sarah and Cam said...

Sarah Browne

Sarah and Cam said...

Sarah Browne- Button

Beth said...

Beth Jensen

Beth said...

Beth Jensen: Button

Anonymous said...

Brittney Rollins

Anonymous said...

Brittney Rollins: button

Anonymous said...

Brenda Finlinson

Anonymous said...

Laurence Grenier-Laroche.

Cory & Kimmy said...

kimmy freeman

Anonymous said...

Amy Hill

Emily said...

Emily Tatton: button

joylyn said...

Joylyn Twitchell

Chris said...

Chris Harrison

Heather W. said...

Heather Ward

tomiannie said...

Tomi Ann Hill

Anonymous said...

Dianna Fillmore

Anonymous said...

Janel Case

Smith Family said...

Aimee Smith

Jodi said...

Jodi Brown: Button

Anonymous said...

Carolyn Bahl

alma and nicole smith said...

nicole smith

Anonymous said...

Melanie Rogers

Erin said...

Erin Sandler

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 324   Newer› Newest»