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Starred repositories
enigdata / pytorch_nlp
Forked from pytorch/textData loaders and abstractions for text and NLP
Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch, new feature implementation
wyona / triton-client
Forked from triton-inference-server/clientTriton Python, C++ and Java client libraries, and GRPC-generated client examples for go, java and scala.
mono / skia
Forked from google/skiaSkia is a complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images.
neptune-ai / metaflow
Forked from Netflix/metaflow🚀 Build and manage real-life data science projects with ease!
kontext-tech / winutils
Forked from cdarlint/winutilswinutils.exe hadoop.dll and hdfs.dll binaries for hadoop windows
pityka / saddle
Forked from saddle/saddleSADDLE: Scala Data Library
alexeyr / tokenizers
Forked from huggingface/tokenizers💥Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production
mullerhai / tf_hmm
Forked from akpradhn-zz/tf_hmmHidden Markov Models (Gaussian emissions) in Python 3 using Tensorflow (forward-backward and expectation-maximization algorithms)
mullerhai / ConvCaps-DR
Forked from jpviguerasguillen/ConvCaps-DRA keras (Tensorflow) implementation of an updated version of (Deep) Capsule Networks with Dynamic Routing (DR) and Expectation-Maximization algorithm (EM).
Method usage counter implemented in Scala 3 using TASTy and Spark
ainoam / clearml-agent
Forked from pollfly/clearml-agentClearML Agent - ML-Ops made easy. ML-Ops scheduler & orchestration solution
karllessard / tensorflow-models
Forked from tensorflow/modelsModels and examples built with TensorFlow
for milvus tutorial
sjyttkl / MAML-TensorFlow
Forked from dragen1860/MAML-TensorFlowFaster and elegant TensorFlow Implementation of paper: Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks
mullerhai / sttp
Forked from softwaremill/sttpThe Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
mullerhai / hopsworks
Forked from logicalclocks/hopsworksHopsworks - Data-Intensive AI platform with a Feature Store
Deep Neural Networks Improve Radiologists' Performance in Breast Cancer Screening
victor-paltz / JFaiss-CPU
Forked from Mbompr/JFaiss-CPUFaiss bindings for Java
Scala-based Keras API for the Java bindings to TensorFlow. Mirror of https://codeberg.org/sciss/tensorflow-keras-scala
ChanZany / Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book
Forked from dragen1860/Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book深度学习开源书,基于TensorFlow 2.0实战。Open source Deep Learning book, based on TensorFlow 2.0 framework.
ChanZany / pytorch-tutorial
Forked from yunjey/pytorch-tutorialPyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
ChanZany / practicalAI-cn
Forked from MLEveryday/practicalAI-cnAI实战-practicalAI 中文版
analog-garage / carla
Forked from carla-simulator/carlaOpen-source simulator for autonomous driving research.
mullerhai / gradoop
Forked from dbs-leipzig/gradoopDistributed Graph Analytics with Apache Flink
shaoliangliang1996 / pyBKT
Forked from CAHLR/pyBKTPython implementation of Bayesian Knowledge Tracing and extensions