600+ Nature Brushes for Photoshop

Website Designs with a nature theme are very popular right now. Achieving this type type of look can be done in a number of different ways, but one approach includes the use of Photoshop brushes that you can find for free. In this post we’ll feature a number of brush sets for various  things found in nature, such as trees, mountains, clouds, and more. Of course, these brushes can be used for other types of graphic design aside from just web design.

I’ve posted two other collections in the past that also have to do with other elements of nature, so to see these brushes please visit the pages listed below.

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General Nature Brushes:

Swirl and Seeds Nature Brushes (33 brushes)

Seeds and Nature Swirls Brushes

Foliage and Nature Brushes (35 brushes)

Nature and Foliage Brushes

Ornamental Nature Brushes (34 brushes)

Nature Ornamental Brushes

Floral Nature Brushes (6 brushes)

Nature Floral Brushes

Nature Brushes (45 brushes)

Brushes Nature

Trees Brushes:

Complete Tree Brush Pack (40 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Trees Brushes (26 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Trees Promo Brush Pack (16 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Tree Brushes (6 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Palm Tree Brushes (6 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Beyond the Mist (10 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes


High-Res Leaves Brushes (10 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Tennesse Leaves (12 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Leaves Brushes (50 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Leaves Brushes (28 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes


The Grasslands (37 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Sweet Grass (10 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Grass Brushes (4 bushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Clouds Brushes:

High Res Cloud Brushes (13 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Clouds Mist Brushes (22 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Clouds II (20 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Cloud Brushes (10 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Beautiful Clouds (6 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Cloud Brushes Volume 1 (25 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Cloud Brushes Volume 2 (25 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

BK Cloud Vector Brushes (17 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Extra Large Cloud Brushes (14 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Mountain Brushes:

Mountain Brushes (10 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Mountain Brushes (15 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Vector Mountains (7 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Rain, Water and Snow:

Snowflake Brushes (18 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Snowflake Brushes (22 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Wet – Fluid Brush Set (30 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Plunge – Ripple Brush Set (50 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Waterfalls (12 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Water Brushes (36 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Water Brushes II (30 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Rain Brushes (10 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Digea Rain Brushes (3 brushes)

nature photoshop brushes

Stephen Snell is the owner and editor of Vandelay Design, a popular design blog.
  1. April 9, 2009

    amazing! who does all these?

  2. April 9, 2009

    I think nature brushes are very useful. I’ve got to figure out how I’m going to organize brushes though. If anyone has any tips on how they store brush files etc. I’d love to hear them.

  3. April 9, 2009

    Very nice collection.
    In reply to Matt, I keep my brushes stored in a simple folder tree, not complex or efficient, but it works. I have /Brushes/Nature/ for example, for these brushes.

  4. April 9, 2009

    Great brushes for me. Thanks so much
    Good job, keep up !

  5. April 9, 2009


    Matt – I’m storing them in just another folder and copy (or delete) some to the photoshop Goodies’ one when needed.

  6. April 9, 2009

    Great resource, these should come in handy, thanks 🙂

  7. Pingback: popurls.com // popular today

  8. April 9, 2009

    Great collection, very useful thank you!


  9. Pingback: 600+ Nature Brushes for Photoshop : Design Newz

  10. April 9, 2009

    Thanks great collection!

  11. April 9, 2009

    Thanks for this collection! Greetings from Germany

  12. April 9, 2009

    A lot of different designers create them. Many of them are found on deviantART. If you click through you can find the pages of the designers.

    My approach is similar to D. and FreelancerCrowd – folders.

  13. April 9, 2009


  14. April 9, 2009

    Wowwy wow wow! Gnarliest set of nature brushes I’ve ever seen put together.

  15. April 9, 2009


  16. April 9, 2009

    Great work mate. These are just great brushes. Thanks a ton for sharing this. Cheers !!!

  17. April 9, 2009

    AWESOME collection. Will put to good use soon on my site redesign. Thanks!!

  18. Pingback: links for 2009-04-09 « Minesa IT

  19. Pingback: links for 2009-04-09 « Mandarine

  20. Pingback: links for 2009-04-10 | This Inspires Me

  21. Pingback: Photoshop Hell » 600+ Nature Brushes for Photoshop

  22. April 10, 2009

    thanx foe this amazing collection ..thats really i need in my designs

  23. Pingback: 1500+ Natural Brushes | isuckatdesign.com

  24. April 10, 2009

    For anyone who hates having to load brushes in Photoshop just to see what they look like, check out this: http://tr.im/iAza – 2 simple, free ways to preview your Photoshop brushes!

  25. Pingback: links for 2009-04-11 | Wyefronts

  26. April 12, 2009

    amazing collection, thanks for sharing 🙂

  27. Pingback: 600+ Nature Brushes for Photoshop | vitali software

  28. Pingback: Twitties #10

  29. Pingback: Neue Links - Neustart-Magazin

  30. Pingback: Brushes sobre naturaleza | GaloPesoa

  31. Pingback: 600′den Fazla Photoshop Doğa Brush’ı | Blografik | Tasarım Günlüğü

  32. Pingback: 500+ Splatter Brushes for Photoshop

  33. Pingback: Best Photoshop Tutorials, Brushes and Textures of April 2009 | CrazyLeaf Design Blog

  34. Pingback: Best Photoshop Tutorials, Brushes and Textures of April 2009 « Vandhematharam

  35. Pingback: Best Photoshop Tutorials, Brushes and Textures | guidesigner.net

  36. Pingback: 75 Sets of Unusual Photoshop Brushes

  37. May 14, 2009

    Really, really beautiful brushes! I can’t wait to start using them!

  38. May 25, 2009

    These are really useful brushes. Thanks for collecting and sharing. This will save a lot of time creating silhouettes from nature pictures.

  39. June 27, 2009

    WOOOOW! Great stuff! Many thanks!

  40. Laura
    June 29, 2009

    Hats off!!! these brushes are really useful when it comes to generate cool landscapes. Thanks a lot!

  41. Pingback: 40 Amazing Photoshop Brush Directories and Collections : Speckyboy Design Magazine

  42. Pingback: 40 sitios especializados en pinceles para Photoshop y otros recursos | Cosas sencillas

  43. pauchan
    December 9, 2009

    ssssssooooooo great!!!! ^_^

    tnx so much!!♥

  44. January 26, 2010


  45. February 19, 2010

    a gr8 collection …thnx for sharing it…

  46. April 26, 2010

    Nice! Thanks!

  47. July 23, 2010

    A lot of different designers create them. Many of them are found on deviantART. If you click through you can find the pages of the designers.


  48. July 28, 2010

    thanks for the useful post, useful info i found on your article.i bookmarked this article.

  49. August 16, 2010

    These are very useful, i will be bookmarking this page!

  50. October 12, 2010

    I was just looking for nature inspired brushes for my last project

    Thanks Steven

  51. October 20, 2010

    Thank you very much for the include (Fantasy Floral Photoshop Brush Part 3 and 4). The rest of these PS Brush sets collection are amazing. 😉

  52. December 15, 2010

    I could only WISH I could do any of these. So much color! These models are beautiful

  53. January 18, 2011

    Simply too many brushes to choose from! Really great collection. Thanks alot guys!

  54. March 9, 2011

    Thank you so much for finding all these and real thanks to the fellow deviants who supplied them WOO I can finally do backgrounds!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. April 1, 2011

    thank u !!!!!!!!

  56. April 1, 2011

    thank u !!!!!!!!

  57. April 1, 2011

    thank u !!!!!!!!

  58. Alok
    April 5, 2011

    Thank you !!!!
    Very Nice collection……

  59. April 9, 2011

    Amazing collection of photoshop brushesh

  60. June 1, 2011

    Thank you for this great set of brushes. Some of them look absolutely stunning! 😉

  61. June 23, 2011

    It’s not often I reply to posts, but I will in this case. Good job. I look forward to reading more

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