My creations - Mis creaciones

My creations - Mis creaciones
Showing posts with label BOOKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BOOKS. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Garden Granny Blanket. . .

Hello dears !
I can finally show off my new blanket, 
which I have called Garden Blanket, because of the flower motifs. 
I started this blanket ramdonly and not knowing 
what I wanted it to be. Well, that is not true. 
I knew exactly the idea I wanted for this blanket, 
I just could not picture it, but I knew what I wanted. 

One thing is sure, I kind of wanted to make a Cath Kidston inspired blanket. . . .and I'm not sure if I achieved my goal. . . and to be honest I could not care less now because I just love the result !! 

This blanket is a gift to a very special baby. . . .(but tell me, is there any baby in the world that is not special ??) 
I mean special because she is my cousin's daughter. 
This cousin has been very special to me throughout my childhood, but about 15 years ago we kind or grew apart. As it happens in many families, there were some family problems. . . at the same time I moved abroad and we lost contact. . . 
We have met again in February and it was an extraordinary day full of emotions and memories. 

I made this blanket mainly with my yarn stash. . . from the yarn I used to make this blanket I made for my daughter. It is a 50% acrylic 50% wool yarn. I buy it locally and a couple of skeins of some colours left. . . I started using green first. . . . instead of the baby blue...
Then the shade of green was just not right, I thought. 
I also bought red and turquoise to give it a boost of colour. . . 

For the border I did a single crochet round in white. Then I used the 2 first rounds of border #120 from the Crochet Borders by Edie Eckman book. 
And to finish off I continued with border #105 from the same book. 
The final round of the border was done in red as I think it kind of frames the blanket and finishes it off. 

Blankets have a lot of history in them. . . I made this one while dealing with a lot (more than I bargained for. . . ) family emotions, good and bad. . . I also made it while traveling to different places for work, pleasure.... and also and mainly watching a fabulous tv series called Gran Hotel (Spanish production) which I have loved !! 

I also made this blanket in a record time (for me). . . 
I started it in February and it was finished on April 5th 2015, 
so about 2 months. . . . wow !!! I'm amazed !! 
I never thought I could make a blanket in 2 months ?!?! 

Now I suppose you want the details ?? 

It is made with Solid Granny Squares (this is a very simple pattern, that can be easily found in Google or any pattern site like Rarely) 
The flower motifs are the Waterlily square from the 200 Crochet blocks by Jan Eaton. 

It has 29 solid squares and 11 waterlily squares. 
It measures: 29' x 45' aprox (74cm x 114cm)
It weights: 438 gr
This means over 6 skeins of 50gr balls (200 cm per skein) = 1,752 metres of yarn !!

And now I leave you with some more pictures to enjoy !! 
I hope to write again soon. . . and be more regular on this little blog of mine. 

Take Care for now, 


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ikea Chair Cushion - Finished !

Hello lovelies !!

Finally this is finished !! and I'm soooo happy with the result !!

Hola a todas !! 

Finalmente este proyecto esta terminado y estoy taaaann contenta con el resultado !!

Ikea cushion, The Simple Life Fabric

the binding could be improved by a lot but hey ! it was my first one !
el borde podría estar mejor hecho, pero, al fin y al cabo es solo el primero que hago !

Ok, now, how did I manage to make this. Having bought my sewing machine (the real one) back in November 2012 I had no notions of patchwork at all. 

Bueno, como me las he apañado para hacer esto sin haber hecho algo así antes ?? (y teniendo en cuenta que me compre mi maquina de coser el pasado Noviembre 2012??)

Here are the resources I used:
Aqui os dejo la lista de blogs y tutoriales que he usado:

- 1/4' mark - I used the good advise of my friend Christine from Beanniequilts, and also found some other resources in the net: Craftsy has some free classes for quilting and I followed one called Block of the Month where they showed how to get the 1/4' mark on your sewing machine. 

- 6mm - este es el numero clave en Patchwork . . . o lo que se llama también 'un cuarto de pulgada'.
Tome el buen consejo de mi amiga Christine de Beanniquilts y también encontré otras buenas fuentes de información en internet: Craftsy tiene clases gratis con vídeos y yo seguí una llamada The block of the Month donde también enseñan a marcar los 6 mm de margen en tu maquina de coser.

Also, I went back to a book I had bought in Dublin about 10 years ago when I decided to learn patchwork but I did not have the materials, or sewing machine, etc and it ended up in the forgotten drawer. This book is called The Sampler Quilt Book by Lynne Edwards. I had not gone back to this book in these many years but when I remembered I had it, I started having a look at it and it has been a good help as it gave specific instructions for every step of the quilt making process.

Tenia un libro que había comprado cuando vivía en Dublin, el libro debe tener unos 10 años al menos y fue una época en que yo quise aprender a hacer patchwork pero no tenia los instrumentos ni tampoco maquina de coser, así que mi proyecto de patchwork acabo en el cajón olvidado. El libro se llama The Sampler Quilt Book de Lynne Edwards. La verdad es que nunca había echado mano de este libro en estos años y cuando empece a echarle un vistazo me ha sido de gran ayuda porque da instrucciones de cada paso del proceso de hacer una colcha de patchwork.

- Piecing the fabrics together:  well, the first thing I did was to buy me a ruler, a proper patchwork ruler.
cutting the pieces into little squares and with such a nice fabric was soo much fun !!
For piecing it together I used the following:

- La union de las piezas: lo primero que hice fue comprarme una regla de patchwork, ya que no tenia . . . y es esencial para cortar la tela en eses cuadraditos que veis y la verdad es que me he divertido un montón cortandolos, sobre todo con una tela tan graciosa como esta !
Para la union de los cuadraditos he usado los consejos de las siguientes paginas (todo esta en ingles):
  • Crazymomquilts blog - she has a section of Quilt Making Basics, and this is exactly what I needed. Con una seleccion de consejos basicos para hacer una colcha, exactamente lo que necesitaba yo . . . 
  • - has good tips as well. Con buenos consejos tambien.
  • Diaryofaquilter Blog  - she has very useful tutorials on Making a Quilt from start to finish and also a separate Binding Tutorial. Tiene muy buenos tutoriales en  como hacer una colcha de principio a fin y un tutorial separado de como hacer el borde. 
  • - have great video tutorials that have helped me to make this mini, mini quilt. Tiene tutoriales geniales en video que tambien me han servido de ayuda para hacer esta mini, mini quilt.
- For the sandwich part of the quilting I used the instructions on the book I had (mentioned above) 
and for the binding I used the tutorial in Diary of a Quilter, in fact I have gone back to this blog a lot over the making process.
- Para la parte llamada 'sandwich'  que no es otra cosa que juntar la parte del patchwork, con la guata y con la tela trasera . . . use el tutorial del blog Diary of a Quilter, en realidad he usado el tutorial de este blog un montón para este proyecto.

So, next will be to make another one for my son, but I'm struggling to find the right fabrics for  boy. 
Ahora tendre que hacer otro cojin para la sillita de mi hijo, pero me esta costando encontrar telas bonitas para niño.

I have enjoyed so much this project that I'm already thinking of making a quilt . . . and now I know I will make one one day, but maybe I have to practise first more on small projects like this. 

He disfrutado tanto de este proyecto que ya estoy pensando en hacer una colcha !! y ahora se que un día haré una, pero primero tengo que practicar mas en pequeños proyectos como este.

Ikea mini chair cushion

Have a lovely week !!
Que tengáis una feliz semana !!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Some more craft books . . . / Mas libros de manualidades

Hello, hello ! 
Today I want to share with you the last package I got in the mail. My birthday was last month and part of my present  have been this 3 craft books. 

Hola !! 
Hoy quiero compartir con vosotras el ultimo paquete que recibí en el correo. Mi cumpleaños fue el mes pasado y parte de mi regalo fueron estos 3 libros. 

The first book is The Crochet Answer Book by Edie Eckman. I really wanted to have a crochet reference book and after reading lots of opinions of other buyers I finally chose this one. It is unbelievably small, but I'm very happy with it as it really is a good reference book. El primer libro es The Crochet Answer Book (El Libro de Respuestas sobre Ganchillo más o menos sería la traducción) de Edie Eckman. Quería tener un libro de referencia de ganchillo y después de leer muchas opiniones de otras lectoras finalmente me decante por este. Es increíblemente pequeño pero estoy muy contenta de haberlo comprado ya que es muy buena fuente de referencia. 

The second book is Stitch by Cath Kidston which I chose as I wanted to have some of her classic designs in the form of crosstitch charts. I bought the smaller version of the book as the content is the same as the standard version but the price is half. 

El segundo libro (Stitch) es este de Cath Kidston, me decante por este porque queria tener algunos de los gráficos en punto de cruz, de sus diseños clásicos. Me compre la versión mas pequeña en tamaño porque era la mitad de precio que el libro 'normal' y el contenido es el mismo. 

The third book is Crochet Borders, again by Edie Eckman . I really needed a book like this as I have to put borders on to this and this blanket when they are finished. I like the book as it has the written pattern for each border, the graph and also a picture. 

El tercer libro es Crochet Borders (Bordes de Ganchillo), de nuevo de Edie Eckman. Necesitaba un libro como este ya que tengo que poner remates a esta y esta manta cuando las termine. Me gusta el libro porque tiene para cada diseño el patrón escrito, el grafico y la foto. 

The mug in the picture below is another of my presents, Cath Kidston mugs (a set of 4) that I have been wanting for a loooong time, but that I considered more of a treat than a 'real' need now I use the box where they came for my current crochet project. . . 

La taza que veis abajo es otro de mis regalos, tazas de Cath Kidston (un juego de 4) que he querido durante muuucho tiempo, pero que consideraba mas un capricho que una necesidad. Ahora uso la caja donde venían para guardar el proyecto de ganchillo con el que estoy en esos momentos.

Some crochet I have been doing lately, just doing a little progress in this blanket for the Stash-Buster Challenge 2013. 

Aqui algo de ganchillo que estado haciendo últimamente, solo he progresado un poquito en esta manta para el Reto Fuera-Lanas 2013.

Some granny flowers here. I have progressed a couple or three rows, I will probably show the progress soon. 

Algunas flores para la manta. He progresado un par de lineas o tres, probablemente enseñare el progreso pronto.

Have a nice week !!

Que tengáis una buena semana !!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

L'Univers enchanteur de BEATRIX POTTER

Today I want to share with you the last book I have bought, although I bought it in summer, I mentioned this book deserved a post of its own here.

Hoy quiero enseñaros el ultimo libro que me he comprado, aunque me lo compre en verano, mencione 
aqui que se merecia un articulo propio dentro de mi blog. 

Well this is the book, it is actually a creative sewing combined with crosstitch. And everything is based on the tales of Beatrix Potter and her gorgeous characters and drawings.

Este es el libro y nos muestra costura creativa combinado con punto de cruz. Y todo esta basado en las fábulas de la famosa Beatrix Potter y sus preciosos personajes y dibujos. 

I actually had my crosstitch period too, which is still there in my craft corner for sometime in the future when I feel in that mood again. At this moment I am in a crochet mood.

Yo también he tenido mi fase de punto de cruz, y aun esta ahí en mi rincón de costura para un futuro próximo cuando me sienta de nuevo en esa 'fase', ahora me encuentro en una fase de 'ganchillo'. 

I bought this gorgeous book in the summer, when I went to the southwest of France but I had my eye on it for a while already. 

It is from the author Chantal Sabatier and the publisher is Mango Pratique. 
I actually own another book from this author, I just love her delicate and elegant style. 
(she has a gorgeous blog  where you will see what I mean, check it out)

Me compre este precioso libro en verano, cuando estuve en el sur-oeste pero la verdad es que le tenia el ojo echado por un tiempo. 
(también tiene un blog precioso donde podréis ver lo que os quiero decir)

Es de la autora Chantal Sabatier y la editorial es Mango Pratique.
Tengo otro libro de esta autora y es que me encanta su estilo delicado y elegante.

I leave you here to enjoy a quick sneak peak to the inside of the book and some of the beautiful projects  featured in it. 

Os dejo disfrutar ahora de un pequeño ejemplo del interior del libro y algunos de los preciosos proyectos que encontrareis en el. 

Don't you just LOVE this cushion ?
No os ENCANTA este cojin?

 And what about this little fabric basket ? Ideal for my crochet yarns !

Y que me decis de esta cesta de tela ? Es ideal para mis lanas!

Happy Wednesday !

Feliz Miercoles !

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tilda's Spring Ideas

(Sorry this post was unavailable for a while)

I was in Dublin last week and I got this gorgeous book. . . in fact I never dared (yet) to make a Tilda. I already had a Tilda book but it was the Tilda's Home so there were no Tilda dolls in it.
Anyway, aren't this books just gorgeous ??

Estuve en Dublin la semana pasada y me compre este precioso libro . . . la verdad es que aun no me atrevido a hacer una de estas muñecas Tilda. Ya tenia el libro de La Casa de Tilda pero no había muñecas para hacer. 

De todas formas, no os parecen preciosos estos libros ??

 Look at this fabric boxes . . . 

Mirad que cajitas mas monas . . . son de tela

I think I will try to make this one . . . someday, she's soooo cute

Creo que intentare hacer esta . . . algún dia, es tan bonita !

And what about this cute purse ?
Y que me decis de este precioso bolso, neceser, monedero (puede ser lo que querais) 

The book has lots more cute projects like these . . .

El libro tiene muchos mas proyectos, tan bonitos como estos 

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