Tips & Tricks for Managing Efficient WordPress Websites

One of the easiest CMS engines to learn is WordPress. They have a free service where newbies can sign up to learn the system without committing to a full domain name. Once you get a personal server there are many additional benefits, however it can become more confusing to manage an entire WordPress website. Thankfully there’s a ton of resources online for learning how to utilize WordPress to its fullest potential.

wordpress 3.9.1 update admin panel refresh screenshot

In this guide I want to share a few tips for managing your own efficient & speedy WordPress website. The system may seem confusing at first but it’s really easy to learn with a bit of time. Practicing the backend will make everything else a lot easier to grasp, and this includes customizing plugins or theme files.

50 Free CSS-Only Icons for Website Graphics

Modern CSS trends have blown up so quickly that it can be difficult to keep up with all the new stuff. Online projects which most surprise me involve pure CSS designs for layouts, animations, and icons. There is still plenty of use for icon sprite sheets in the right context. But why not try out modern trends for the users who have upgraded from legacy browsers?

This gallery includes fifty examples of my favorite CSS-based icon designs. Some are animated while others are static interface pieces. These range from general purpose icon sets to character designs created purely within HTML/CSS code. The latter doesn’t have much practical use but it’s definitely a way of showing off your skillset.

Iconex Flat Icons

css iconex flat icons design open source

Top 15 PSD To HTML Conversion Services

If they could choose, web designers would rather focus on the aesthetics. As well as looking gorgeous, the end result should be compatible across browsers, fast loading and user friendly. It is for this reason that it is a good idea to convert photo shop mockups of designs via a trusted PSD to HTML service, […]

28 Free CSS-Only Code Snippets for Web Developers

HTML5 and CSS3 web development has pushed the boundaries of what is possible online. Modern browsers have also jumped aboard the bandwagon to support a multitude of these newer effects. As a designer I have been amazed to find crazy CSS-based projects online. Open source is driving the future of websites and how we design layouts.

In this gallery you’ll find 28 brilliant samples of CSS-only codes. Each of these snippets are free to download or copy into your own project. As the name suggests you won’t need to rely on JavaScript at all – even for complex stuff like animations! Take a peek at these examples and see if you can utilize any of the code in future work.

CSS3 Checkbox Styles

css3 checkbox styles open source

How To Design Custom Pricing Plan Tables with HTML5 and CSS3

Any company selling a service with payment plans usually breaks up the structure into different packages. Smaller packages will cost less but also provide fewer features. Pricing tables are the perfect UI component to display these packages in an easy-to-compare design.

For this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can create pricing tables with just a bit of HTML5 and CSS3. Despite the name, I haven’t actually used any <table> elements within the design. You might feel these are easier but they also depend on a rigid formulaic structure. Pricing tables can have many facets including service terms, plan details, pricing details, and of course the purchase/signup button.

custom designed html5 css3 pricing tables tutorial open source

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28 Beginner Tutorials for Modern API Web Development

Web development has grown far beyond the typical HTML/CSS/JS code structure. Modern web services like Facebook and Twitter are built with something called an Application Programming Interface. This allows developers to connect into 3rd party services and pull out data to be displayed on another website.

For this post I’ve collected a number of free online tutorials which delve into API development. These are perfect for anybody new to the scene who wants to learn a bit more about typical web services. Some will require an API key while others may simply return XML/JSON data on command. Either way these articles detail many popular development techniques in an easy-to-understand fashion.

Facebook’s Graph API Explorer

facebooks graph api explorer to grab insights data

34 Free Open Source CSS Code Snippets for Developers

With a quick Google search you will find a ton of handy CSS2/CSS3 code snippets. But what about pre-built CSS web interfaces? There are some cool widgets and samples out there, but it can be difficult finding great high-quality releases. I think developers really treasure open source codes for the fact that it saves a lot of time putting together more complicated websites.

In this showcase gallery I have organized 34 outstanding and free CSS code snippets. All of these examples provide some type of website interface element such as forms, buttons, tables, switches, pagination, and other common items. Be sure to check out the gallery listing to get a better idea of what you may be able to use in your own website(s). All items are provided by CSSFlow which you can download for free and include on any number of projects.

26 Notable Content Management Systems worth Using

As new development techniques become commonplace we are witnessing more open source projects being published than ever before. Many of these projects revolve around CMS scripts for webmasters who need a reliable website platform. The most popular CMS products are free and open source, which offers high-quality management capabilities over the website and the page content. But there are so many options to choose from – it can be tough getting started.

I have put together this great collection of 26 very powerful Content Management Systems. You should take a look at these brands to see if anything catches your eye. Developers of Python, ASP.NET, PHP, and Rails should be able to find quality CMS products written in their favorite language. If you know about any other projects we may have forgotten please feel free to share in the post discussion area below.