Let's get started!
1. Dissolve about 1/4 cup soda ash in about 1 qt. of hot water. Presoak bathing suit in this solution for about 5
2. Wring and hang dry.
3. Arrange bathing suit over shibori pole (like the pole is wearing the suit).
4. Using the unwaxed dental floss securely taped to the top of the pole,
begin wrapping floss around the pole and suit about 1/4" apart.
5. Keep wrapping around pole, pleating suit wherever your choose-the more
pleats the more texture you will have.
6. With your fingers, slide the tightly wrapped section of the suit up the pole as snugly together as it
will go. Hold onto the floss because your wrapping must be tight.
7. Continue wrapping and sliding the fabric up the pole until all the suit is tightly pleated.
8. Mix up 3 colors of dye, about 1/2 teas. of each into a plastic cup with about a teaspoon of water
to make a paste to dissolve the dye. Once you have dissolved the paste, add about a 1/2 cup of water.
9. Using first color, paint a section of the suit with one dye color,
paint next section with second color, and paint third color onto next section. Repeat colors until you have
painted the entire piece.
10. Set pole aside to batch overnight.
11. Untie or cut floss, sliding suit off the pole and rinse in cool running water until water runs almost clear.
12. Wash with dyer's detergent in hot water and rinse again. You can run this through a small cycle of your washing
machine or you can do this by hand. Let dry or put into dryer.