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Showing posts with the label DiXa

Registration for diXa course "Microarray Analysis using R and Bioconductor" is now open

We are partners in the diXa FP7 infrastructure grant for chemical safety 'omics data, and as part of this, there is a course aimed at people who could benefit from an introduction to microarray data analysis. This will take place at the EMBL- EBI from 14 -16 May 2013 . No prior R or Bioconductor experience is required. Registration closes on 21 st April 2013 . This course is aimed at researchers and scientists (PhD students, post-doc, staff scientist) who will benefit from an introduction to microarray data analysis and training in how to perform simple analyses using R/Bioconductor. All sessions are a combination of lectures and hands-on. Prerequisites are a life science degree or equivalent experience, basic understanding of microarray techniques, and a basic understanding of biostatistics. No prior knowledge of R or Bioconductor is assumed. Participants will receive a basic understanding of the R syntax and ability to manipulate R objects. After this...