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optionalに関するエントリは34件あります。 JavaScriptjavatechfeed などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Optionalは引数に使うべきでない、という幻想について - ぐるぐる~』などがあります。
  • Optionalは引数に使うべきでない、という幻想について - ぐるぐる~

    継続渡しすると戻り値は引数になるから「Optional は戻り値にのみ使うべき」というルールは無意味だよ、という話。 あ、そういう話ね、と分かった方はこれ以上読む必要はありません。 Mono が Async + Optional + 例外という欲張りパック状態なのも問題ですが、それについてはまた今度(Mono<Optional<T>> 使わずに Mono<T> を使え、という指摘があり得る。ただ、そっちもそっちで言いたいことはある、という程度)。 今回は、 Mono は Async くらいの意図として使っています*1。 まず、こんなメソッドがあったとします。 Mono<Optional<String>> f(); これ自体は戻り値に Optional を使っているだけなので、「Optional は戻り値にのみ使うべき」は守っています。 しかし、これを使う側はそうはいきません。 例えば、値が

      Optionalは引数に使うべきでない、という幻想について - ぐるぐる~
    • 帰ってきた optional - Protocol Buffers v3.12 から Field presence が導入|Dentsu Digital Tech Blog

      帰ってきた optional - Protocol Buffers v3.12 から Field presence が導入 電通デジタルでバックエンド開発をしている齋藤です。 今回は Protocol Buffers v3.12 のリリースで追加された Field presence 機能について調べたことをご紹介します。 前提:v3.12 以前の Protocol Buffers v3 における optional な値の扱いProtocol Buffers v3 (proto3) では v2 (proto2) にはあった optional ながなくなり、optional を扱うにはひと工夫必要でした。加えて、Message の Filed に値を入れなかった場合は、Fieldの型のディフォルト値が送られてきたとみなす仕様になっています(各型のディフォルト値はこちら)。 そのため、開発者は

        帰ってきた optional - Protocol Buffers v3.12 から Field presence が導入|Dentsu Digital Tech Blog
      • Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned • Lea Verou

        Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned Chinese translation by Coink Wang Now that optional chaining is supported across the board, I decided to finally refactor Mavo to use it (yes, yes, we do provide a transpiled version as well for older browsers, settle down). This is a moment I have been waiting for a long time, as I think optional chaining is the single most subs

        • PEP 703 – Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython | peps.python.org

          PEP 703 – Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython Author: Sam Gross <colesbury at gmail.com> Sponsor: Łukasz Langa <lukasz at python.org> Discussions-To: Discourse thread Status: Accepted Type: Standards Track Created: 09-Jan-2023 Python-Version: 3.13 Post-History: 09-Jan-2023, 04-May-2023 Resolution: 24-Oct-2023 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation The GIL Makes Many Types of Para

            PEP 703 – Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython | peps.python.org
          • Native mobile apps are optional for B2B startups in 2024

            December 17, 2023 Native mobile apps are optional for B2B startups in 2024 I continue to see new B2B software startups struggle with native mobile apps. Consumer software makers can usually start by going all-in on a single platform, but for business tools, that’s rarely an option. So they must face the tall task of tackling web, iOS, and Android at the same time. Hence the proliferation of toolki

              Native mobile apps are optional for B2B startups in 2024
            • Windows 10 Optional Features: A Quick Guide to the Best Extras You May Want

              Windows 10 isn't short on features. In fact, the operating system is continually updated to add new ones. But did you know that Windows 10 contains some optional features that you can enable? These optional features are targeted more at power users and IT administrators, though there are some that the average person might want to make use of. We're going to explore the different places where you c

                Windows 10 Optional Features: A Quick Guide to the Best Extras You May Want
              • Overhead of Returning Optional Values in Java and Rust | Piotr Kołaczkowski

                Some programming languages like Java or Scala offer more than one way to express a concept of “lack of value”. Traditionally, a special null value is used to denote references that don’t reference any value at all. However, over time we have learned that using nulls can be very error-prone and can cause many troubles like NullPointerException errors crashing a program in the most unexpected moment

                • Go Genericsを使ってgo-optionalを書いた / Go Generics感想 - その手の平は尻もつかめるさ

                  Go Genericsがどんなもんか試してみたかったので、これを使ってOptionの実装を書いてみました。 github.com 基本的な使い方としてはSynopsisを読んでもらえばわかると思いますが、ユーティリティとしては IsSome() IsNone() Take() TakeOr() TakeOrElse() Filter() Map() MapOr() Zip() ZipWith() Unzip() UnzipWith() あたりを取り揃えております。examplesも併せてご覧いただくとおおよその使い方の雰囲気が掴めると思います。 利用のためにはまだunstableな最新版 (go1.18) を使う必要があるので、gotipとかを使って新しい処理系を引っぱってくる必要があります。 で、GoのGenericsを使ってみた感想としてdefault valueとかconstrain

                    Go Genericsを使ってgo-optionalを書いた / Go Generics感想 - その手の平は尻もつかめるさ
                  • New PAT rotation policies preview and optional expiration for fine-grained PATs · GitHub Changelog

                    AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be

                      New PAT rotation policies preview and optional expiration for fine-grained PATs · GitHub Changelog
                    • Python's Steering Council Plans to Make Its 'Global Interpreter Lock' Optional - Slashdot

                      Posted by EditorDavid on Saturday July 29, 2023 @11:34AM from the nice-threads dept. Python's Global Interpreter Lock "allows only one thread to hold the control of the Python interpreter," according to the tutorial site Real Python. (They add, "it can be a performance bottleneck in CPU-bound and multi-threaded code.") Friday the Python Steering Council "announced its intent to accept PEP 703 (Mak

                      • GitHub - tamagui/tamagui: Style React fast with 100% parity on React Native, an optional UI kit, and optimizing compiler.

                        @tamagui/core - Universal style library for React. @tamagui/static - Optimizing compiler that works with core and tamagui. tamagui - UI kit that adapts to every platform. See tamagui.dev for documentation. Tamagui lets you share more code between web and native apps without sacrificing the two things that typically suffer when you do: performance and code quality. It does this with an optimizing c

                          GitHub - tamagui/tamagui: Style React fast with 100% parity on React Native, an optional UI kit, and optimizing compiler.
                        • GitHub - tc39/proposal-optional-chaining-assignment: `a?.b = c` proposal

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - tc39/proposal-optional-chaining-assignment: `a?.b = c` proposal
                          • JavaのStream/Optionalに対する理解を深める - asoview! Tech Blog

                            はじめに こんにちは、アソビューでバックエンドエンジニアをしている小原です。 アソビューのバックエンドはJava + Spring Bootで構築されており、プロダクトによってJava8かJava11が利用されています。 Java 8は、2014年3月に正式リリースされ、ラムダ式やStream、Optionalなどの機能が導入されました。皆さんもこれらの機能を活用されている事かと思われます。しかしながら、特にStreamは機能が多いためか、適切に使われてないケースをちらほら見てきました。今回は、StreamとOptionalをおさらいし、理解を深めていただければと思い、記事を書きました。 はじめに Stream 概要 特徴 Streamの生成 中間操作と終端操作 中間操作 filter() map() flatMap() distinct() sorted() peek() limit()

                              JavaのStream/Optionalに対する理解を深める - asoview! Tech Blog
                            • `get()`を使うな ~ 敗北者の Optional - Qiita

                              Java の Optional に関する記事を見ると “この教え方では Optional の意味がまるっきりない使い方するやつばかりが生まれるぞ……” というのを数多く見てしまったので,せめてもの反抗にこの記事を書きます。 TL; DR isPresent()とget()しか知らない奴は こういう書き方をしてはいけない 記事を見ていると null チェックはOptional#isPresent()で行い,値はOptional#get()で取り出します。 みたいな解説が多すぎる。 そういうことをしてはいけない。それでは従来の null チェックとなにも変わらない。変わらないどころかタイプ数が増え,実行時間が増え,メモリ使用量が増え**,デメリットだけが上乗せされている**。メリットはなにも得られていないのに。 まず頭に叩き込んでほしいのは**Optional#get()を使ってはいけない**

                                `get()`を使うな ~ 敗北者の Optional - Qiita
                              • Optional parameters in Rust – Vidify

                                Analyzing different approaches for optional parameters in Rust By Mario Ortiz Manero at Oct 10, 2020 , 11 minutes read Disclaimer: I will now be posting these kind of posts at my personal blog: https://nullderef.com/blog/rust-parameters/ Optional or default parameters are a very interesting feature of some languages that Rust specifically doesn’t cover (and looks like it won’t anytime soon ). Say

                                • GitHub - Acly/krita-ai-diffusion: Streamlined interface for generating images with AI in Krita. Inpaint and outpaint with optional text prompt, no tweaking required.

                                  ✨Features | ⭳ Download | 🛠️Installation | 🎞️ Video | 🖼️Gallery | 📖Wiki | 💬Discussion | 🗣️Discord This is a plugin to use generative AI in image painting and editing workflows from within Krita. For a more visual introduction, see www.interstice.cloud The main goals of this project are: Precision and Control. Creating entire images from text can be unpredictable. To get the result you envisio

                                    GitHub - Acly/krita-ai-diffusion: Streamlined interface for generating images with AI in Krita. Inpaint and outpaint with optional text prompt, no tweaking required.
                                  • GitHub - WSA-Community/WSAGAScript: Scripts to install Google Apps into a WSA image. Plus optional root

                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                      GitHub - WSA-Community/WSAGAScript: Scripts to install Google Apps into a WSA image. Plus optional root
                                    • JavaScriptのOptional ChainingとNullish Coalescing Operatorでnullやundefinedと戦う

                                      JavaScriptとの戦いの大部分は、undefinedとの戦いです。undefinedはあなたのプログラムに素早く忍び込み、全てを壊していくでしょう。 これはTypeScriptでも避けられません。undefinedになりうる値があれば、繊細なガラス細工に触れるときのように慎重に扱わなければなりません。 そんなundefinedとの戦いの中、ほんのちょっぴり役に立つ文法がJavaScriptに導入されたので、紹介したいと思います。 Optionalな値 コードを書いていると、「入力してもしなくても良い」値を扱いたくなる場合があります。例えば外部からデータをフェッチしてくる関数を作るときには、trueかfalseか未指定(undefined)を指定する「disableCache(キャッシュ無効化)」フラグが欲しくなるかもしれません。 そういったoptional(任意入力)の値を実現しよう

                                        JavaScriptのOptional ChainingとNullish Coalescing Operatorでnullやundefinedと戦う
                                      • A Steering Council notice about PEP 703 (Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython)

                                        Posting for the whole Steering Council, on the subject of @colesbury’s PEP 703 (Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython). Thank you, everyone, for responding to the poll on the no-GIL proposal. It’s clear that the overall sentiment is positive, both for the general idea and for PEP 703 specifically. The Steering Council is also largely positive on both. We intend to accept PEP 703,

                                          A Steering Council notice about PEP 703 (Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython)
                                        • Ditto - Resilient Device Connectivity. Servers and Cloud, Optional.

                                          Resilient Device Connectivity. Servers and Cloud, Optional.Mobile ad-hoc mesh networking and peer-to-peer data sync for your enterprise applications. Smarter syncing at the edge in just three steps1Install the Ditto SDK Have your developer install the SDK into your existing mobile, web, IoT, or server application. 2Write some queries Our APIs offer instant peer-to-peer sync and automatic platform-

                                            Ditto - Resilient Device Connectivity. Servers and Cloud, Optional.
                                          • Yarn 3.1 🎃👻 Corepack, ESM, pnpm, Optional Packages ...

                                            Yarn 3.1 🎃👻 Corepack, ESM, pnpm, Optional Packages ... Welcome to the release notes for Yarn 3.1! We're quite excited by this release, as it brings various improvements that we've all been looking forward to. Let's dig into that! As always, keep in mind those are only the highlights, the full changelog is much more comprehensive. And if you just happen to love reading our release posts, here are

                                              Yarn 3.1 🎃👻 Corepack, ESM, pnpm, Optional Packages ...
                                            • VBA 省略可能な引数 Optional と名前付き引数

                                              はじめに Excel VBA マクロで省略可能な引数 (Optional) を持つ関数を作成する方法と、引数を省略して呼び出す方法を紹介します。 Optional 引数名 As 型名 = 既定値 のようにして、省略可能な引数を持つ関数を作成できます。引数を省略して呼び出されたときの既定値を設定できます。 Call 関数名(引数1:="1") のようにして、引数名を指定して値を渡せます。

                                                VBA 省略可能な引数 Optional と名前付き引数
                                              • Django, HTMX and Alpine.js: Modern websites, JavaScript optional

                                                  Django, HTMX and Alpine.js: Modern websites, JavaScript optional
                                                • Terraform の object variable で柔軟なパラメータ設定を提供する (optional default) - tellme.tokyo

                                                  Terraform の object variable で柔軟なパラメータ設定を提供する (optional default) July 3, 2022 object variable の optional default とは Terraform v1.3.0 から object variable の optional default が使えるようになる (現在は experimental で v1.3.0-alpha で利用可能) Optional arguments in object variable type definition · Issue #19898 · hashicorp/terraform [Request] module_variable_optional_attrs: Optional default · Issue #30750 · hashicorp/ter

                                                    Terraform の object variable で柔軟なパラメータ設定を提供する (optional default) - tellme.tokyo
                                                  • Optional variance annotations by ahejlsberg · Pull Request #48240 · microsoft/TypeScript

                                                    With this PR we introduce optional declaration site variance annotations for type parameters of classes, interfaces and type aliases. Annotations take the form of an in and/or out keyword immediately preceding the type parameter name in a type parameter declaration. An out annotation indicates that a type parameter is covariant. An in annotation indicates that a type parameter is contravariant. An

                                                      Optional variance annotations by ahejlsberg · Pull Request #48240 · microsoft/TypeScript
                                                    • TypeScript で any や as を使わなくても型チェックをすり抜けてしまう話(Optional Propertyの危険性) - Qiita

                                                      Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article?

                                                        TypeScript で any や as を使わなくても型チェックをすり抜けてしまう話(Optional Propertyの危険性) - Qiita
                                                      • Layered Toggles: Optional CSS Mixins

                                                        Layered Toggles: Optional CSS MixinsIn this article, I am sharing the next evolution of space & cyclic toggles, which allows us to create and apply optional mixins in CSS with the help of custom cascade layers, available today in every browser that supports them. I am no stranger to looking for various ways to apply some CSS conditionally, and through the years, went from using math as a way to ac

                                                        • Optionalで書くとこうなる。 : Javaありがたや

                                                            Optionalで書くとこうなる。 : Javaありがたや
                                                          • A surprising feature of JavaScript optional chaining | Swizec Teller

                                                            Senior Mindset BookGet promoted, earn a bigger salary, work for top companies Start with a free chapterGet a free chapter from the Senior Engineer Mindset book and a sample audiobook chapter, followed by a Senior Mindset 101 email course. A surprising feature of JavaScript optional chainingIn 2020 JavaScript gained a new feature – optional chaining. It solves a problem we've had ... forever. With

                                                              A surprising feature of JavaScript optional chaining | Swizec Teller
                                                            • Prevent layout shifting and flashes of invisible text (FOIT) by preloading optional fonts  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                              By optimizing rendering cycles, Chrome 83 eliminates layout shifting when preloading optional fonts. Combining <link rel="preload"> with font-display: optional is the most effective way to guarantee no layout jank when rendering custom fonts. Browser compatibility Check out MDN's data for up-to-date cross-browser support information: <link rel="preload"> font-display Font rendering Layout shifting

                                                              • Firefox 80 Released with Optional GPU Acceleration on Linux - OMG! Ubuntu

                                                                Download Now: Firefox 80 Released with Optional GPU Acceleration on Linux Mozilla Firefox 80 is now available to download for Windows, macOS and Linux. But before we look at what’s new and improved in Firefox 80 let’s address the shy elephant in the room. The past few months have been difficult for Mozilla and the wider Firefox community It’s fair to say that the past few months have been pretty d

                                                                  Firefox 80 Released with Optional GPU Acceleration on Linux - OMG! Ubuntu
                                                                • GIL Become Optional in Python 3.13

                                                                  Post author:Sachin Pal Post published:August 11, 2024 Post category:Python GIL or Global Interpreter Lock can be disabled in Python version 3.13. This is currently experimental. What is GIL? It is a mechanism used by the CPython interpreter to ensure that only one thread executes the Python bytecode at a time. An Experimental Feature Python 3.13 brings major new features compared to Python 3.12 an

                                                                    GIL Become Optional in Python 3.13
                                                                  • JavaScript Development: Making a Web Worker optional

                                                                    In case you have a lot of JavaScript related logic running inside a main thread or a Web Worker, it makes perfect sense to move expensive logic into another worker. Workers run inside a different thread using their own CPU if possible. However, there can be use cases where in some scenarios there is a lot of JS related workload on a given thread, while in other scenarios this thread is mostly idle

                                                                      JavaScript Development: Making a Web Worker optional
                                                                    • Sipeed NanoKVM-PCIe is an inexpensive KVM over IP solution with optional WiFi 6 and PoE support - CNX Software

                                                                      Sipeed NanoKVM-PCIe is an inexpensive KVM over IP solution with optional WiFi 6 and PoE support Sipeed NanoKVM-PCIe is a variation of the NanoKVM KVM-over-IP solution introduced last summer, but instead of being a tiny Cube with USB-C power, the new model can be powered through the PCIe slot from the host (as well as USB-C) and adds optional WiFi 6 and PoE functionality. While it’s not based on th

                                                                        Sipeed NanoKVM-PCIe is an inexpensive KVM over IP solution with optional WiFi 6 and PoE support - CNX Software
