Magento社èªå®ã½ãªã¥ã¼ã·ã§ã³ãã¼ããã¼ã®ECæç ããªãªã¸ãã«ã§éçºãç¡åæä¾ãã¦ããMagentoãæ¥æ¬èªç°å¢ã«ããã¨ã¯ã¹ãã³ã·ã§ã³ã
Magento社èªå®ã½ãªã¥ã¼ã·ã§ã³ãã¼ããã¼ã®ECæç ããªãªã¸ãã«ã§éçºãç¡åæä¾ãã¦ããMagentoãæ¥æ¬èªç°å¢ã«ããã¨ã¯ã¹ãã³ã·ã§ã³ã
() - 4,069 users - Weekly installs: 6,310 RapidShare Download Helper - start your download once ready. RapidShare Download Helper will monitor time limitations and will auto-start your download. Are you frustrated with having to stay on site due to time limitations? Do you always re-initiate the same download time and time again just because you forget to go back to the RapidShare download page? T
Automate your web browser. Record and replay repetitious work Version 10.1.1 is a branding update â iMacros is part of the Progress Software Corporation product portfolio ( iMacros is designed to automate the most repetitious tasks on the web. If thereâs an activity you have to do repeatedly, just record it in iMacros. The next time you need to do it, the entire macro will ru
Dust-Me Selectors 4.1 is now available from the add-ons directory. Version 4.1 fixes the compatibility issues that arose in Firefox 22 (because several key classes were summarily removed, which broke the extension). Version 4.0 was never released, because of problems with the add-ons review process (bugs in the automated validator that incorrectly rejected the first build, then delays and mistakes
Displays formatted and color-coded source and optional CSS information for each element. You can see exactly which CSS rules match for an element. The rules are displayed including file name and line number. The topmost element is that with the highest priority. You can fold/unfold/hilite block elements (table, tr, td, div, span,...). Really cool feature: select a block level element of interest d
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