Link tags: rdf




A fascinating examination by Hixie of web technologies that may have technically been “better” than HTML, but still found themselves subsumed into the simpler, more straightforward, good ol’ hypertext markup language.

The follow-on comments are definitely worth a read too.

Linked Data at the Guardian | Open Platform |

A great write-up of the latest additions to the Guardian's Open Platform API including a lukewarm assessment of Semantic Web technologies like RDF.

Tokenising the semantic web | webBackplane

A nice description of RDFa ...but once, just once, I would like to see someone use an example that *isn't* contact details or events—situations already handled by microformats.

Why you should have a Web Site (and other Web 3.0 issues)

This presentation by Steven Pemberton increases in value over time.

Giant Global Graph | Decentralized Information Group (DIG) Breadcrumbs

TIm Berners-Lee explains what the "graph" part of "social graph" means. I'm still not keen on the term but I really love the idea (although I also disagree about the building blocks required today).

Ben Ward » FAO: RDF

Ben's thoughts on RDF and microformats, prompted by last weekend's BarCamp shenanigans.

eRDF vs. microformats

I got roped into this face-off at BarCamp London 2. Here's a video of the ensuing confrontation. This was a lot of fun.