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teamworkに関するエントリは2件あります。 デザインblog などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Designing teamwork: How our customers helped shape the future of Slack』などがあります。
  • Designing teamwork: How our customers helped shape the future of Slack

    Designing teamwork: How our customers helped shape the future of SlackLessons learned building a simpler, more organized experience for our users 執筆者 : Anna Niess and Zack Sultan2020年3月18日イラスト : Casey Labatt Simon Today, we’re launching a significant update to Slack’s design. It’s not just one change, but a constellation of them—some shiny new things (channel sections!), some old things in new pla

      Designing teamwork: How our customers helped shape the future of Slack
    • 6 Reasons Why Effective Teamwork Is Important for All Organizations

      You should not underestimate the importance of teamwork. Teamwork is a sense of unity and the bedrock on which all successful businesses are built. It is the enthusiasm that people share for a common interest. However, teamwork also brings people together and motivates them to rely on each other to get things done. This makes everything a lot easier and allows a group of people to overcome obstacl

        6 Reasons Why Effective Teamwork Is Important for All Organizations
