15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites

With the right plugins and a bit of know-how, WordPress can be used to create almost any type of website imaginable. It’s the perfect platform to use for creating an online portfolio: it looks great, it can be managed remotely from any computer, it requires very little knowledge of HTML and, most importantly, it’s completely free.

Artists, photographers, graphic and web designers can use WordPress to create an online portfolio that perfectly suits their work. Plugins can be used to convert a plain, standard WordPress blog into an interesting and unique portfolio that end-users will be keen to explore.

With the plugins outlined below, you will be able to present your portfolio and the images therein in new and exciting ways, as well as increase levels of all-important traffic to your site.

1. NextGEN Gallery

This extremely popular Image Gallery plugin, which comes with a Flash slideshow option, displays images in a simple, but professional manner. Its comprehensive admin pages and straightforward back-end make managing your portfolio easy.

NextGEN Gallery

2. FlippingBook

Tired of boring image galleries? FlippingBook organizes images into individual interactive albums, which can be flicked through just like a book. The effect can be far superior to having hundreds of thumbnails in your portfolio.


3. Image Drop Shadow

This plugin automatically creates a drop-shadow effect for all your images. Simple as that.

Image Drop Shadow

4. Thumbnail for Excerpts

Add a thumbnail to accompany any excerpts you might have anywhere on your site, such as in the archive or feed. Adding thumbnails not only improves your portfolio’s looks, it also makes it easier to navigate.

Thumbnail for Excerpts

5. Featured Content Gallery

This plugin embeds a customizable rotating gallery of your images anywhere in your theme. You can provide text, like the first few lines of a post for example, to accompany each image.

Featured Content Gallery

6. Flickr Gallery

Flickr Gallery makes it easy to create portfolio galleries from you Flickr photos, which is great if you’ve already spent hours uploading images. You can also embed Flickr’s flash movie player into your theme.

Flickr Gallery

7. Word Tube

This plugin lets you embed music, videos and images into your posts and pages. It supports .flv and .swf video files, MP3 sound files, and JPG, GIF and PNG graphic files. You can even run pre-role, overlay mid-roll, and post-roll adverts.

Word Tube

8. cformsII

Add multiple contact forms to your portfolio with cformsII. The contact forms all ask for a name, email address and message, but can be heavily modified to suit your requirements.


9. GD Star Rating

Add a star rating system to the comments section of your portfolio with GD Star Rating, which also provides a system for aggregating reviews. Using GD Star Rating implies a certain level of confidence in your work, but remember, it could all backfire if ratings are negative.

GD Star Rating

10. Post Templates

This time-saving plugin lets you create templates for the types of posts you publish most frequently, like ‘image of the week’ for example. You can use it to create a standard entry to accompany all of your images, giving details of materials used if you’re an artist, or location and date if you’re a photographer.

Post Templates

11. PhotoQ

PhotoQ instantly converts your WordPress blog into a photoblog. If there’s a theme you desperately want to use, even though it doesn’t make for a great portfolio, then this is the ideal tool for you. Its batch image upload facility lets you upload several images simultaneously. Uploaded images are placed in a queue for use at your discretion. Photos at the top of the queue can even be uploaded automatically.


12. Google (XML) Sitemaps

This plugin generates an XML sitemap of your WordPress portfolio, making it easier for search engines to find and list your site. The generator is supported by Yahoo, MSN Search, Ask.com and, most importantly, Google.

Google (XML) Sitemaps

13. WordBook

WordBook drives traffic to your portfolio by adding all your blog posts to your Facebook wall. The Facebook ‘Boxes’ tab helps you keep track of recent posts.


14. Twitter Tools

Twitter Tools fully integrates Twitter into your WordPress blog. Not only can you add tweets to your blog as posts, you can create new tweets on your posts from inside WordPress.

Twitter Tools

15. Sociable

Sociable automatically adds links from the best social bookmarking sites onto your posts. Choose from 99 different sites including Digg, Delicious and Google Bookmarks.


About the Author:

Tom Walker is passionate about technology and design who blogs for a leading supplier of cheap printer cartridges for homes and businesses recommended by Friends of the Earth. You can also follow him on Twitter.

For inspirational portfolios, please visit Folio Focus.

  1. July 1, 2009

    Thanks for the list here. I’m fairly new to WordPress so I’m always looking for great plugins!

  2. Pingback: 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites | Squico

  3. Pingback: 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites « wp-popular.com

  4. Pingback: 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites « Netcrema - creme de la social news via digg + delicious + stumpleupon + reddit

  5. Pingback: 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites :thebiggeststars.co.cc

  6. July 2, 2009

    Thanks for sharing, I want to use flippingbook.

  7. Pingback: 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites | WordPress News - New WordPress Themes

  8. July 2, 2009

    Lots of very useful plugins here. Thanks for this list.

  9. July 2, 2009

    Nice list, but I am missing the timthumb-plugin where you get thumbnails by using Custom fields. The thumbs may be scaled individually around the site. For example big thumb above the posts title, small thumb in the loop of posts etc… 🙂

  10. July 2, 2009

    Just getting to grips with WordPress and some of these have come in handy on my new blog. Thanks.

  11. Pingback: popurls.com // popular today

  12. July 2, 2009

    excellent list, thanks!

  13. July 2, 2009

    A really useful list. Should help me out loads. Great work. : )

  14. Pingback: And again: 30 fresh links for my tweeps to retweet « Adrian Zyzik’s Weblog

  15. July 2, 2009

    Thank you so very much for pointing out the ‘Thumbnail for Excerpts’ plugin! I can’t believe I never found it before. It’s just what I’ve been looking for all these past months. It works right out of the box, with stunning result. Thank you, DesignM.ag!

  16. July 2, 2009

    Very helpful list..


  17. Pingback: 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites | Design Newz

  18. July 2, 2009

    Great plugins 🙂

  19. Taa
    July 2, 2009

    great, useful WordPresslist! Thanks very much for compiling

  20. Pingback: LISTDUB» 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites

  21. Luciano
    July 2, 2009

    Any good plugin for put an Agenda on the WP site? thanks!

  22. July 2, 2009

    Great list! I use GD Star Ratings on my site’s blog, and it’s such a simple and useful plugin!

  23. Pingback: links for 2009-07-02 » 4exp.net

  24. Pingback: The Best Web Design Links Of The Day 02/07/09 | D-Lists

  25. July 2, 2009

    Wow this is awesome! I’ve saved this article to Delicious to check out later when I re-design my portfolio site, definitely a great resource

  26. July 2, 2009

    Great WP Plug in post. One I would add to the top of the list is ‘Easy Contact’ and ‘WP-DB-Backup’. Easy Contact lets you add a page, simply paste code in, and you have a fully functional Contact Page. WP-DB-Backup allows you to backup your wordpress environment and auto-send to yourself! You also forgot to put in the ‘Notify me of followup comments via e-mail’ plug-in which you are using. 😉

  27. Pingback: iLibrarian » 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites

  28. July 2, 2009

    Tom –

    The list of excellent Word Press Plug ins ins endless and I must say you have found a few that I had not previously seen or imagined.

    Thank you for this post of resources!


  29. Pingback: Daily Links for Friday, July 3rd, 2009

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  31. July 4, 2009

    really great plugins, thansk for the intro.

  32. Pingback: Weekly Web Favorites #5 | Creative Opera Design Blog: Creative Advice and Inspiration for Graphic Designers and Web Designers

  33. July 5, 2009

    All are great especially the drop shadow plugin which could really be useful saving designers having to shadow effects on all there images! Thanks for the list.

  34. Pingback: (Anti) Social-Lists 7/5/09 | (Anti) Social Development

  35. July 5, 2009

    Great list! Thanks for sharing these! 😀

  36. July 5, 2009

    Cool plugins 😀

  37. July 5, 2009

    Great list of Portfolio tools for WordPress.

    I gave it a stumble and will use some of these for my personal family site.


  38. July 6, 2009

    Great list!
    Thanks for sharing these!
    I think perfect set of plugins for personal site.

  39. TheShape
    July 6, 2009

    Great selection! I was looking for something like this! 😉

  40. Pingback: GraphicPedia » Blog Archive » 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites

  41. July 8, 2009

    Great list…thanks a lot!

  42. Pingback: 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites | Crafted Copy

  43. July 9, 2009

    Great post! Thrilled about the Sociable plug-in! Thanks!

  44. Pingback: 25+ Portfolio WordPress Themes to showcase your Creative Work | tripwire magazine

  45. Pingback: Today’s Crop of Hot Links

  46. July 18, 2009

    I think that you missed a really cool WM 2.8.1 plugin called WordPress Portfolio Plugin which can be found here… http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-portfolio/

    I am currently using WordPress Portfolio as a combination portfolio and testimonials “page here http://www.mattsweeny.com/testimonials-portfolio/

  47. July 19, 2009

    Thanks. I’m especially interested in Word Tube because I’ve been searching for some time for a plugin to embed streaming video on a WordPress site. I recently found another one, Hana Flv Player WordPress Plugin and I’m using it on my site, but it seems to not work with IE7 or earlier so an alternative option is good news.

  48. Pingback: Emily Ingram » Week 5: Add portfolio materials and install plugins

  49. July 21, 2009

    I have recently released a dedicated WordPress Portfolio plugin called JH Portfolio, it ranges from easy theme integration through use of widgets, are also comes with plently on template functions for creating your own custom portfolio layouts.

    Best place to start with it is on WP Extend here:


    or view the plugin’s homepage here:


  50. Pingback: 25+ Excellent Portfolio WordPress Themes to showcase your Creative Work – WordPressDay.com

  51. July 28, 2009

    Thanks for the post. I have started my own blog/portfolio. DO visit!

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  57. August 25, 2009


    But what i am looking is not here….

  58. August 25, 2009

    What are you looking for?

  59. Pingback: 15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Portfolio Sites - Dreamco Magazine

  60. Pingback: 60+ Helpful Resources for Portfolio Design | Vandelay Design Blog

  61. October 4, 2009

    excellent wordpress plugin links . thanks for shearing.

  62. October 12, 2009

    Hey there, Thanks for the list.

    Is there such a plugin that lets you create a visual archive? That’s just a gallery of images for all your posts rather than day, month, year – copy heavy kind of stuff?

  63. October 19, 2009

    Excellent List !! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  64. October 28, 2009

    Some great wordpress plugins, thank you.

  65. November 7, 2009

    Sitting here researching wp portfolio plugins… Very nicely done. I use some of these but some I never knew existed. Just when you think you know it all… Thank you very much for this. There are a couple I am going to try right now. Enjoy your days.

  66. February 11, 2010

    does anyone know good plug in for photo gallery?

  67. Deepak
    February 15, 2010

    Great list of plugins here..am new to word press..so always searching for better stuff to upgrade my knowledge as well as updating my blog..thanks a lot..more such posts which helps newbies like me would be apreciated

  68. May 18, 2010

    Great list of time saving plugins. I’ve been looking for one that will let me embed videos into my posts – thanks!

  69. May 20, 2010

    These should really save a lot of time.

    I have the same problem with videos so this should really help.

    Thanks a lot 🙂

  70. June 16, 2010

    Do you think I can use something like this for my bed site?

  71. Wow! thx for all the info. Just what I was searching for

  72. June 23, 2010

    Great post.

    Thanks very much for this

  73. July 23, 2010

    Port folio plufin is awesome i ‘ve made use of it @ http://www.medicalsquid.com/services/

  74. August 14, 2010

    thanks it’s awsome!

  75. August 14, 2010

    Very nice collection though I have no intention to start a portfolio site now but I am bookmarking this post for future reference 🙂

  76. August 16, 2010

    Perfect! Thanks. I would add All in one SEO!

  77. August 18, 2010

    thanks for sharing this one.. a lot of informative thing..:)

  78. Jodi Allen
    August 26, 2010

    Wondering…is WordPress.com even worth doing? Is there a way to get around the limitations? It seems like a lot things can not be changed. Would I be better off doing WordPress.org? Thanks 🙂

  79. September 4, 2010

    I just required to thank you for an awesome internet site about a topic We have had an curiosity in for any extended time now. I are actually lurking and examining the feedback avidly so just desired to express my thanks for offering me with some quite very good examining materials.

  80. September 14, 2010

    Thanks for sharing with us such useful information.

  81. October 6, 2010

    A really useful list. Should help me out loads. Great work. : )

  82. November 3, 2010

    when looking for music videos, i always check out music videos with funny and sentimental content .

  83. November 19, 2010

    Great post, Tom! I will be adding a hand-full of these plugins today!


  84. December 2, 2010

    music videos are nice because you have music and sort of a small movie describing the music ,”,

  85. March 7, 2011

    The list of excellent Word Press Plug ins ins endless and I must say you have found a few that I had not previously seen or imagined.

    Thank you for this post of resources!

  86. April 8, 2011

    thanks a lot i found this very use a good site packed with information i just about to install a word press site so it was very informative and handy for me cheers

  87. April 11, 2011

    Excellent and usefull list, thanks!

  88. April 30, 2011

    When I see a great blog post I go ahead and do one of three thing:1.Forward it to my relevant contacts.2.Bookmark it in all of the favorite social sharing sites.3.Make sure to visit the website where I came accross the article.After reading this post I’m seriously thinking of doing all 3!

  89. May 4, 2011

    Flickr Gallery is the nice one.

  90. May 6, 2011

    Flickr Gallery is the nice one.

  91. May 19, 2011

    Thanks for your useful article. Other thing is that mesothelioma cancer is generally attributable to the inhalation of fibres from mesothelioma, which is a dangerous material. It is commonly seen among personnel in the engineering industry that have long contact with asbestos. It is caused by living in asbestos protected buildings for a long period of time, Genes plays an important role, and some consumers are more vulnerable towards the risk as compared with others.

  92. June 21, 2011

    Nice post, thank you for sharing. You have really imparted useful knowledge on WordPress Plugins. Great stuff on related subject. This is a big help for all of us.

  93. July 22, 2011

    Thank you for sharing the list.
    Great set of plugins. I quite like the Sociable ones.

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