25 Exuberant Portfolios for Writers & Authors
Portfolio design is a helpful topic for web designers who are always looking for inspiration. Most of these portfolios relate to graphic & web designers but there are many other creative people out there. Portfolio layouts vary dramatically based on the type of creative work. This gallery is devoted to 25 of the best portfolio […]
30 Inspirational Photography Portfolio Websites
The significance of a portfolio website cannot be overstated. Everyone has access to the Internet and you never know who’s looking at your work. This is the best reason to ensure you have an excellent design showcasing your most powerful work. In the past I’ve covered more general portfolio designs which should prove useful to a wide array of designers.
In this gallery I want to put a direct focus on photography portfolio websites. The goal is to naturally showcase photographic and/or cinematographic talents in project work. As you examine different portfolios you’ll gain a level of perspicacity which makes the design process a whole lot smoother. Take a look over these photography portfolio sites to see if you can pinpoint any recurring themes or design trends.
Alberto Oviedo
Building your Portfolio: Custom Website or Online Service?
Deciding when to launch your first portfolio online can be a challenge. It’s tough to know exactly when your work quality is good enough to share with others. Plus how should you get it out on the Internet? There are numerous methods and building your own custom website layout isn’t always the best choice.
I’d like to share a few ideas for creatives about building your first online portfolio. The process is much simpler than you might think, and the toughest part is making exemplary work to demonstrate your skillset. But how people find your work is also very important. I hope to shed a bit of light on this topic and help designers make the right choice for their online showcase.
Tips for Designing a Beautiful Single-Page Portfolio Website
Many trends in general web design can also be applied to single page layouts. But there are some unique features to the lone webpage which can add more flavor into a design. Like most of the web design field, common sense and user experience always trumps inessential creative ideas.
But that doesn’t mean anybody can just understand the best techniques for creating a single page design. In this post I’d like to share a few ideas on how to create usable, tactile portfolios with content featured on a single page. Mobile users are growing rapidly so you have to be thinking about clickable and swipeable interfaces at all times.
The Importance of Side Projects
How much importance do you give to your side projects? Do you focus solely on working on your current projects or your job and forget about everything else? These are questions you should be thinking about, specially if you are interested in developing your abilities and getting that cool position you always wanted. In days where the good old college degree + resume are gone, specially in the design/tech industry, you have to keep in mind that side projects are the new resume and are the way you can show your potential to the world.
How to Build an Eye-Catching Portfolio Layout
Both personal and corporate portfolios require careful attention to detail. There are lots of new user experience techniques which can offer a seamless interface for designers. And when presenting your work online it is worth spending a bit of extra time to ensure your strategy will impress visitors.
I want to share a few ideas for when you are crafting a new portfolio layout. These trends will obviously advance as time goes on. Digital creatives are often the first people jumping onto new trends, and so it is reasonable to assume portfolios may resonate newer design ideas in the future. But not every idea is going to be perfect for your website. It takes a bit of critical thinking to determine which design styles would fit best into your own personal or company portfolio layout.
26 Portfolio Project Listings for Design Inspiration
Designing a website portfolio can be difficult because of all the different options and various layout solutions you can choose. Ultimately you want to use a portfolio to focus on projects you have created, or are currently creating & working with. This showcase is helpful to people interested in your work.
For this gallery I have put together 26 inspiring portfolio project listings. Each page layout focuses on the projects and offering details for potential clients. Freelancers and agencies alike can learn and study from similar techniques already created online. If you enjoy the post and want to share some ideas feel free to drop a comment in the discussion area below.