Tags: superheroes



Monday, January 3rd, 2022

Superheroes create cultural acceptance for popular oligarchy (Interconnected)

I sometimes imagine a chair made by someone who sits all twisted. Sitting in that chair yourself, you couldn’t help but to sit in the same way.

When a designer designs an object, their stance will be encoded and transmitted to the user. Imposed.

Is culture really passed on like this, not just with chairs or superheroes, but in a general sense?

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

Designing The Future, John V Willshire, dConstruct 2015 on Vimeo

Just like Nick, John Willshire has put his slides together with the audio from his gobsmackingly good dConstruct presentation on metadesign.

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

Super hero - a set on Flickr

History with a sprinkling of Photoshopped fiction.

Cherbourg-Normandy 1944

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

Law and the Multiverse | Superheroes, supervillains, and the law

Two lawyers attempt to answer the legal questions raised by the fictional conceits of superheroes. What is Superman’s immigration status? Who foots the bill when a hero damages property while fighting a villain? What happens legally when a character comes back from the dead?