My Life in Weeks by Gina Trapani
This is one way of putting things into perspective.
This is one way of putting things into perspective.
The same small dataset visualised in a hundred different ways, with notes on the strengths and weaknesses of each one.
As designers creating images to communicate complex ideas, we rationalize our processes, we bring objectivity to our craft, we want our clients to think that our decisions are based on reasoning. However, we should also defend our intuitions, our subjectivity. We should also defend pursuing beauty as it is one of our most powerful tools.
Maggie explores different ways of visualising journeys on the web, including browser histories:
Perhaps web browsing histories should look more like Git commit histories? Perhaps distinct branches could representing different topics and research avenues?
Scroll up to the Kármán line.
A lovely bit of real-time data visualisation from Robin:
It’s a personal project created at home in Wales with an aim to explore and visualise renewable energy systems. Specifically, it aims to visualise live generation from renewable energy systems around Great Britain and to show where that generation is physically coming from.
The design process in action in Victorian England:
Recognizing that few people actually read statistical tables, Nightingale and her team designed graphics to attract attention and engage readers in ways that other media could not. Their diagram designs evolved over two batches of publications, giving them opportunities to react to the efforts of other parties also jockeying for influence. These competitors buried stuffy graphic analysis inside thick books. In contrast, Nightingale packaged her charts in attractive slim folios, integrating diagrams with witty prose. Her charts were accessible and punchy. Instead of building complex arguments that required heavy work from the audience, she focused her narrative lens on specific claims. It was more than data visualization—it was data storytelling.
This is a story about pizza and geometry.
The interactive widget here really demonstrates the difference between showing and telling.
A fascinating four-part series by Lisa Charlotte Muth on colour in data visualisations:
This is a great combination of rigorous research and great data visualisation.
Download this PDF to see 100 beautiful literary visualisations.
The next best thing to having Kurt Vonnegut at the blackboard.
Visualising the growth of the internet.
A beautiful interactive visualisation of every paper published in Nature.
Draw an iceberg and see how it will float.
There are some beautiful illustrations in this online exhibition of data visualisation in the past few hundred years.
A lovely visualisation of asteroids in our solar system.
A handy tool for getting an overview of your site’s CSS:
CSS Stats provides analytics and visualizations for your stylesheets. This information can be used to improve consistency in your design, track performance of your app, and diagnose complex areas before it snowballs out of control.
What you see is the big map of a sea of literature, one where each island represents a single author, and each city represents a book. The map represents a selection of 113 008 authors and 145 162 books.
This is a poetic experiment where we hope you will get lost for a while.
A timeline showing the history of non-digital dataviz.