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techniqueに関するエントリは26件あります。 security動画仕事 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『テクニカルライターよ概念図を描くのです 〜テクニカルライターのためのイラストテクニック2〜 / cybozu illust technique2』などがあります。
  • テクニカルライターよ概念図を描くのです 〜テクニカルライターのためのイラストテクニック2〜 / cybozu illust technique2

    ドキュメントでは、「モノや人の関係を明確に表わす」「複雑な流れをわかりやすく説明する」といった場面がたくさん出てきます。概念図は、言葉だけでピンとこない複雑な関係も、わかりやすく伝えることができます。 本セッションでは、テクニカルライター向けに概念図を描くテクニックをご紹介します。

      テクニカルライターよ概念図を描くのです 〜テクニカルライターのためのイラストテクニック2〜 / cybozu illust technique2
    • 世の中は〇と△と□でできている~テクニカルライターのためのイラストテクニック~ / cybozu illust technique


        世の中は〇と△と□でできている~テクニカルライターのためのイラストテクニック~ / cybozu illust technique
      • 渋谷のクラブミュージック専門レコード店 「TECHNIQUE(テクニーク)」運営会社が破産(帝国データバンク) - Yahoo!ニュース

        (株)エナジー・フラッシュ(TDB企業コード:987797791、東京都新宿区西新宿3-3-23)は、7月14日に東京地裁より破産手続き開始決定を受けた。 破産管財人は花野信子弁護士(東京都港区赤坂4-7-15、光和総合法律事務所、電話03-5562-2572)。債権届け出期間は8月12日まで。 当社は、1988年(昭和63年)4月に宝石類等の販売を目的に設立。その後、実質休眠状態となっていたが、95年(平成7年)9月に音楽ライターの佐久間英夫氏が買収し、レコードショップとして再開した。東京都渋谷区にてレコード店「TECHNIQUE(テクニーク)」を経営し、オンラインショップでの販売も手がけていた。2017年には従業員だった佐藤吉春氏が代表に就任。テクノやハウス、トランスなどクラブシーンで使用されるジャンルを主体に扱い、大半が海外のものでインディーズレーベルの品揃えが多いことから、熱心なフ

          渋谷のクラブミュージック専門レコード店 「TECHNIQUE(テクニーク)」運営会社が破産(帝国データバンク) - Yahoo!ニュース
        • GitHub - spipm/Depixelization_poc: Depix is a PoC for a technique to recover plaintext from pixelized screenshots.

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            GitHub - spipm/Depixelization_poc: Depix is a PoC for a technique to recover plaintext from pixelized screenshots.
          • Focus To-Do - Pomodoro Technique & Tasks

            Be focused and make things easier. Focus To-Do is an easy-to-use time and task management application that helps you to manage tasks anywhere and anytime, and helps you to perform tasks efficiently. Millions of users around the world use our application and have gained efficiency. Based on the Pomodoro Technique Set an execution time for the task, focus on the task until the end of the time, the h

            • No-Panic Rust: A Nice Technique for Systems Programming

              Can Rust replace C? This is a question that has been on my mind for many years, as I created and now am tech lead for upb, a C library for Protocol Buffers. There is an understandable push to bring memory safety to all parts of the software stack, and this would suggest a port of upb to Rust. While I love the premise of Rust, I have long been skeptical that a port of upb to Rust could preserve the

              • GitHub - lucidrains/deep-daze: Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network). Technique was originally created by https://twitter.com/advadnoun

                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                  GitHub - lucidrains/deep-daze: Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network). Technique was originally created by https://twitter.com/advadnoun
                • HTML smuggling surges: Highly evasive loader technique increasingly used in banking malware, targeted attacks | Microsoft Security Blog

                  HTML smuggling, a highly evasive malware delivery technique that leverages legitimate HTML5 and JavaScript features, is increasingly used in email campaigns that deploy banking malware, remote access Trojans (RATs), and other payloads related to targeted attacks. Notably, this technique was observed in a spear-phishing campaign from the threat actor NOBELIUM in May. More recently, we have also see

                    HTML smuggling surges: Highly evasive loader technique increasingly used in banking malware, targeted attacks | Microsoft Security Blog
                  • 2/13はピーター・フックの誕生日!ニュー・オーダーの名盤「Technique」を聴こう

                    こんにちは。夢中図書館へようこそ! 館長のふゆきです。 今日の夢中は、2/13はピーター・フックの誕生日!ニュー・オーダーの名盤「Technique」を聴こう…です。 「夢中図書館 音楽館」は、ロックの名盤や新譜、個人的な愛聴盤などをレビュ…

                    • GitHub - BishopFox/unredacter: Never ever ever use pixelation as a redaction technique

                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                        GitHub - BishopFox/unredacter: Never ever ever use pixelation as a redaction technique
                      • Eyecandy - Visual Technique Library

                        EYECANDY is a labor of love for the people. It’s something to enjoy and learn from. It’s not something you should gatekeep— It was made to blow the gates open. It’s forever WIP. It’s never 100% accurate. It’s a little messy. Created by Jacobi Curated by you Eyecandy is a filmmaking platform that allows creators to exhibit their work, exchange ideas, and find inspiration. Eyecandy offers a range of

                          Eyecandy - Visual Technique Library
                        • A Clever Sticky Footer Technique | CSS-Tricks

                          DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! Upon hearing “sticky footer” these days, I would think most people imagine a position: sticky situation where a footer element appears fixed on the screen while in the scrolling context of some parent element. That’s not quite what I’m talking about here. “Sticky footers” were a UI concept b

                            A Clever Sticky Footer Technique | CSS-Tricks
                          • Harjinder Singh Kukreja on Twitter: "Correct technique to wash your hands for proper disinfection. #CoronavirusOutbreakindia #CoronaVirusUpdate #COVID… https://t.co/TLjLH4iqKf"

                            Correct technique to wash your hands for proper disinfection. #CoronavirusOutbreakindia #CoronaVirusUpdate #COVID… https://t.co/TLjLH4iqKf

                              Harjinder Singh Kukreja on Twitter: "Correct technique to wash your hands for proper disinfection. #CoronavirusOutbreakindia #CoronaVirusUpdate #COVID… https://t.co/TLjLH4iqKf"
                            • Which SVG technique performs best for way too many icons?

                              When I started giving talks about SVG back in 2016, I’d occasionally hear a question I never had a great answer for: What if you have a lot of icons on a page? You see, many attendees were interested in transitioning away from icon fonts. But while SVG offers a more accessible, reliable and powerful alternative, there’s no denying that browsers have an easier time displaying thousands of text char

                                Which SVG technique performs best for way too many icons?
                              • Boost your leadership skills with the Feynman technique - Work Life by Atlassian

                                “Open company, no bullshit” isn’t just one of our values. It’s a way of life at Atlassian. Here’s what we’re sharing with our investors and stakeholders each quarter.

                                  Boost your leadership skills with the Feynman technique - Work Life by Atlassian
                                • Unbelievable! Run 70B LLM Inference on a Single 4GB GPU with This NEW Technique

                                  Large language models require huge amounts of GPU memory. Is it possible to run inference on a single GPU? If so, what is the minimum GPU memory required? The 70B large language model has parameter size of 130GB. Just loading the model into the GPU requires 2 A100 GPUs with 100GB memory each. During inference, the entire input sequence also needs to be loaded into memory for complex “attention” ca

                                    Unbelievable! Run 70B LLM Inference on a Single 4GB GPU with This NEW Technique
                                  • I Tried Sundar Pichai's Non-Meditation Technique to Curb My Stress. It's 10X Better Than a Morning Routine

                                    I Tried Sundar Pichai's Non-Meditation Technique to Curb My Stress. It's 10X Better Than a Morning RoutineWhile routines have their place, business owners need in-the-moment tools to manage stress. This might provide the relief you've been looking for.

                                      I Tried Sundar Pichai's Non-Meditation Technique to Curb My Stress. It's 10X Better Than a Morning Routine
                                    • SquareX Discloses “Browser Syncjacking” , a New Attack Technique that Provides Full Browser and Device Control, Putting Millions at Risk

                                      Palo Alto, USA, January 30th, 2025, CyberNewsWire SquareX discloses a new attack technique that shows how malicious extensions can be used to completely hijack the browser, and eventually, the whole device. PALO ALTO, Calif., Jan. 30, 2025 — Browser extensions have been under the spotlight in enterprise security news recently due to the wave of OAuth attacks on Chrome extension developers and data

                                        SquareX Discloses “Browser Syncjacking” , a New Attack Technique that Provides Full Browser and Device Control, Putting Millions at Risk
                                      • Malware “Function-based encryption” technique and analysis

                                        OverviewIn the spring of 2020, I obtained and analyzed a sample of malware called “Emotet”. The malware is one of the most violent malware in Japan in 2020. The malware used several techniques that bothered analysts. Most of the recently malware seen hides the main payload with a program called “packer”. The malware I analyzed also used some techniques. This time, I will explain the technique of “

                                          Malware “Function-based encryption” technique and analysis
                                        • New LLM optimization technique slashes memory costs up to 75%

                                          Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More Researchers at the Tokyo-based startup Sakana AI have developed a new technique that enables language models to use memory more efficiently, helping enterprises cut the costs of building applications on top of large language models (LLMs) and other Transformer-based models

                                            New LLM optimization technique slashes memory costs up to 75%
                                          • 少量の水でコーヒーミルの静電気は解消できます『RDT-Ross Droplet Technique』の紹介|ブッシュ

                                            はじめてコーヒーミルで豆を挽いた時、多くの人がミルにまとわりつくコーヒー粉にドン引きしたと思います。 また、現在も飛び散る粉にストレスを抱える人も多いことかと思います。 ご存じかと思いますが、その原因は静電気です。 ストレスを最小限にしつつコーヒーを最大限楽しむために、静電気対策を行うのは非常に有効だと私は感じています。 本稿では、豆を挽くときに静電気が発生する理由をかる~く解説し、その対策の一つ「Ross Droplet Technique」、略して『RDT』と呼ばれるテクニックを提案します。 ツイッターでコーヒー屋さんが広めていたり、井崎さんが書籍で紹介していたりと、結構有名なテクニックではありますが、その呼び名も含めて覚えてもらえるともっと使いやすくなると思います。 粉と刃の摩擦などによって電子が移動し、それぞれが帯電するコーヒーミルの中で静電気が発生するのは、臼と豆、粉の接触が繰り

                                              少量の水でコーヒーミルの静電気は解消できます『RDT-Ross Droplet Technique』の紹介|ブッシュ
                                            • How to Use the Reframing Technique to Improve Your Creative Productivity

                                              Reframing helps you see a situation in a different way. It can help you escape from short-term thinking by challenging your mindset and perception models. By using this technique, you can generate new ideas and gain a fresh perspective on problems. Let's take a look at what reframing is, and how you can harness this technique to maximize your creative productivity. What Is the Reframing Technique?

                                                How to Use the Reframing Technique to Improve Your Creative Productivity
                                              • GitHub - Sjlver/psst: Paper-based Secret Sharing Technique

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                                                  GitHub - Sjlver/psst: Paper-based Secret Sharing Technique
                                                • A novel technique for creating ergonomic and tree-shakable TypeScript libraries | SoftwareMill

                                                  Software DevelopmentDiscovery WorkshopsPerformant BackendsData-Intensive FrontendsLegacy Systems MigrationLeadershipTechnology PartnerFractional CTO/ArchitectArchitectureSoftware Audit & ConsultingCybersecurity ServicesAI and MLMLOpsBespoke AI ChatbotsScience as a ServiceComputer VisionOperationalCloud Cost ReductionDevOps as a ServicePlatform EngineeringDeveloper ExperienceObservability Services

                                                    A novel technique for creating ergonomic and tree-shakable TypeScript libraries | SoftwareMill
                                                  • 現役ハッカーが、映画の「ハッキングシーン」の矛盾点を解説【Part2】 | Technique Critique | WIRED.jp

                                                    ドラマや映画で描かれる「ハッキングシーン」はどこまでリアルなのだろうか。Openpath社の創業者で現役ハッカーのサミー・カムカーがテレビや映画のハッキングを解説する。今回解説するのは『ジュラシック・パーク』や『ファイヤーウォール』など、有名作品の数々だ。 WIRED JAPAN チャンネル登録はこちら▶︎▶︎http://bit.ly/WIREDjpYouTube WIRED JAPAN:https://wired.jp WIRED.jp Twitter:https://twitter.com/wired_jp WIRED.jp Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WIRED.jp WIRED.jp Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/wired_jp/

                                                      現役ハッカーが、映画の「ハッキングシーン」の矛盾点を解説【Part2】 | Technique Critique | WIRED.jp
                                                    • 元宇宙飛行士が「宇宙映画」の矛盾点を解説 | Technique Critique | WIRED.jp

                                                      元宇宙飛行士のChris Hadfield(クリス・ハドフィールド)が、宇宙映画の様々なシーンを振り返る。『ゼロ・グラビティ』や『インターステラー』などの名作は、経験豊富な宇宙飛行士の視点で観るとどれだけ現実的なのだろうか? WIRED JAPAN チャンネル登録はこちら▶︎▶︎http://bit.ly/WIREDjpYouTube WIRED JAPAN:https://wired.jp WIRED.jp Twitter:https://twitter.com/wired_jp WIRED.jp Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WIRED.jp WIRED.jp Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/wired_jp/

                                                        元宇宙飛行士が「宇宙映画」の矛盾点を解説 | Technique Critique | WIRED.jp
