Link tags: make



Joymaker by Frederik Pohl from The Age of The Pussyfoot

From Frederik Pohl’s 1966 novel:

The remote-access computer transponder called the “joymaker” is your most valuable single possession in your new life. If you can imagine a combination of telephone, credit card, alarm clock, pocket bar, reference library, and full-time secretary, you will have sketched some of the functions provided by your joymaker.

Essentially, it is a transponder connecting you with the central computing facilities of the city in which you reside on a shared-time, self-programming basis.

Souvenirs from the futures — GlobalFuturesLab

A collection of weird and wonderful design fiction.

This collection of “Souvenirs from the Future” envisions what the future looks like through the eyes of young and talented art, design and architecture students living in different parts of the world. Some are speculations on ideal tomorrows; others are projections and critiques on the present. Some reveal beautiful aesthetics, alternatives to the high tech; others bravely question critical issues around politics, religion or tradition.

In support of MakerClub | Clearleft

Declan from MakerClub came by the office week and told us all about this great initiative for kids in Brighton that we’re supporting through the BrightSparks programme.

Brighton digital companies just did something brilliant… | Declan Cassidy

A write-up of the BrightSparks programme that Clearleft is taking part in.

Each company agreed to help support one local child from a low-income family, on free school meals or with a yearly household income of under £25k.

The Brighton Makerlab - where technology meets awesome! by Simon Riley — Kickstarter

Still a few days left to back this great project for Brighton:

Build, tinker, make and play! For anyone with imagination, The Brighton Makerlab lets ages 8 to 80 create cool stuff with technology.

MakerLab HQ - Maker Club

Good news, Brighton! There’s a Maker Club opening up on London Road (above the new Presuming Ed coffee shop). Grab your robot kits and come along.

Hundreds of bright sparks head to Brighton Dome for the Maker Faire - YouTube

This year’s Maker Faire in Brighton was excellent as always.

How to see through the cloud

This is a great explanatory piece from James Bridle in conjunction with Mozilla’s Webmaker. It’s intended for a younger audience, but its clear description of how web requests are resolved is pitch-perfect primer for anyone.

The web isn’t magic. It’s not some faraway place we just ‘connect’ to, but a vast and complex system of computers, connected by actual wires under the ground and the oceans. Every time you open a website, you’re visiting a place where that data is stored.

BBC Click: 10 Sept 2013: Brighton Digital Festival on Huffduffer

A report from the BBC on this year’s Brighton Digital Festival including interviews with Honor, Timo, and Seb.

If You Make It, They Will Come! Brighton Mini Maker Faire

It’s baaa-aaack!

This time Brighton’s superb Maker Faire will span two days: the two days right after dConstruct.

This is going to be one helluva weekend.

Seb Lee-Delisle: Playing With Code

A nice feature on Seb in the latest issue of Make magazine.

Make it So | Interface Design Lessons from Sci-Fi

Chris and Nathan’s book is finally out. I’m going to enjoy reading through this.

Brighton: South by South East?

Honor compares next week in Brighton to Austin in March.

ntlk’s blog: South by South East

Natalia is as excited as I am about the first week of September in Brighton: Reasons To Be Creative, dConstruct, Improving Reality, BrightonSF, and Maker Faire, now with added speakers.

Brighton Mini Maker Faire is Back – and We Need YOU! | Brighton Mini Maker Faire

Brighton’s Mini Maker Faire (which was fantastic last year) will take place the day after dConstruct and this time, they’ve got a lot more space. Want to get involved? Get involved!

Everything I Make With My Makerbot

Brendan is posting pictures of everything he fabs. Fab!

Lava Lamp Installation on Vimeo

Brighton hacker Jason Hotchkiss demos his music-generating lava lamps in this promo video for the Brighton Maker Faire taking place the day after dConstruct.

Calling all UK Makers to Brighton’s First Mini Maker Faire | Brighton Mini Maker Faire

Hardware hackers, you’ve got until June 30th to submit something for Maker Faire in Brighton this September (the day after dConstruct).

YouTube - Why I LOVE My 3D Printer

This may be one of the best pecha kuch— I mean, Ignite presentations I’ve ever seen.

Why I LOVE My 3D Printer

droidMAKER: DROIDMAKER book now downloadable, FREE!

A free PDF of the inside story of George Lucas, his intensely private company, and their work to revolutionize filmmaking. Discover the birth of Pixar, digital video editing, videogame avatars, THX sound, and a host of other icons of the media age.