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When is a space not a space?
Tom talks about ogham stones and unicode.
When is a space not a space?
Tom talks about ogham stones and unicode.
Brilliant! Although it’s kind of like shooting fish in a barrel to make a Markov chain out of someone whose entire output is already one big Markov chain.
Adam Curtis: the Banksy of documentaries.
Scott shares the code that Filament Group are using to determine which style declarations are critical (and can be inlined) and which are non-critical (and can be loaded asynchronously). It makes quite a difference in perceived performance.
By the way, I really, really like the terminology of “critical” and “non-critical” CSS, rather than “above the fold” and “below the fold” CSS.
An early look at the just-in-time interactions that Scott has been working on:
Nearby works like this. An enabled object broadcasts a short description of itself and a URL to devices nearby listening. Those URLs are grabbed and listed by the app, and tapping on one brings you to the object’s webpage, where you can interact with it—say, tell it to perform a task.
Words of wisdom from Scott on the clash of brand guidelines and the flexible nature of the web:
One thing I am pretty sure of though, is that having a fast, accessible, user-friendly site can reflect incredibly well on a company, and I’d love to see more guidelines and expectations that prioritize these aspects of a service as branding requirements in addition to the usual visual details.
A terrific lighting talk by Scott on the need to think bigger. The solution to long-term issues is rarely “start a company”—we need to think more about creating a shared infrastructure …just like the internet.
The latest project from Tom Scott is like many Facebook-authenticated apps that ask you to sell your soul, but this one is literal. I think I might offer my soul (worth 56gigaMorgans) to Cthulhu.
Jason goes into detail describing the File Format problem that he and others are going to tackle in the effort known as Just Solve The Problem.
Excellent! Scott has his own URL now. If you haven’t read everything he has written so far, start from the start and read every single post.
A little something to whet your appetite for dConstruct: Scott’s superb talk from this year’s Mobilism conference in Amsterdam.
Jason’s rip-roaring presentation from Defcon last year.
Download and play the Jason Scott Adventure — only you can help Jason save the internet!
A good overview of the OpenID panel at OSCON: "Is OpenID a panacea, a placebo, or something in between? Opposing viewpoints took turns on center stage Wednesday afternoon at OSCON 2008. The session entitled "A Critical View of OpenID" started off …
Beautiful artwork in a minimalist interface. But you'd better have your browser window maximised on a big monitor. *sigh*
A Q&A with Ridley Scott on the eve of releasing Blade Runner: The Final Cut.
Scott Adams lost the ability to speak but by hacking his brain through the use of rhyme, regained it again. Paging Dr. Sachs, paging Dr. Pinker.
Own a mile of Ben Saunders' trip to the South Pole.