Link tags: social_graph



Ident Engine

Glenn has taken Google's Social Graph API, YQL and various parsers, and he's wrapped it all up in one JavaScript library. The demos are mind-boggingly impressive.

Identify: Google People With Two Keystrokes - ReadWriteWeb

A nice overview of Glenn's XFN Firefox plug-in.

Portal Me

A person-specific portal generated using Google's Social Graph API. And it's less than 5K!

Identify - Firefox entension | Madgex Lab

Okay, I know I said "holy freakin' crap!" the last time I linked to one of Glenn's Social Graph API experiments but now he's gone and created a Firefox plug-in: press alt-i and you can see the social graph for anyone's site. Holy freakin' crap!

Social Graph Explorer | Madgex Lab

Holy freaking crap! Glenn's Social Graph Explorer is bloody brilliant!

Digital Web Magazine - Portable Social Networks, The Building Blocks Of A Social Web

Ben has written a superb article outlining the hows and whys of distributed social networks with hCard and XFN, finishing with an inspiring call to arms.

Social networks may be imaginary | The Register

My new motto is "The Social Graph is a Spherical Cow."

Giant Global Graph | Decentralized Information Group (DIG) Breadcrumbs

TIm Berners-Lee explains what the "graph" part of "social graph" means. I'm still not keen on the term but I really love the idea (although I also disagree about the building blocks required today).