Here sits my UFO pile....oh trust me there are a lot more but these are the ones that are pressing right now. In no particular order...theres the mailing to Miss Bobbi to send off some cabs to her. Next to that under the 2 blue fat quarters complete with my handy-dandy drawing behind it is the mermaid project. There are the 2 pillow shams with the colonial lady transfer awaiting to be embroidered.
Front and center is Miss Rieley's purse oh thats got to take top place of grand-daughters birthday gift! And last but not least is a cute lil project I found where they take one of these shoes and add ribbon roses to it and make a pin cushion in the top opening.
There are of course painted lady cabs that need to be painted...but they did not want to share the spotlight with what they thought were " the other time wasters" (they are so uppity some times..looking down their lil clay noses at other crafts)
So there you have it...this and a house to clean, dishes to do, dinners to cook and a 21 month old lil guy who thinks he is the ultimate and only time waster...this is my life! I so imagine you all going on your sweet way after you post to a clean house...ironed clothing...lace and doubt...just relaxing sipping sweet tea while your chores and crafting automatically and magically gets done for you. If this is not true...please don't tell me...I gotta have some dreams!!!
So this is my to-do picture...hope you all enjoyed my chaos! Sending you all big hugs...just some tired ones!