
「Fast Company」という雑誌があり、創刊十周年を迎えた。となれば特集号は「次の十年」がテーマとなること必定で、その号がようやくネットで読めるようになった。
たとえば、「Fast Talk: What's the Biggest Change Facing Business In the Next 10 Years? 」
という記事は、十人のビジョナリー・タイプの人たちに「次の十年」について語ってもらうという企画。中で、元インテル副社長のAvram Millerは、

The cornerstone for this millennium is the end of time and space.


Fewer and fewer people will want to be employees of corporations, because corporations don't have anything to offer. Corporations don't provide security and provide fewer and fewer benefits. People may find new ways to sell their skills. I can imagine eBay or the equivalent of eBay being in the business of letting people bid on work all day long.

Esther Dysonは、こんなことを言う。

"There is an erosion of power going on. Specifically, the online world has eroded business's power. People increasingly will personalize their Web experience and determine how they interact with their environment and the people around them. The Web creates transparency, which will make competition tougher and in turn, business better. When a company messes up, it will be very visible. People will blog about it, review it, and expose a company's flaws and pitfalls. Businesses will have to respond to this increased transparency by hiring and retaining better people. And in any case, we'll see a new wave of smaller companies focused on specific needs, in part because they can outsource or partner for the commodity part of their operations or offerings.
There will be a profound change in psychology as people realize how much power they hold. There has always been a general perception that we shouldn't mess with authority-- when authority is exactly who we should mess with. Empowered people are going to begin to realize this.

「an erosion of power」「Empowered people」は、「次の十年」を考察し続ける彼女の最近の大テーマのようだ。
さて、同じ号の別の記事「Creating a Gem of a Career」

The ensuing 10 years have seen everything from the rise of online job boards to the Brand Called You, the birth of blogs to offshoring. All of these developments have had a significant impact on the way we manage our careers--and the next 10 years promise to be just as dramatic. A number of technological and demographic trends still in their infancy will shape the way you develop and guide your professional life in the decade to come. Here's how to ride those waves.

五つの波について書かれている。ここでは第一の「Spin Out Your Network」だけ解説するので、あとは自由に読んでください。

Now even an average student who doesn't think much about networking in the traditional sense will already have dozens of "friends" in his or her Facebook network (an online directory for college and high-school students and alumni) before leaving campus. "We are amazed by the sheer number of grads staying connected to others today," says Christopher Morris, the director of MBA career management at the Wharton School. Because sites such as Facebook are viral, the new friends you acquire give you access to all of their friends. The result? People are entering the workforce with hundreds of contacts--and they're eager and ready to deploy them.


Today's power networkers aren't just hoarding contacts but sharing information in unprecedented amounts at unbelievable speed. "They're far more open about discussing their private lives, from what they did at that party this weekend to salary information about their jobs," says Morris. "What used to be difficult to get, you can now just ask [for]."


warp-speed, ultraconnected culture at work


"This is a group with a team, a project, and a collaborator mentality," says Alice Snell, VP of the talent-management research division at Taleo, a San Francisco-based company that produces human-resources software for companies such as Citigroup, Honeywell, and Dell. If there's a tech problem, their first instinct is to instant-message a geek buddy for advice on how to fix it. If they're on a product-development team, they'll reach out to friends for input, not necessarily caring whether they're observing traditional corporate boundaries. And if they hate their boss, maybe they'll post that on their blog.
