SWFEditor 1.00 をリリースしました
make test
libpng-1.6 から以下の警告が出て bitmap と png が test failed になるので、テスト画像から iCCP チャンクを削除しました。
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
The latest release of ImageMagick is version 7.0.10-31
6 系同時リリースは ImageMagick-6.9.11-31
- APNG のサポートを追加 (明示的に指定します。例) apng:animate.png
- WEBM のサポートを追加
2020-09-26 7.0.10-31 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Release ImageMagick version 7.0.10-31 GIT revision 17652:78ad905d9:20200926 2020-09-20 7.0.10-31 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Add support for APNG (specify explicitly, e.g. apng:animate.png). * Add support for WEBM.
The latest release of ImageMagick is version 7.0.10-30
6 系同時リリースは ImageMagick-6.9.11-30
- Regression: MapCache type cache allocation skipped
- DCM 画像にサムネール を含む事がある
2020-09-19 7.0.10-30 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Release ImageMagick version 7.0.10-30 GIT revision 17641:ab95f7264:20200919 2020-09-07 7.0.10-30 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Add endian support to JSON coder. * Regression: MapCache type cache allocation skipped (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick6/issues/97). * Some DCM images include a thumbnail (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/pull/2558).
The latest release of ImageMagick is version 7.0.10-29
6 系同時リリースは ImageMagick-6.9.11-29
- AVIF/HEIF の Windows エンコード対応。(いままで Windows だけ無効化してた)
- TIFF のクリップパスが -extent でずれる件の修正。
- SVG で無限ループする不具合対処
- JSON ファイルフォーマットにバージョン要素を追加
- GIF アニメをリサイズすると黒いブロックノイズが入る事がある。ImageMagick6 で顕在化すsる。
- AVIF 対応が #if で libheif 1.6.2 より後としてるので、仮に 1.7 や 1.8 からバックポートされた 1.6.3 が出るとビルド出来なくなる。杞憂な気もするが。
- SVG で currentColor 対応してる。
-- 96d95 < #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_WINDOWS_SUPPORT) 102d100 < #endif 612d609 < #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_WINDOWS_SUPPORT) 615d611 < #endif 627d622 < #if !defined(MAGICKCORE_WINDOWS_SUPPORT) 630d624 < #endif 694c688 < #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HEIC_DELEGATE) && !defined(MAGICKCORE_WINDOWS_SUPPORT) --- > #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HEIC_DELEGATE) 857a852,865 > Get encoder for the specified format. > */ > #if LIBHEIF_NUMERIC_VERSION > 0x01060200 > if (LocaleCompare(image_info->magick,"AVIF") == 0) > error=heif_context_get_encoder_for_format(heif_context, > heif_compression_AV1,&heif_encoder); > else > #endif > error=heif_context_get_encoder_for_format(heif_context, > heif_compression_HEVC,&heif_encoder); > status=IsHeifSuccess(&error,image,exception); > if (status == MagickFalse) > break; > /* 942,951d949 < error=heif_context_get_encoder_for_format(heif_context, < heif_compression_HEVC,&heif_encoder); < #if LIBHEIF_NUMERIC_VERSION > 0x01060200 < if (LocaleCompare(image_info->magick,"AVIF") == 0) < error=heif_context_get_encoder_for_format(heif_context, < heif_compression_AV1,&heif_encoder); < #endif < status=IsHeifSuccess(&error,image,exception); < if (status == MagickFalse) < break;
- Clip path in 8bim profile is updated when the image is extended.
- https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/2414
- 一時凌ぎ的に前回のリリースではクリップパスが入る 8bim を消していた
- MagickCore/profile.c
2387a2388,2535 > > static void UpdateClipPath(unsigned char *blob,size_t length, > const size_t old_columns,const size_t old_rows, > const RectangleInfo *new_geometry) > { (略) > MagickPrivate void Update8BIMClipPath(const StringInfo *profile, > const size_t old_columns,const size_t old_rows, > const RectangleInfo *new_geometry) (略)
- MagickCore/transform.c (ワークアラウンド を元に戻して、今回追加した Update8BIMClipPath を新たに呼ぶ)
62a63 > #include "MagickCore/profile-private.h" 1135a1137,1139 > const StringInfo > *profile; > 1150d1153 < (void) DeleteImageProfile(extent_image,"8bim"); /* delete clipping path */ 1158a1162,1167 > if (status != MagickFalse) > { > profile=GetImageProfile(extent_image,"8bim"); > if (profile != (StringInfo *) NULL) > Update8BIMClipPath(profile,image->columns,image->rows,geometry); > }
949c949,950 < user_time; --- > user_time, > version; 984c985,992 < JSONFormatLocaleFile(file,"{\n \"image\": {\n \"name\": %s,\n", --- > (void) FormatLocaleFile(file,"\n{\n"); > version=1.0; > artifact=GetImageArtifact(image,"json:version"); > if (artifact != (const char *) NULL) > version=StringToDouble(artifact,(char **) NULL); > if (version >= 1.0) > (void) FormatLocaleFile(file," \"version\": \"%.1f\",\n",version); > JSONFormatLocaleFile(file," \"image\": {\n \"name\": %s,\n", 1036,1037c1044,1049 < JSONFormatLocaleFile(file," \"endianness\": %s,\n", < CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickEndianOptions,(ssize_t) image->endian)); --- > if (version < 1.0) > JSONFormatLocaleFile(file," \"endianess\": %s,\n", > CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickEndianOptions,(ssize_t) image->endian)); > else > JSONFormatLocaleFile(file," \"endianness\": %s,\n", > CommandOptionToMnemonic(MagickEndianOptions,(ssize_t) image->endian));
- MagickCore/accelerate-kernels-private.h
- RoundToUnity 関数を廃止
352,358d351 < static inline float RoundToUnity(const float value) < { < return clamp(value,0.0f,1.0f); < } < )
- MagickCore/annotate.c
- annotate に UTF 文字列を渡した時の処理をリファイン。
632a633,634 > for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetUTFOctets(s); i++) > *(s+i)=' '; 637c639 < if (split != MagickFalse) --- > if ((split != MagickFalse) || (GetUTFOctets(p) > 2))
- MagickCore/cipher.c
- InverseAddRoundKey で cast を減らしたいので、ByteMultiply の戻り値を byte から unsigned int に変更
293c293 < static inline unsigned char ByteMultiply(const unsigned char alpha, --- > static inline unsigned int ByteMultiply(const unsigned char alpha, 301c301 < return(InverseLog[(Log[alpha]+Log[beta]) % 0xff]); --- > return((unsigned int) InverseLog[(Log[alpha]+Log[beta]) % 0xff]); 313,314c313,316 < key=(s_box[x & 0xff]) | (s_box[(x >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | < (s_box[(x >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | (s_box[(x >> 24) & 0xff] << 24); --- > key=((unsigned int) s_box[x & 0xff]) | > ((unsigned int) s_box[(x >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | > ((unsigned int) s_box[(x >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | > ((unsigned int) s_box[(x >> 24) & 0xff] << 24); 365c367 < value|=(*p++ << (8*j)); --- > value|=((unsigned int) *p++ << (8*j));
- /MagickCore/composite.c
- コードの整理
780c780 < MagickRealType --- > double 796,799c796,798 < Blur Image by resampling. < < Blur Image dictated by an overlay gradient map: X = red_channel; < Y = green_channel; compose:args = x_scale[,y_scale[,angle]]. --- > Blur Image by resampling dictated by an overlay gradient map: > X = red_channel; Y = green_channel; compose:args = > x_scale[,y_scale[,angle]]. 801,802c800 < canvas_image=CloneImage(image,0,0,MagickTrue, < exception); --- > canvas_image=CloneImage(image,0,0,MagickTrue,exception); 825,826c823,824 (略)
1109c1109,1110 < if (magick_info != (const MagickInfo *) NULL) --- > if ((magick_info != (const MagickInfo *) NULL) && > (GetMagickRawSupport(magick_info) != MagickFalse)) 1114,1115c1115 < if ((image_info->endian == UndefinedEndian) && < (GetMagickRawSupport(magick_info) != MagickFalse)) --- > if (image_info->endian == UndefinedEndian) - MagickCore/draw.c --currentColor 対応(coders/svg.c に対応する出力がある)。 メモリリーク修正 >|c| 2829a2830,2834 > if (LocaleCompare("currentColor",keyword) == 0) > { > (void) GetNextToken(q,&q,extent,token); > break; > } 5481a5487,5490 > if (clone_info->size != (char *) NULL) > clone_info->size=DestroyString(clone_info->size); > if (clone_info->extract != (char *) NULL) > clone_info->extract=DestroyString(clone_info->extract);
- /MagickCore/enhance.c
- InterpolateCLAHE 内の処理で cast 追加。(多分、ワーニング対策)
429,431c429,432 < *pixels++=(unsigned short ) (PerceptibleReciprocal((double) tile->width* < tile->height)*(y*(x*Q12[intensity]+(tile->width-x)*Q22[intensity])+ < (tile->height-y)*(x*Q11[intensity]+(tile->width-x)*Q21[intensity]))); --- > *pixels++=(unsigned short) (PerceptibleReciprocal((double) tile->width* > tile->height)*(y*((double) x*Q12[intensity]+(tile->width-x)* > Q22[intensity])+(tile->height-y)*((double) x*Q11[intensity]+ > (tile->width-x)*Q21[intensity])));
- MagickCore/property.c
- 今となっては余計なケアを削除。
1965,1976c1965,1966 < size_t < xx, < yy; < < yy=(size_t) ReadPropertyMSBLong(&blob,&length); < xx=(size_t) ReadPropertyMSBLong(&blob,&length); < x=(ssize_t) xx; < if (xx > 2147483647) < x=(ssize_t) xx-4294967295U-1; < y=(ssize_t) yy; < if (yy > 2147483647) < y=(ssize_t) yy-4294967295U-1; --- > y=(ssize_t) ReadPropertyMSBLong(&blob,&length); > x=(ssize_t) ReadPropertyMSBLong(&blob,&length); 2173,2184c2163,2164 < unsigned int < xx, < yy; < < yy=(unsigned int) ReadPropertyMSBLong(&blob,&length); < xx=(unsigned int) ReadPropertyMSBLong(&blob,&length); < x=(ssize_t) xx; < if (xx > 2147483647) < x=(ssize_t) xx-4294967295U-1; < y=(ssize_t) yy; < if (yy > 2147483647) < y=(ssize_t) yy-4294967295U-1; --- > y=(ssize_t) ReadPropertyMSBLong(&blob,&length); > x=(ssize_t) ReadPropertyMSBLong(&blob,&length);
- MagickCore/quantize.c
- 減色用色空間内ツリー操作中の色数計算の修正。(これ10年前に自分がミスった分の修正かも。。あわあわ。。
2943,2956c2943,2953 < if (cube_info->nodes > cube_info->maximum_colors) < { < /* < Merge color statistics into parent. < */ < parent=node_info->parent; < parent->number_unique+=node_info->number_unique; < parent->total_color.red+=node_info->total_color.red; < parent->total_color.green+=node_info->total_color.green; < parent->total_color.blue+=node_info->total_color.blue; < parent->total_color.alpha+=node_info->total_color.alpha; < parent->child[node_info->id]=(NodeInfo *) NULL; < cube_info->nodes--; < } --- > /* > Merge color statistics into parent. > */ > parent=node_info->parent; > parent->number_unique+=node_info->number_unique; > parent->total_color.red+=node_info->total_color.red; > parent->total_color.green+=node_info->total_color.green; > parent->total_color.blue+=node_info->total_color.blue; > parent->total_color.alpha+=node_info->total_color.alpha; > parent->child[node_info->id]=(NodeInfo *) NULL; > cube_info->nodes--;
- PerlMagick/demo/demo.pl
- Perl のでもに CLAHE を追加
99a100,105 > print "CLAHE...\n"; > $example=$model->Clone(); > $example->Label('CLAHE'); > $example->CLAHE('128x192+32+3'); > push(@$images,$example);
- coders/label.c
- ReadLABELImage で背景色を設定するときは先に Extent でレイヤーを整理する。
126c126,131 < (void) SetImageBackgroundColor(image,exception); --- > { > status=SetImageExtent(image,image->columns,image->rows,exception); > if (status == MagickFalse) > return(DestroyImageList(image)); > (void) SetImageBackgroundColor(image,exception); > }
- /coders/ora.c
- コードの整理?
104,106c104,106 < #if defined(MAGICKCORE_PNG_DELEGATE) < #if defined(MAGICKCORE_LIBZIP_DELEGATE) < static Image *ReadORAImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) --- > #if defined(MAGICKCORE_PNG_DELEGATE) && defined(MAGICKCORE_LIBZIP_DELEGATE) > static Image *ReadORAImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, > ExceptionInfo *exception) (略) 191,193c194,221 < read_bytes = zip_fread(merged_image_file, image_data_buffer + offset, MaxBufferExtent - offset); < if (read_bytes == -1) { < ThrowFileException(exception,FileOpenError,"UnableToCreateTemporaryFile", --- > read_bytes=zip_fread(merged_image_file,image_data_buffer+offset, > MaxBufferExtent-offset); > if (read_bytes == -1) > status=MagickFalse; > else if (read_bytes == 0) > { > /* Write up to offset of image_data_buffer to temp file */ > if (!fwrite(image_data_buffer,offset,1,file)) > status=MagickFalse; > break; > }
- coders/plasma.c
- グレースケール以外は sRGB に変換
46a47 > #include "MagickCore/colorspace-private.h" 156a158,159 > if (IsGrayColorspace(image->colorspace) != MagickFalse) > (void) SetImageColorspace(image,sRGBColorspace,exception); diff -rrB ImageMagick-7.0.10-28/coders/psd.c ImageMagick-7.0.10-29/coders/psd.c 1107,1110c1107 < { < status=MagickFalse; < break; < } --- > break;
- coders/svg.c
- currentColor 対応
885a886,887 > (void) FormatLocaleFile(svg_info->file,"currentColor \"%s\"\n", > color);
- coders/tiff.c
- この前の do while ループ終了条件が MagickFalse なのでよく分からない。
> if (status != MagickFalse)
> TIFFReadPhotoshopLayers(image_info,image,exception);
2248d2249< TIFFReadPhotoshopLayers(image_info,image,exception);
- coders/wmf.c
- cast 修正
842c842 < GetMagickVersion((unsigned long *) NULL)); --- > GetMagickVersion((size_t *) NULL));
2020-09-05 7.0.10-29 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Release ImageMagick version 7.0.10-29 GIT revision 17580:fc52fa0a9:20200905 2020-09-05 7.0.10-28 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Eliminate infinite loop for certain SVG styles (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick6/issues/96). * Add version element to JSON file format (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick6/issues/91). 2020-09-01 7.0.10-29 Dirk Lemstra <[email protected]> * Enabled support for AVIF encoding on Windows. * Clip path in 8bim profile is updated when the image is extended. (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/2414)
The latest release of ImageMagick is version 7.0.10-28
6 系同時リリースは ImageMagick-6.9.11-28
- TIFF -extent すると clip path が一緒に広がる件のワークアラウンド (一時凌ぎ対処)
- 一旦、8BIM を消して clip path をなかった事にする。(根本解決はあとまわし
- Photoshop EPS files のパスが壊れる不具合修正。
- -extent 後の distort された clip path
- https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/2414
- MagickCore/transform.c
- https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/2414
1149a1150 > (void) DeleteImageProfile(extent_image,"8bim"); /* delete clipping path */
- Photoshop EPS files のパスが変換で壊れる
411c411 < if (SkipMagickByteBufferUntil(&buffer,'\n') != MagickFalse) --- > if (SkipMagickByteBufferUntilNewline(&buffer) != MagickFalse) 448c448 < if (SkipMagickByteBufferUntil(&buffer,'\n') != MagickFalse) --- > if (SkipMagickByteBufferUntilNewline(&buffer) != MagickFalse)
- coders/bytebuffer-private.h
101,102c101,102 < static inline MagickBooleanType SkipMagickByteBufferUntil( < MagickByteBuffer *buffer,const int p) --- > static inline MagickBooleanType SkipMagickByteBufferUntilNewline( > MagickByteBuffer *buffer) 108c108 < while (c != p) --- > while ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r'))
2020-08-16 7.0.10-28 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Release ImageMagick version 7.0.10-28 GIT revision 17533:41e79fc33:20200816 2020-08-16 7.0.10-28 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Distorted clip path after -extent (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/2414). * Paths in Photoshop EPS files are corrupted on conversion (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/2413).
The latest release of ImageMagick is version 7.0.10-27
6 系同時リリースは ImageMagick-6.9.11-27
- libz 処理の見直し
- libz デリゲートライブラリの選択時のリグレッション修正。
- --with-libzip は --with-ziplib に変更
- configure
2027a2028 > --without-ziplib disable ZIPLIB support 2029d2029 < --without-libzip disable libzip support 2089a2090,2092 > ZIPLIB_CFLAGS > C compiler flags for ZIPLIB, overriding pkg-config > ZIPLIB_LIBS linker flags for ZIPLIB, overriding pkg-config 2092,2094d2094 < LIBZIP_CFLAGS < C compiler flags for LIBZIP, overriding pkg-config < LIBZIP_LIBS linker flags for LIBZIP, overriding pkg-config 2229c2229 (略) 29036c29036 < if test "$have_zlib" = 'yes'; then --- > if test "$have_ziplib" = 'yes'; then (ryaku) 29144,29145c29144,29145 < LIBZIP_CFLAGS=$pkg_cv_LIBZIP_CFLAGS < LIBZIP_LIBS=$pkg_cv_LIBZIP_LIBS --- > ZLIB_CFLAGS=$pkg_cv_ZLIB_CFLAGS > ZLIB_LIBS=$pkg_cv_ZLIB_LIBS 29148c29148 < have_libzip=yes --- > have_zlib=yes 29154c29154 < if test "$have_libzip" = 'yes'; then --- > if test "$have_zlib" = 'yes'; then
2020-08-09 7.0.10-27 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Release ImageMagick version 7.0.10-27 GIT revision 17525:ae6ace83c:20200809 2020-08-08 7.0.10-27 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * fix regression when detecting the libz delegate library.
The latest release of ImageMagick is version 7.0.10-26
6 系同時リリースは ImageMagick-6.9.11-26
- Animated WebP の blend メソッド対応。GIF アニメにもある透明ピクセルを前フレームの色として扱う機能。割合で塗りつぶす事もできるはず。
- OpenRaster (.ora) 画像形式対応を追加。Adobe PSD のようなレイヤーつきラスター情報を格納するオープン規格。
- Animated WebP の blend メソッド対応
- OpenRaster (.ora) 画像形式対応を追加
- Photoshop EPS ファイルのパスが壊れないようにした
2020-08-08 7.0.10-26 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Release ImageMagick version 7.0.10-26 GIT revision 17520:9c2744359:20200808 2020-08-02 7.0.10-26 <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Add animated webp blend method support (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/pull/2351). * Add support for OpenRaster (.ora) image format (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/pull/2342). * Paths in Photoshop EPS files are no longer corrupted (reference https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/2380).