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July 1946

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July 1, 1946: Bikini Atoll and 73 ships nuked
July 4, 1946: U.S. grantes the Philippines independence
July 22, 1946: 91 killed in Zionists bombing of Jerusalem's King David Hotel
July 6, 1946: Future U.S. President George W. Bush born to future U.S. President George H.W. Bush and future First Lady Barbara Bush
July 25, 1946: First underwater nuclear explosion

The following events occurred in July 1946:

July 1, 1946 (Monday)

  • At 8:59 am and 45 seconds local time, Operation Crossroads was carried out as a fleet of 73 retired and unmanned ships were destroyed, sunk or damaged by an atomic bomb. The test took place at the Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific Ocean to observe what a nuclear weapon could do to American warships. It was only the fourth time in human history that a nuclear explosion had taken place. For the first time, news reporters and representatives of the rest of the world's nations had been invited. The explosion took place at 2159:45 UTC on June 30 (5:59 pm EST). The transport USS Gilliam, closest to the blast, and USS Carlisle sank immediately, while the destroyer USS Lamson was capsized.[1] The heavily armored Japanese ship Sakawa sank the next day.[2] Animals on the USS Burleson died of radiation poisoning over the weeks after initially showing normal bloodcounts.[3]
  • The Communicable Disease Center (CDC), a federal agency now known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began operations in Atlanta as a branch of the United States Public Health Service, initially as a domestic program to eradicate malaria.[4]

July 2, 1946 (Tuesday)


July 3, 1946 (Wednesday)


July 4, 1946 (Thursday)

President Roxas
  • The Republic of the Philippines was born, and Manuel Roxas was inaugurated as its first president. Forty-eight years after the United States had first claimed the islands as an American territory, U.S. President Harry S. Truman issued a formal proclamation that "On behalf of the United States of America, I do hereby recognize the independence of the Philippines as a separate and self-governing nation and acknowledge the authority and control over the same of the government instituted by the people thereof, under the constitution now in force." Present at the raising of the Philippine flag were General Douglas MacArthur and U.S. Senator Millard Tydings, and Emilio Aguinaldo, who had begun the fight for independence in 1898.[9]
  • The Kielce pogrom took place in Poland, where more than 40 residents of Kielce's Jewish neighborhood were murdered by a mob, without intervention by the police. Walenty Blaszczyk guided police to the Jewish section of the town after saying that his 8-year-old son had escaped after being held hostage by a group of Jews,[10] Forty years later, the boy, now a retired 59-year old pensioner who was still living in Kielce, told a Polish government inquest that his father had told him to lie to the police in order to justify the murders.[11]
  • Born:

July 5, 1946 (Friday)

  • At the Piscine Molitor in Paris, model Micheline Bernardini became the first woman to wear a two-piece swimsuit created by designer Louis Réard. In an homage to the site of the atomic bomb test earlier in the week, Reard named the garment the bikini.;[12]
100,000,000,000,000,000 pengős
  • As inflation in Hungary spiraled out of control, the national bank in Budapest put into circulation an unprecedented note of currency, a bill for one hundred quintillion (100,000,000,000,000,000) pengős.[13]
  • Leo Durocher, the manager of baseball's Brooklyn Dodgers, first uttered what would become a famous phrase, after the New York Giants beat them 7–6 to rise from last place to 7th in the National League. Frank Graham, a reporter for the Journal-American, wrote in his Sunday column that Durocher had pointed to the Giants' dugout and said, "The nice guys are all over there, in seventh place." Durocher recalled the remark nearly 30 years later as "Take a look at them. All nice guys. They'll finish last." The remark continued to be paraphrased, and in April 1948, Cosmopolitan magazine published an article about Durocher with the title "Nice Guys Finish Last".[14]
  • Born: Gwyneth Powell, British TV actress known for Grange Hill; in Levenshulme, Lancashire

July 6, 1946 (Saturday)

George W. Bush, Sylvester Stallone and Fred Dryer, born July 6, 1946

July 7, 1946 (Sunday)


July 8, 1946 (Monday)

  • The Soviet military government in Austria began deporting 54,000 persons who had moved there from Germany following the 1938 Anschluss, after setting a deadline of 6:00 am the day before.[24]
  • Died: Orrick Johns, 59, American writer, by suicide

July 9, 1946 (Tuesday)


July 10, 1946 (Wednesday)


July 11, 1946 (Thursday)

  • At the meeting in Paris of the foreign ministers of the four Allied powers who were carrying out the post-war Occupation of Germany, U.S. Secretary of State James F. Byrnes proposed an economic merger of the occupation zones. The United Kingdom agreed on July 29, and the American and British zones would become the "United Economic Area", informally referred to as "Bizonia", on January 1, 1947. The French zone would join in 1949, and the three areas would become West Germany later that year.[28]
  • Born: Ed Markey, American politician, U.S. Senator for Massachusetts since 2013; in Malden, Massachusetts[29]

July 12, 1946 (Friday)


July 13, 1946 (Saturday)

  • Seven United States Marines were taken prisoner in China's Hebei Province by Communist forces, at the village of Hsinanchuang, near Qinhuangdao.[32] A truce team secured the men's release after eleven days.[33]
  • Born: Cheech Marin, American actor and comedian as Richard Anthony Marin in Los Angeles
  • Died:

July 14, 1946 (Sunday)

  • The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care, by pediatrician Benjamin Spock, was published for the first time and would become an immediate bestseller as a guide to bought by millions of parents for the raising of their children.[34] A contemporary review, published in The New York Times on the day of the book's release by the Duell, Sloan and Pearce publishing company, began with the sentence, "You know more than you think you do", and advised parents not to adhere to strict rules that had been given in previous child care guides.[35]
  • The "Boudreau shift" was first employed by Lou Boudreau, manager and shortstop for the Cleveland Indians, in the second game of doubleheader against the Boston Red Sox. After Boston's Ted Williams hit three home runs to beat Cleveland 11–10, Boudreau moved all four infielders and two outfielders to the right side of the field when the left-handed Williams came to bat again. The Indians still lost, 6–4.[36]
  • Born: John Wood, Australian TV actor (Blue Heelers)

July 15, 1946 (Monday)

  • A loan of 3.75 billion dollars to the United Kingdom, at 1.62 percent interest, was approved 46–34 by the United States Senate, after the House had voted 219–155 in its favor. By July 15, 1947, "within six months of convertibility of sterling requirements coming into force", noted one historian later, "British gold and dollar reserves were exhausted. With bankruptcy staring it in the face, the Attlee government made plans for a severe austerity program at home and a strategic retrenchment abroad."[37]
  • President Truman presented the Presidential distinguished unit citation banner to the members of the 442nd Regiment of the U.S. Army, in a White House ceremony. Truman praised the regiment, made up of Japanese-American citizens, "for victory over both the enemy and over prejudice".[38]
  • Born:
  • Died: Wen Yiduo, 46, Chinese poet and activist, was assassinated hours after he delivered the eulogy at a funeral for Li Gongpu.[39]

July 16, 1946 (Tuesday)


July 17, 1946 (Wednesday)

  • After formerly being limited to general elections only, African Americans voted in a primary election in Georgia for the first time, with more than 100,000 turning out to decide on the Democratic Party nominee for Governor.[42] Although the black vote was a factor in James V. Carmichael getting more votes than former Governor Eugene Talmadge (314,421 to 305,777), Talmadge won the nomination anyway, based on the state's "county unit" system, similar to an electoral vote.[43] Talmadge won the general election in November, but died a month later before he could be inaugurated. The unit vote system was later abolished.[44]
  • A plane crash in Ecuador killed all 26 passengers and 6 crew members on board. The Andesa Airlines flight from Guayaquil, piloted by two Americans, struck a hillside while attempting a landing at Cuenca.[45]
  • Born: Gerald Gallego, American serial killer, in Sacramento (d. 2002)
  • Died: Gen. Draza Mihailovic, 50, and 8 other Chetniks were executed by a firing squad in Belgrade, after being convicted of collaborating with German invaders during World War II.

July 18, 1946 (Thursday)


July 19, 1946 (Friday)

  • Introduced for the first time and endorsed by President Truman, the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution, failed to pass the U.S. Senate. Although the vote was 38–35 in favor of the proposal, a 2/3 majority was required for passage.[47]
  • Born: Ilie Năstase, Romanian tennis player, #1 in the world 1973–74, winner of U.S. Open, Wimbledon and French Open 1972–73; in Bucharest

July 20, 1946 (Saturday)

  • The "Report of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack" was released. Chaired by U.S. Senator Alben W. Barkley, with U.S. Representative Jere Cooper as vice-chairman, the ten member committee had voted 8–2 to approve the finding that "The committee has found no evidence to support the charges, made before and during the hearings, that the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War, or the Secretary of Navy tricked, provoked, incited, cajoled, or coerced Japan into attacking this Nation in order that a declaration of war might be more easily obtained from the Congress",[48] and assigned blame to the highest-ranking officers in Hawaii at the time, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short. U.S. Senators Homer Ferguson and Owen Brewster dissented, saying that President Roosevelt and his military advisors "were just as responsible for the nation's worst military disaster".[49]
  • Born: Leonard Lake, American serial killer, in San Francisco (d. 1985)

July 21, 1946 (Sunday)


July 22, 1946 (Monday)

  • The King David Hotel in Jerusalem was bombed by the Zionist terrorist group Irgun, collapsing a section of the building and killing 91 people. At 12:37 pm,[53] 350 kilograms (770 lb) of gelignite explosives were detonated at the headquarters of the British Mandate for Palestine. The 91 dead were made up of 28 British nationals, 41 Palestinian Arabs, 17 Jewish residents, and five hotel guests from other nations.[54] Members of Irgun had smuggled the bomb material into the hotel in seven milk cans, and claimed later that they had telephoned a warning which had been ignored by the Chief Secretary, Sir John Shaw.[55]
  • Born:

July 23, 1946 (Tuesday)

  • The last German prisoners of war in the United States were released, as 1,385 POWs were placed on the ship General Yates, following detention at Camp Shanks in New York. In all, there had been 375,000 German prisoners kept in the U.S. at the end of World War II.[56]
  • The Zaibatsu, the Japanese corporations that had financed that nation's war effort, were abolished by imperial order. Many of the corporations began to be reconstituted in 1953.[57]

July 24, 1946 (Wednesday)


July 25, 1946 (Thursday)

  • In the first underwater test of the atomic bomb, the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga was sunk near Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. The "Baker Test" blast took place at 8:35 am local time, and vaporised the 200-foot-long (61 m) weapons ship USS LSM-60, located directly above the bomb, and immediately sank the USS Arkansas.[60] In all, three submarines and seven ships were destroyed in the test.[61] The test was the second phase of Operation Crossroads.
Martin and Lewis

July 26, 1946 (Friday)

  • The U.S. Office of Price Administration, authorized to act after a 25-day lapse in its activities, issued orders restoring price controls, but at a higher effectively raising prices on thousands of items sold in the United States. Under the "OPA Revival Act" that had been signed by President Truman the day before, food prices would not be controlled again until August 20.[65]

July 27, 1946 (Saturday)


July 28, 1946 (Sunday)

  • Howard C. Petersen, the Assistant Secretary of War, announced that, in addition to deaths in combat, 131,028 American and Filipino citizens, mostly civilians, had died "as a result of war crimes" from December 7, 1941 until the end of World War II. The group included 91,184 Filipino civilians and 595 American civilians who had been killed as a result of "murder, cruelty and torture, starvation and neglect, or.. other assaults and mistreatment".[67]
  • Born: Linda Kelsey, American actress (Lou Grant), in Minneapolis
  • Died: Alphonsa Muttathupadathu, 35, Indian nun

July 29, 1946 (Monday)

  • The “Anping Incident” occurred in Anping, Hebei Province, where United States forces allied with Chiang Kai-Shek’s nationalist bandit troops clashed with the communist People's Liberation Army. No agreement was reached as to who initiated the conflict. The United States claimed the Communist People's Liberation Army, totalling 300 troops, ambushed a supply convoy of 41 United States Marines. The CCP states the U.S. troops were invading a liberated area resulting in their troops defending the city.[68] In the battle that followed, four Americans[69] and at least fifteen Chinese died.[70]
  • Air India began operations under that name after the reorganization of Tata Airlines.[71]
  • Born: Ximena Armas, Chilean painter, in Santiago

July 30, 1946 (Tuesday)

  • The passenger ship MV Vipya capsized in a storm while traveling on Lake Nyasa near Chilumba in Malawi, drowning 145 of the 194 passengers and crewmen on board. The ship, built by the same company that had constructed RMS Titanic, was only on its fourth trip. Reportedly, the ship's captain refused to return to shore when the vessel began taking on water.[72]
  • Born:

July 31, 1946 (Wednesday)

  • Working under the codename of the Venona project, American cryptanalyst Meredith Gardner was able to make the first breakthrough in a team project to crack the secret codes used by the Soviet Union in its espionage activities in the United States. After his successful decryption of one encoded phrase within intercepted telegrams, the team was able to deconstruct more of the coded transmissions.[73]
  • The Morrison-Grady Plan, proposed by Herbert Morrison of Britain and Henry F. Grady of the U.S., providing for the division of Palestine into three districts, with 17% of the land set aside for up to 100,000 Jewish immigrants, 40% for Palestinian Arabs, and 43% for a neutral zone under British control. The plan was endorsed by President Truman and Prime Minister Attlee, but Jewish and Arab groups both rejected the proposal.[74]


  1. ^ "SPECTACULAR ATOM BOMB BLAST SINKS TWO SHIPS, DAMAGES 20", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 1, 1946, p1
  2. ^ "Jap Cruiser Sinks After Atomic Blast", Post-Gazette, July 2, 1946, p1
  3. ^ "Atom Test Animals Melt Away", Post-Gazette, July 15, 1946, p3
  4. ^ "Our History — Our Story", Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  5. ^ "Roots in the Sand", pbs.org; Barbara Mercedes Posadas, The Filipino Americans (Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999) p26
  6. ^ "Younger Nazis Given Pardons In U.S. Zone", Post-Gazette, July 3, 1946, p4
  7. ^ Murray Levine, The History and Politics of Community Mental Health (Oxford University Press US, 1981) p43
  8. ^ "Communist Named Czech Premier" Miami Daily News, July 4, 1946, p1
  9. ^ "Republic of Philippines Born Amid Rubble of War- Roxas Sworn In As First President" St. Petersburg Times, July 4, 1946, p1
  10. ^ "The Kielce Pogrom" by Bozena Szaynok, Jewish Virtual Library; "40 Die in Attacks on Polish Jews; False Story by Boy, 8, Starts Riots", Pittsburgh Press, July 5, 1946, p1
  11. ^ "Remembering the Pogrom of Kielce", Chicago Tribune, May 24, 1996, p1
  12. ^ "The bikini turns 60 -- and still looking good", Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, June 11, 2006 Claudia Mitchell and Jacqueline Reid-Walsh, Girl Culture (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008) p182
  13. ^ "More Valueless Money", Pittsburgh Press, July 5, 1956, p17
  14. ^ "On Language", by William Safire, New York Times, October 27, 2002
  15. ^ "British Fight Mob in Trieste" Milwaukee Sentinel, July 7, 1946, p2
  16. ^ Bill Minutaglio, First Son: George W. Bush and the Bush Family Dynasty (Random House, Inc., 1999)
  17. ^ John Sarkett, Extraordinary Comebacks: 201 Inspiring Stories of Courage, Triumph and Success p143 (Sourcebooks, Inc., 2007)
  18. ^ Biography for Fred Dryer at IMDb
  19. ^ "U.S. Nun Elevated To Sainthood By Pope", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 8, 1946, p1
  20. ^ Phyllis G. Jestice, Holy People of the World: A Cross-cultural Encyclopedia, Volume 3 (ABC-CLIO, 2004), p153
  21. ^ "Riots Mark End of Vote In Mexico", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 8, 1946, p1
  22. ^ "Episcopalians, Presbyterians Map Merger", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 8, 1946, p1
  23. ^ Robert P. Watson, ed., Laura Bush: The Report to the First Lady 2005 (Nova Publishers, 2005) p146
  24. ^ "Boxcars Used In Austrian Mass Eviction", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 9, 1946, p1
  25. ^ Tom Meany, Baseball's Greatest Hitters (A.S. Barnes, 1950)
  26. ^ Hyperinflation: Mugabe Versus Milosević
  27. ^ Azad, Abul Kalam (2005) [First published 1959]. India Wins Freedom: An Autobiographical Narrative. New Delhi: Orient Longman. pp. 164–165. ISBN 978-81-250-0514-8 The resolution was passed with an overwhelming majority ... Thus, the [A.I.C.C.] seal of approval was put on the Working Committee's resolution accepting the Cabinet Mission Plan ... On 10 July, Jawaharlal held a press conference in Bombay ... [when questioned,] Jawaharlal replied emphatically that the Congress had agreed only to participate in the Constituent Assembly and regarded itself free to change or modify the Cabinet Mission Plan as it thought best ... The Moslem League had accepted the Cabinet Mission Plan ... Mr. Jinnah had clearly stated that he recommended acceptance.
  28. ^ Detlef Junker and Philipp Gassert, The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945–1990 (Cambridge University Press, 2004) p61
  29. ^ "About ed | U.S. Senator ed Markey of Massachusetts".
  30. ^ "Hungary Kills Pengo To End Its Rise", Chicago Tribune p13
  31. ^ Robert A. Brady Crisis in Britain: Plans and Achievements of the Labour Government (University of California Press, 1950) p110
  32. ^ "Seven Marines Kidnapped", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 16, 1946, p3
  33. ^ "Truce Team Wins Freedom of Marines", Deseret News (Salt Lake City), July 24, 1946, p5
  34. ^ "How Dr Spock gave parents a new way to bring up baby", by Marea Donnelly, The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), July 12, 2016
  35. ^ "First-Aid to Parents", book review by Catherine Mackenzie, New York Times, July 14, 1946
  36. ^ William Marshall, Baseball's pivotal era, 1945–1951 (University Press of Kentucky, 1999) pp 330–331; "Indians Use Trick Defense in Trying to Halt Williams", Pittsburgh Press, July 15, 1946, p17
  37. ^ tewart Patrick, Best Laid Plans: The Origins of American Multilateralism and the Dawn of the Cold War (Rowman & Littlefield, 2009) p161
  38. ^ "Truman Cites Nisei Unit", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 16, 1946, p3; William Pencak, ed., Encyclopedia of the Veteran in America, Volume 1 (ABC-CLIO, 2009) p250
  39. ^ Mark Willhardt, ed., Who's Who in Twentieth-Century World Poetry (Routledge, 2002) p341
  40. ^ David A. Adams, Renewable Resource Policy: The Legal-institutional Foundations (Island Press, 1993) p74
  41. ^ Carl E. Van Horn and Herbert A. Schaffner, Work in America: An Encyclopedia of History, Policy, and Society (ABC-CLIO, 2003) p501
  42. ^ "100,000 Negroes Vote In Orderly Georgia Primary" St. Petersburg Times, July 18, 1946, p 1
  43. ^ "Talmadge Wins But Carmichael Gets Most Votes", St. Petersburg Times, July 20, 1946, p1; "GEORGIA: Comfortable Again", TIME Magazine, July 29, 1946
  44. ^ Pippa Holloway, Other Souths: diversity and difference in the U.S. South, Reconstruction to Present Day (University of Georgia Press, 2008) p 244
  45. ^ "Ecuador Plane Crash Kills 32", Los Angeles Times, July 18, 1946, p 5
  46. ^ University website Archived 2009-03-08 at the Wayback Machine
  47. ^ "Equal Rights Bill Rejected", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 20, 1946, p1; Cynthia Harrison, On Account of Sex: The Politics of Women's Issues, 1945–1968 (University of California Press, 1989) p22
  48. ^ Text of report
  49. ^ "Pearl Probers Give Roosevelt Clean Slate", Pittsburgh Press, July 21, 1946, p1;
  50. ^ "PRESIDENT OF BOLIVIA KILLED", St. Petersburg Times, July 22, 1946, p1; "BOLIVIA: Death at the Palace", TIME magazine, July 29, 1946
  51. ^ "Bread Rationing on Sunday", Glasgow Herald, July 19, 1946, p5
  52. ^ "The Fabulous Phantom" (Wings Magazine, December 1985), reprinted in The Best of Wings Magazine (Brassey's, 2001), p234
  53. ^ Richard Worth, The Arab-Israeli Conflict (Marshall Cavendish, 2006) p36
  54. ^ "54 Die, Many Hurt By Bomb In Palestine" St. Petersburg Times, July 23, 1946, p1; Harvey W. Kushner, Encyclopedia of Terrorism (SAGE, 2003) pp 180–181
  55. ^ Deborah Hart Strober and Gerald S. Strober, Israel at Sixty: A Pictorial and Oral History of a Nation Reborn (John Wiley and Sons, 2008) p64
  56. ^ "Huge Staging Area Becomes Ghost Town", Reading (PA) Eagle, July 23, 1946, p3; John Hammond Moore, The Faustball Tunnel: German POWs in America And Their Great Escape by (Naval Institute Press, 1978) pp 238–241
  57. ^ Edwin M. Martin, The Allied Occupation of Japan (Stanford University Press, 1948) p78
  58. ^ "Soviet Rejects U.S. Proposal to Control Atom", Chicago Tribune, July 25, 1946, p1; Robert Jungk, Brighter Than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1970) p250
  59. ^ "No joke: Gallagher swinging his sledgehammer one last time", by Ben Montgomery, Tampa Bay Times, March 24, 2013
  60. ^ "BOMB BLASTS MILLION TONS OF WATER 9,000 FEET INTO AIR", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 25, 1946, p1
  61. ^ Eric Croddy and James J. Wirtz, Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Encyclopedia of Worldwide Policy, Technology and History, Vol. 2 (ABC-CLIO, 2005) p30
  62. ^ Jerry Lewis with James Kaplan, Dean and Me: A Love Story (Random House, Inc., 2005) p1
  63. ^ "Armed Mob Slays 4 Georgia Negroes", Spokane Daily Chronicle, July 26, 1946, p1
  64. ^ Laura Wexler, Fire in a Canebrake: The Last Mass Lynching in America (Scribner, 2003)
  65. ^ "REVIVED OPA INCREASES MANY PRICES", Spokane Daily Chronicle, July 26, 1946, p1
  66. ^ M.P. Ajithkumar, India-Pakistan Relations: The Story of a Fractured Fraternity (Gyan Books, 2006) p53; S. M. Ikram, Indian Muslims and Partition of India (Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 1995) p389
  67. ^ "Thousands Slain By Japs, War Crime Survey Shows", St. Petersburg Times, July 29, 1946, p3
  68. ^ Xixiao, Guo (February 2001). ""The Anticlimax of an Ill-starred Sino-American Encounter"". ChiehfangJih Pao. p. 2. Retrieved February 21, 2024.
  69. ^ Marines KIA China 1945–1947 Archived 2004-06-18 at the Wayback Machine
  70. ^ "Three Marines Killed in China", Berkeley Daily Gazette, July 31, 1946, p1
    "Chinese Communists Acknowledge Battle With Marines, Call Upon Americans to Quit Country", Schenectady (NY) Gazette, August 2, 1946, p1
    George B. Clark, Treading Softly: U.S. Marines in China, 1819–1949 (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001) pp 153–154
  71. ^ Pradeep Kumar Johri, Encyclopaedia Of Tourism In 21St Century (Anmol Publications 2005) p49; Air India history Archived 2010-06-08 at the Wayback Machine
  72. ^ Philip Briggs, Malawi, 5th ed., (Bradt Travel Guides, 2010) p288; "Disaster in Africa", Eugene (OR) Register-Guard, August 2, 1946, p3
  73. ^ Peter Grose, Operation Rollback: America's Secret War Behind the Iron Curtain (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2001) p88
  74. ^ Michael B. Oren, Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present (W. W. Norton & Company, 2007) p487; H.H. Ben-Sasson A History of the Jewish People (Harvard University Press, 1976)