Payneham NU WFC
The Magpies debuted in Division Two of the Adelaide Footy League Women's competition in 2018. They found the going a trifle tough, winning just 3 out of 12 matches to finish fifth of half a dozen teams. Celebrating the history of the great Australian game
Official name
Payneham Norwood Union Football Club
Known as
Payneham NU WFC
Black and white
Associated clubs
Payneham Norwood Union; Payneham NU Res WFC
Affiliation (Current)
Adelaide Footy League (AdFL) 2018–, 2018–2025
The Magpies debuted in Division Two of the Adelaide Footy League Women's competition in 2018. They found the going a trifle tough, winning just 3 out of 12 matches to finish fifth of half a dozen teams.