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Showing posts from November, 2008

Conference - Slides from RSC meeting

Here is a pdf of the slides from the joint Biochem. Soc. / RSC meeting on integration of biological and chemical data. Wooo! - the link to the presentation is now there. Thanks for all of those that mailed in.

Positions within ChEMBL

Here is an outline of the positions we have available within the ChEMBL group at the EMBL-EBI. They are: Wellcome Trust Grant Group co-ordinator Biochemical/Pharmacological content curator Chemical content curator Web developer (ChEMBL) Scientific application developer Senior developer - systems integration EMBL-EBI Funding Web developer (Druggability Portal) These positions should shortly be advertised on the EMBL-EBI web site......

Just how does ChEMBL fit in?

A classic image, showing the relationship of scientific paradigms. Note the distance between chemistry and biology, and just look at the distance between therapeutic research and chemistry. This must change! Click for larger image, and here for more details on the work.

Licensing of ChEMBL Data - RFC

I have been thinking long and hard about the actual process for the public distribution of the ChEMBL data, and nothing is decided yet; however, I think it is likely that there will be a license for the distribution. In line with some of the existing 'free' EMBL-EBI resources, this is likely to take the form of one of the Creative Commons licenses (see for more details. So as a question, what experience do people have with these licenses, as applied to public domain databases? Oh, The license we are most like to use is.....   Basically this allows redistribution and the production of derivative works, while applying conditions that attribution must be provided, and that any derivative works will be similarly shared.

ChEMBL Logo?

As a group, we have been thinking about our identity and branding, and (with pride) display our likely logo for the ChEMBL group. It is meant to strongly echo the existing EBI house logos, while giving a clear chemocentric identity..... Enough waffle, here is the logo.

Conference - Indiana Chemoinformatics Meeting - 11th December

Chris Steinbeck and I are off to the eScience for Chemoinformatics and Drug Discovery Meeting on the 11th December in Bloomington Indiana. Link to conference website . This should be fun, and I will try and fix up a few meetings around this. Too bad the pound is so weak against the dollar now. However, looking for 'shrooms is free, so I will try and take a days holiday while out there to try and find something interesting.