Link tags: mockup



Turning Design Mockups Into Code With Deep Learning - FloydHub Blog

Training a neural network to do front-end development.

I didn’t understand any of this.

“The Post-PSD Era: A problem of expectations,” an article by Dan Mall

I really like Dan’s take on using Photoshop (or Fireworks) as part of today’s web design process. The problem is not with the tool; the problem is with the expectations set by showing comps to clients.

By default, presenting a full comp says to your client, “This is how everyone will see your site.” In our multi-device world, we’re quickly moving towards, “This is how some people will see your site,” but we’re not doing a great job of communicating that.

PlaceIt by Breezi - Generate Product Screenshots in Realistic Environments

A cute little service for mocking up pictures of your site being used on different devices. Just drag and drop a screenshot on to an image.

Fictional magazine covers from Blade Runner - a set on Flickr

Magazine covers created by Tom Southwell for background scenes in Blade Runner.


Mocking Up Is Hard To Do

This seems like an eminently sensible thing to do when building responsive sites: ditch mock-ups entirely. The reasons and the workflow outlined here make a lot of sense.

Fillerati - Faux Latin is a Dead Language

The best alternative to lorem ipsum yet. - Quick and simple image placeholders

This will be very, very handy for my day-to-day front end development work.

Aza’s Thoughts » Identity in the Browser (Firefox)

Aza Raskin share's some mockups of ideas for incorporating identity management into the browser.

Velvet Unravelled » Blog Archive » Portable social networks

Sarah mocks up an interface for importing contacts across social networks.