Showing posts with label Jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewelry. Show all posts

Monday, December 14, 2009

Today, December 14th, we are Giving Away...(CLOSED)

A Jewel Tone Necklace Cluster with a 30-inch Chain and Matching Jewel Tone Band from Beads, Bangles, and Bands

Beads, Bangles, and Bands would like to thank all of their customers for making this year so great. They have been featured several times in the past on Give Away Today and have received wonderful response from all of the followers here. They would like to thank all of you for helping to make their business successful by giving away one of their latest creations. They will be giving away a jewel tone necklace cluster with a 30 inch chain and matching jewel tone band.

Be sure to check out their NEW Charm Necklaces! They have several designs to choose from with more to come. Beads, Bangles, and Bands also has a custom design option. Charm clusters attach to a chain necklace with a lobster clasp. The custom design lets you create your own color combinations to coordinate with your watch band or your outfit. My friend Ally has a charm cluster. And I do believe I compliment her on it each and every time she wears it.

You may choose up to seven different colors or styles of beads. Beads, Bangles, and Bands suggests selecting a base color like black or silver to be mixed in your cluster. Click here to start creating your own personal necklace! The Chain is extra. The exciting part is that they also include the necklace clusters as part of their punch card system. You can now mix and match watch bands and charm necklaces for the buy 5 get 1 free!

Beads, Bangles and Bands will be accepting orders for delivery by Christmas up until Dec. 16th, however their printable gift certificates will be available through Christmas Eve. Just place your order and select (email) Your gift certificate will be emailed to you so that you may print it, wrap it, or put it in a card. So if you need an extra stocking stuffer or something to even things out, or for a last minute gift don't forget gift certificates in several price ranges. The recipient will be able to use it on their "after Christmas sale" Hint, hint. . . if you want one for yourself tell someone you love about Beads, Bangles, and Bands.

You can enter to win the jewel tone necklace cluster with a 30 inch chain and matching jewel tone band from Beads, Bangles, and Bands up to FOUR times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Jane Doe

For a second entry, visit Beads, Bangles, and Bands online store here and check out all of their great jewelry. Then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the item you wish you owned from Beads, Bangles, and Bands.
Example: Jane Doe: So my cute mom had me and each of my sisters pick out a watch from Beads, Bangles, and Bands and then she bought them for us. I thought it would be fun to show you what we picked. Lisa and Me, Kris, Traci, and Amy. I'm tellin' ya, they have something for everyone.

For a third entry, did you have nice weekend? We hope so. But even if you didn't we want to hear about it. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you did this weekend.
Example: Jane Doe: My husband and I tried something we have never done before--a couple's massage! For Father's Day I gave him a couple's massage to Sego Lily Day Spa. Holy smokes--have you ever done this before? It was heaven. And I'll admit, I was afraid he wouldn't like it, but he really liked it. A lot.

For a fourth entry, join Beads, Bangles, and Bands mailing list here (it's at the bottom of the page). This will give you the "in" on all of their newest products, current promotions, and their upcoming events. After you have joined, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Joined"
Example: Jane Doe: Joined

The winners of the items from Beads, Bangles, and Bands will be announced tomorrow, Tuesday December 15th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Giveaway #2 Until December 14th...(CLOSED)

A Darling Damask Lime/Black Double Bracelet from The Chunky Pearl

I like ‘em big
I like ‘em chunky
I like ‘em big
I like ‘em plumpy
I like ‘em round
With something, something
Do you hear our sound

We think they're funky

What isn't there to like at The Chunky Pearl? It is the place to find unique handmade jewelry. The bracelets and necklaces have a mix of creative, embellished beads that add style to any outfit! The Chunky Pearl has a variety of jewelry, from "vintage" to "modern" to "all pearls," The Chunky Pearl has something for everyone. Custom orders available!

DISCOUNT: The Chunky Pearl is offering FREE Shipping to the Give Away Today readers until December 15th! You must enter "give away today" in the instructions to buyer- or e-mail them "give away today." Your shipping total will be refunded to your paypal account within 24 hours!

No matter where it is you reside, you can enter to win a darling damask lime/black double bracelet from The Chunky Pearl up to THREE times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit The Chunky Pearl's website here. Look at their unique jewelry and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and something you wish you owned from The Chunky Pearl.
Example: Jane Doe: I seriously cannot decide. I love the Jane, Hazel, and the Roxie (to name a few)

For a third entry, become a follower of Give Away Today on the right-hand side bar. Once you have become a follower or if you already follow, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Follow"
Example: Jane Doe: Follow

The winner of the bracelet from The Chunky Pearl will be announced Monday, December 14th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today, December 8th, we are Giving Away...(CLOSED)

A $30.00 Gift Certificate to Lush Boutique

For my mom's 60th birthday my sisters and I surprised her by taking her to Salt Lake City for dinner, shopping, and to spend the night at a hotel.

A couple of days before our big "Girl's Night Out" I received the most stunning turquoise necklace, bracelet, and earrings from Lush Boutique. I was very excited to wear them with my sisters and mom while we shopped in Salt Lake.

When I walked out adorning my new jewelry from Lush Boutique, my sister said, "Oh my gosh, you look model-ish!"
The girl who was once told she looked like a young Jodie Foster in Freaky Friday?

I don't recall ever being told I looked model-ish. And that's when I decided, when someone tells you you look model-ish, you take it and run, baby. And then you tell others about the brilliant jewelry you were wearing at the exact moment someone told you you looked like a model. Ish.

And so here it is.

The Very Lovely Jewelry from Lush Boutique.

I have decided that it is important to own a few really nice pieces of jewelry.

Some that are classic.

Some that go with everything.

And some that you can pass onto your daughters or nieces.

Lush Boutique offers exactly this type of jewelry (and no, that is not me in the above image). They specialize in fresh and chic handmade jewelry at an affordable price. Their favorite materials to use are turquoise, sterling silver, semi-precious gems, pearls, and basically anything else that is gorgeous. Lush Boutique offers affordable jewelry that is timeless and fashionably chic.

The owner of Lush Boutique says, "I love designing jewelry that makes beautiful women feel even more beautiful."
Or perhaps even, let's say, model-ish?

FREE SHIPPING!! That's right, Lush Boutique is offering the readers of Give Away Today Free Shipping! The discount will be good through December 15th, and readers can receive it by using the code "GiveAwayToday" in the notes during checkout.

Today Lush Boutique is giving away a $30 gift certificate. Regardless of where in the world you live, you may enter to win up to FOUR times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Lush Boutique's website here. Once you have looked around, return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would spend your $30.00 on if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I would use my gift certificate towards The Koi -- Green and Blue Turquoise Coin Necklace--so pretty!

For a third entry, last week we asked you to tell us something nice someone has done for you at Christmas time. Today, in a NEW comment, tell us your first and last name and something nice you have done in the past or plan on doing this year for someone for Christmas.
Example: Jane Doe: Last year we did the Twelve Days to Christmas to someone. It was a lot of fun and our kids loved it! Only not-fun part? We were out of town one night and asked someone to deliver the present for us. When she was backing out of the driveway she got in a car accident. It cost $500 (and the person we did it for was staring at her out his window as the cops filed the police report, etc. Needless to say, he became a bit suspicious.)

For a fourth entry, become a Facebook Fan of Lush Boutique here. Once you have become a fan, return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Facebook Fan"
Example: Jane Doe: Facebook Fan

The winner of the gift certificate from Lush Boutique will be announced tomorrow, December 9th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to enter to win our giveaway from DownEast Basics. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Until December 7th we are Giving Away Products from FIVE Different Companies...(CLOSED)

GIVEAWAY #1: An Item of Choice to One Lucky Winner
from The Shabby Thread

I've got a confession to make. I want to look cute on Christmas Day. In fact, it is one of those days that I plan (far in advance) what me and my children (and sometimes even my husband) will be wearing. You know, photos will be snapped, distant relatives will be seen, and all will be having a gay ole' time. So why not look good?

This year on Christmas Day I will be wearing the above bib necklace from The Shabby Thread. Why? Because I like it.
It's unique, fun, and it pops.

The Shabby Thread is a rare site where you can find the latest fashion statement piece, bib necklaces, as well as chic headbands, hair clips, and leather cuff bracelets, all inspired by the hot fabric-floral trend. They have a variety of colors, textures, and a range of styles from shabby chic to formal! Bib necklaces are the season's must have, and can add style and color to almost anything, including: tunics, sweaters, dresses, blouses, t-shirts, cardigans, etc. Ask about custom ordering with your wedding colors, and have the most classy, unique, and stylish bridal party yet! Check out their new exclusive line of toddler & girl's bib necklaces, and even order mommy & daughter coordinating sets.

Today one lucky winner will win an item of choice from The Shabby Thread. If you live in the US or Canada, go ahead and enter to win up to THREE times.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit The Shabby Thread's website here and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the item you would like if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: I think choosing just one item from The Shabby Thread is nearly impossible. But if I must, I would want The Flirty Bib Necklace. I also have to say that I love the model's red hair. My niece has red hair and I think it is beautiful.

For a third entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you did last night.
Example: Jane Doe: My friend Jamie had an ornament exchange party. I had never been to one before and wasn't quite sure what to expect, but it was really fun! I received 60 handpainted ornaments from the students of Union Middle School. Their teacher had them paint them as part of an assignment and she brought them to give away. The ornaments are very bright and colorful and will be a lovely addition to our tree.

The winner of the item of choice from The Shabby Thread will be announced Monday, December 7th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Today, December 3rd, we are Giving Away...(CLOSED)

One "All is Well" Necklace,
One Necklace of the Winner's Choice,

and One Pair of Madame Bagley Earrings

from Crystal B Handcrafted Jewelry

The other day I went to lunch with a group of ladies to celebrate one of our friend's birthday. I was sitting by my friend Katrina when another friend said, "Where did you get your earrings?" I had on my red Eliza button earrings from Crystal B so I was positive she was talking to me.

But no, she was not talking to me.
She was talking to Katrina.
I couldn't believe it!

Every time I wear my Elizas someone comments on them and I was astonished that another pair of earrings had upstaged my precious Elizas.
But my shock was only momentarily as I turned and noticed that Katrina was wearing my exact same button earrings from Crystal B, in brown.
At this point Katrina and I both went on and on about how much we love Crystal B Handcrafted Jewelry and how we wish we could own every single item she offers.

Take a look at Crystal B's gorgeous vintage jewelry and you will understand why:




Goes with Everything



My sister also loves Crystal B's jewelry and has purchased several pieces. She recently gave her husband Crystal B's website url and told him to pick something out for her and surprise her on Christmas morning. I love this idea! You give him the idea, yet you still get a surprise.

Today Crystal B is giving away One "All is Well" Necklace, One Necklace of the Winner's Choice, and One Pair of Madame Bagley Earrings. This contest is open worldwide. If you are 18 years old or older, you may enter to win up to FOUR times.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Crystal B's shoppe here. After you have looked at her beautiful jewelry, please return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and something you wish you owned from Crystal B.
Example: Jane Doe: I would like the Madame Farrer Bracelet. Because, once again, it would go with nearly every outfit.

For a third entry, jewelry makes a great gift; therefore, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and a piece of jewelry that you can find here from Crystal B Handcrafted Jewelry that you would like to give to a friend or family member. You can include the person's first name.
Example: Jane Doe: I would love to give Coke, Sherrill, Sarah, and Brittany the Mrs. Cushing necklace as they all are or all have been a "Cushing"

For a fourth entry, speaking of giving, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and something nice someone has given or done for you for Christmas.
Example: Jane Doe: My husband, two small children, and I lived in Germany a few years ago. One morning just before Christmas there was a knock at the door. We opened it to find a dragon for my son and a doll for my daughter sitting on the doorstep. Nobody was there and there was not a note attached. We shut the door. A few minutes later there was another knock on the door. I opened it to find my mom, my dad, and my niece standing there. I was completely shocked! I honestly thought it was a dream. Surprises are so hard to keep, yet they had managed to travel thousands of miles without my knowledge to give me the best Christmas present I could have received that year.

The winners of the items from Crystal B will be announced tomorrow Friday, December 4th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaways. Thanks!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today, December 2nd, we are Giving Away...(CLOSED)

One Small Bird Pendant
One Special Order Pendant
One Clear Beveled Glass Pendant
From Glitzy Glass Stars

So I love this boutique by my house.
But, darn it, their prices are way too high for my little budget!
That's why when I found Glitzy Glass Stars, I was very excited.
Nay, not just excited, but exuberant.
Because they offer the same beautiful, high-quality jewelry as the boutique by my house.
For half the price.

I have ordered some of Glitzy Glass Stars' products for myself.

And to give to friends.

Glitzy Glass Stars does not disappoint.

If you are on the look-out for a Christmas gift for one of those hard-to-buy-for folks, look no further. This glass star would be a perfect Christmas gift for parents, grandparents, or as a gift to yourselves to add a little light and color to your window (P.S. that's Jen, the cute owner of Glitzy Glass Stars).

Glitzy Glass Stars also loves to create "special orders" in which they make something specific to meet the needs of a particular individual. All you need is a picture and Glitzy Glass Stars can make it into a beautiful piece of jewelry.

Like this special necklace and bracelet Glitzy Glass Stars created for someone whose love one had passed away. Now they can keep their loved one close to their heart at all times.

I already told you Glitzy Glass Stars has great prices, but for you dear reader, they would like to make them even greater. If you comment on the first entry of Glitzy Glass Star's blog, they will wave the "special order fee" OR if you mention in an email when you place your order that you found Glitzy Glass Stars through Give Away Today you will receive a 15% DISCOUNT. If you have wanted a lovely pendant necklace or bracelet, today would be the day to get it.

Today Glitzy Glass Stars is giving away THREE different items.
One winner will receive a Clear Beveled Glass Pendant of choice and size
One winner will receive a Small Bird Pendant of Choice (you will need to know to visit the "Portfolio" to find picture of birds)
And one winner will win a Special Order Pendant (winner gets to choose either a pendant bracelet or pendant necklace).

If you sing The Star-Spangled Banner or Oh Canada as your national anthem, you may enter to win this giveaway up to FOUR times.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Glitzy Glass Star's website here. You can view their products by clicking on "Portfolio" or "Glitzy Pendants" on the menu bar. After you have looked around, return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and one of their products you wish you owned or could give to someone else.
Example: Jane Doe: I would get the Bracelet for Me and For You. So many things I could do with this. One, place old childhood photos of my parents and grandparents in it. Two, place pictures of my children in it. Three, place a picture of me and each of my siblings in it and give it to my mom for Christmas. The possibilities are endless.

For a third entry, we will be sending out our monthly newsletter soon. Therefore, on the right-hand bar, please subscribe to Give Away Today. Once you have subscribed or if you have already subscribed in the past in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Subscriber".
Example: Jane Doe: Subscriber

For a fourth entry, become a Facebook Fan of Give Away Today here. Once you become a Facebook Fan or if you are already a fan in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Fan"
Example: Jane Doe: Fan

The winners of the items from Glitzy Glass Stars will be announced tomorrow Thursday, December 3rd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today, November 24th, we are Giving Away....(CLAIMED)

A $40.00 Gift Certificate from Stella & Dot

Ready to see some gorgeous jewelry?


Well then.




Our featured company today, Stella & Dot, offers this (and many other) unique and beautiful rings.

They also sell these Classic Silver Earrings. Every gal should own a pair. Why? Because they go with everything!

I'm dying over this necklace from Stella & Dot. I want to wear it to every holiday party I attend this year. And to church. And to lunch with the ladies. And to, well, let's just say, the possibilities are endless.

Charm your mother, your sister, your friend, or yourself this Christmas with any of Stella & Dot's stylish charms.

Stella & Dot's jewelry pieces are handmade by artisans in couture houses in India and China. It’s all about the cut! Beautiful gemstones get even prettier when cut by expert hands.

Each piece has a 90 day guarantee (Heirloom pieces are lifetime guarantee) and shipping is direct to the customer—only $5.95 no matter how much you order—when placed through a trunk show.

All pieces are either .925 Sterling Silver, 14k, 18k or 24k gold-plated and/or vermeil finish.
Vermeil is .925 Sterling Silver dipped in 14k gold.

So there you have it, folks, beautiful jewelry from Stella & Dot. And today, just for you our dear readers, consultant Tahnie Woodward is offering an automatic additional $75 in FREE jewelry to anyone who hosts a trunk show from November 28-30 or December 15th-December 30th. Tahnie is located in Utah, but if potential hostesses are outside of Utah, she can easily set up a virtual online trunk show and orders for Christmas delivery can be placed as late as December 21st. So host a trunk show, show off some of Stella & Dot's beautiful jewelry to some of your best gals, and earn $75 in free jewelry. You can find Tahnie's contact information here.

Today consultant Tahnie Woodward is giving away a $40 Gift Certificate to Stella & Dot. Anyone over the age of 18 living in the United States of America can enter to win this giveaway up to FOUR times.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Stella & Dot's website here. Look at all of they have to offer and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and something you would like from Stella & Dot's.
Example: Jane Doe: I would love these. Right here. I need some gold accessories.

For a third entry, last week I read that a medium tub of popcorn and soda at the movies equals three Quarter Pounders and 12 pats of butter!! Ouch--really? Because I pound that stuff when I go to the movies. Therefore, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and a naughty food in which you like to indulge.
Example: Jane Doe: First off, I read that report on Friday, saw 2012 in the theater on Saturday, and yet what did I still order and eat? Yeah, that's right, a medium tub of popcorn. I did refrain from ordering a soda, though. So I'm hoping my caloric intake was only equal to two quarter pounders that night. My other guilty pleasure which comes in the form of food? Chocolate chips. I had to remove all chocolate chips from my home. Whenever I have a craving I begin popping chocolate chips into my mouth like there's no tomorrow. Mama needs her sugar!

For a fourth entry, please do one of the following. You can either become a follower of Stella & Dot consultant Tahnie Woodward's blog here OR you can become a fan of her Facebook Page here. Once you have done one of these things, return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and whether you became a Follower or a Fan.
Example: Jane Doe: I became a Follower.

The winner of the $40 Gift Certificate from Stella & Dot will be announced tomorrow, Wednesday, November 25th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our THANKSGIVING GIVEAWAYS. Thanks!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

GIVEAWAY #2 for November 19th...(CLOSED)

First & Girl is Giving Away a necklace, a pair of earrings, and lapel pin to ONE BYU fan and ONE Utah Fan

First & Girl is a site and boutique dedicated to the female fan that believes there's no reason you can't look gorgeous on game day!

Recently, First & Girl received the licensing to design and manufacture jewelry for BYU, the U of U, and Utah State, and it's now finally available at their boutique. Their necklaces, earrings and lapel pins are unique, pretty, affordable, feminine, and makes a fantastic gift for any girl that bleeds RED:

or BLUE:

Today First & Girl would like to do a giveaway in honor of the nationally recognized and VERY heated rivalry game coming up on November 28th (the Wall Street Journal has ranked the BYU-Utah football rivalry as the fourth-best in the country).

You have got to know a female football fan (even if it is yourself) who would love to wear this beautiful jewelry with pride. Therefore, First & Girl would like to give the readers of Give Away Today a 10% DISCOUNT off any order from now until December 18th. Use the code "firsttime10" at check-out. Wouldn't this jewelry be a fun and unique Christmas gift for the BYU or U of U fan in your life?

Today First & Girl will be giving away a complete set of the jewelry (a necklace, a pair of earrings, and lapel pin) to one Utah fan and a complete set to one BYU fan. If you reside in the United States or Canada, you can enter to win up to FOUR times today.

For one entry, visit First & Girl's website here. Then in a comment tell us your first and last name and the university's jewelry you would like if you are our winner.
Example: Jane Doe: One of us here at Give Away Today is TRUE BLUE and one of us bleeds RED.

For a second entry, who is the biggest female football fan you know? Let her know about today's great giveaway taking place at Give Away Today. Once you have done this, in a NEW entry tell us your first and last name, and the name of the person you told and who you are rooting for.
Example: Jane Doe: Jenny is by far the biggest football fan I know. And the cool thing is, she also helps to prepare women for the Miss Utah Pageant. She is a football fan, yet a lady, which makes her very fun and interesting, indeed. One of us here is going for the Utes, one for the Cougs.

For a third entry, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you believe the final score of the BYU vs U of U game will be. Tell your friends to visit our site today and tell us their predictions too because are you ready for this? Anyone who guesses it right will win a pair of earrings for the school of their choice (if you are a Utah State fan, we will send you USU earrings) from First & Girl. After the game, we will go through the comments and gather the names of all who guessed the final score correctly. We will then post the names on Give Away Today on December 1st. However, after the game, if you know you picked the right score, you can also email [email protected] to receive your free earrings.
Example: Jane Doe: From our UofU fan here at GAT: Utah: 21; BYU: 17
From our BYU fan--BYU: 31; Utah: 21

For a fourth entry, do you know people who attend the University of Utah, Brigham Young University, or Utah State University? If so, tell those people about today's great giveaway taking place on (you may want to add that they can win free earrings if they guess the final score correctly). After you have told your peeps, in a NEW comment leave your first and last name, the names of the people you told, and if you are a Cougar or a Ute.
Example: Jane Doe: I emailed Landon, Heather, Stephanie, Kersha, and told a whole bunch of other people on Facebook and Twitter

The winners of the jewelry set from First & Girl will be announced tomorrow Friday, November 20th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today, November 12th, we are Hosting our NEW MOON Give Away Day with Products from SIX Different Companies...(CLOSED)

GIVEAWAY #1: A Twilight-Themed Watch from Which Watch Designs

Show your vampire pride (or your sassy side) with this sizzlin' hot watch band from Which Watch Designs! It is made with assorted black & red acrylic beads, black agate, red jade, & silver plated beads. A Large Tank face in All Black will be included as well (as shown in the picture).

DISCOUNT: Buy four watch bands, get one free.

Regardless of where you reside, you can enter to win this cool watch from Which Watch Designs up to THREE times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Which Watch Design's website here. Look at vast array of watches and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and a watch you wish you owned from Which Watch Designs.
Example: Jane Doe: This summer I was at a BBQ and my friend had on the cutest watch. I asked her where she got it and she said it was the Fruitcake band from Which Watch Designs.

For a third entry, subscribe to Give Away Today's newsletter on the right-hand side. Once you have done this or if you have already subscribed in the past, in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and the words "Subscribed".
Example: Jane Doe: Subscribed

The winner of the Twilight watch from Which Watch Designs will be announced tomorrow, November 13th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!

NEW MOON GIVEAWAY #3 for November 12th...(CLOSED)

Crystal B Handcrafted Jewelry is Giving Away one "Wolf Pack" Necklace

Are you Team Jacob?

Or Team Edward?

You never know, you may change your mind after you see New Moon. Because c'mon, have you seen Jacob jump over Ella as he transforms into a werewolf--oh man!!

You Edwards fans might just change your minds once New Moon is over!

DISCOUNT: Crystal B. is offering FREE SHIPPING the day of the giveaway. You must enter the code: newmoon in the "instructions to buyer" box at the time of purchase.

Today Crystal B. is giving away one "Wolf Pack" necklace to anyone in the world who is 18 years or older (FYI: you must be 18 years or older to enter any of our giveaways). You can enter to win Crystal B's giveaway up to THREE times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Crystal B's website here. Look at her gorgeous vintage jewelry and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and a piece of her jewelry you would like to own.
Example: Jane Doe: You already know how much I love her jewelry! I just ordered some of her dainty flower earrings. I especially love the Mademoiselle Abi earrings found here. And just so you know, we will be featuring Crystal B again in December.

For a third entry, become a Facebook Fan of Give Away Today here. Once you become a Facebook Fan or if you are already a fan in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Fan"
Example: Jane Doe: Fan

The winner of the necklace from Crystal B. Handcrafted Jewelry will be announced tomorrow, November 13th. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Today, November 2nd, we are Giving Away...(CLOSED)

A $30.00 Gift Certificate to One Winner and
a Pair of Stamped Initial Earrings to Another
from Lora
Elizabeth Stamped Jewelry

Do you like secrets?

Good. Because we have one to tell you.

Are you ready? Come in close. A little closer. Okay, here we go:
The month of November at Give Away Today is going to be AMAZING!!

We are going to show you so many great gift ideas and give you so many awesome discounts just in time for the holiday season. You will not want to miss a single day. So please, visit us each and everyday and enter to win. After all, someone has to win and it may as well be you! And on a similar note, someone has to use the awesome discounts, so that may as well be you too.

Why don't we start this eleventh month off with a bang?
Well then here we go:

Lora of Lora Elizabeth Stamped Jewelry began creating stamped jewelry out of necessity, really. She wanted to find a way to provide extra income for her family while being able to stay at home with her children (ages 7, 6, and 2 1/2 year old twins.) She quickly became passionate about creating quality jewelry for people as she saw how much they treasured these sentimental pieces.

One such piece that every mother would cherish:

Lora's kids love to sit in her lap and find their own name on her necklase. Lora handstamps, oxidizes, and polishes all her pieces. Many are hand-cut and filed as well.

Lora realizes there are many companies that make hand stamped jewelry but one thing that sets her apart is that she has always featured a "cause" necklace (and sometimes two.) The "cause" necklace on her site benefits a charity, family in need, or the community through her giving it's profits away to help others. As the mother of a child with a chronic illness, Lora has been so blessed through others. She feels like this is one small way she can pay it forward.

DISCOUNT ALERT: Lora Elizabeth Stamped Jewelry is offering free shipping to the readers of Give Away Today who reside in the US. To redeem, choose "store pickup" on the Paypal shipping choices and then in the comments write "GAT".

Today Lora Elizabeth Stamped Jewelry is giving a $30.00 gift certificate to one lucky winner and a pair of stamped initial earrings (valued at $16.00) to another. Regardless of where you reside, you can enter to win today's giveaway up to FOUR times.


For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit Lora Elizabeth Stamped Jewelry here. Look at their gorgeous stamped jewelry and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and a product you would like.
Example: Jane Doe: I would love to get the "Survivor" necklace for my friend who is a survivor of breast-cancer. I would also love to get my mom a necklace for Christmas.

For a third entry, become a Follower of Lora Elizabeth Stamped Jewelry on her website here. You can do so on the right-hand side bar. Once you have become a Follower return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Follower".
Example: Jane Doe: Follower

For a fourth entry, did you have a nice weekend? We sure hope so. In a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you did this past weekend.
Example: Jane Doe: We had a fantastic Halloween weekend! On Saturday we had our friends over for dinner, Trick-or-Treating, and movies. We tried to make homemade root beer for the first time. First off I bought the dry ice on Thursday and they told me to keep it in a brown paper sack in an open cooler. So that's just what I did. When my husband went to retrieve it from the basement on Saturday all he found was a brown paper sack. Apparently dry ice doesn't last two days? And then to top it off, there was another major mix-up with the root beer in which someone read "3-1/2 CUPS of water" instead of "3-1/2 GALLONS of water". In other words, it tasted like syrup and the entire concoction got poured down the drain. Maybe next year!

The winners of the gift certificates and earrings from Lora Elizabeth Stamped Jewelry will be announced Tuesday, November 3rd. Please visit us tomorrow to see if you are one of our winners and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!

Friday, October 30, 2009

GIVE AWAY #2: Bead Girls(CLOSED)

A Pair of Earring to THREE Different Winners from The Bead Girls

Do you love gorgeous jewelry like I do? It can make an outfit go from forgettable to fabulous. That's why I am so excited to feature The Bead Girls today.

The Bead Girls unique designs are garnished with the finest materials. Each piece is handmade of sterling silver or 14K gold filled findings, Swarovski crystals and pearls, Bali silver, semi-precious stones, and freshwater pearls. Their designs are meant to fit women of all shapes and sizes as well as tastes!

Most of The Bead Girls' pieces are one of a kind pieces or limited designs. However, they will be happy to customize any pieces to fit your specific needs.

DISCOUNT: Free shipping.

Today The Bead Girls are giving away a pair of earrings to THREE different winners. If you have a place where they can mail you the earrings if you are the winner, you can enter to win up to THREE times today.

For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment.
Example: Jane Doe

For a second entry, please visit The Bead Girls here. Look at all of their gorgeous jewelry and then return to Give Away Today and in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and what you would like from The Bead Girls.
Example: Jane Doe: I love the Multi-flower necklace (aqua). So much so, that I used it for the first image in this post. It's the one up there. All the way at the top.

For a third entry, become a Facebook Fan here. Once you become a Facebook Fan or if you are already a fan in a NEW comment tell us your first and last name and "Fan"
Example: Jane Doe: Fan

The three winners of the pair of earrings from The Bead Girls will be announced Monday, November 2nd. Please visit us then to see if you are our winner and to discover our new giveaway for the day. Thanks!