Link tags: irish



Playlist J (part 2) – The Irish Mandolin – a website from Aidan Crossey

I had fun coming up five trad music tracks related to the letter J.

Mando | Luke Dorny

  1. Which jig will be next?
  2. What instrument?
  3. What shirt will he wear next?
  4. Will a shirt make a repeat appearance?
  5. Will he shave his wiseman beard?
  6. Possibly a haircut or trim?

geoTrad - Google My Maps

Well, this is a rather wonderful mashup made with data from

The distribution of Irish traditional tunes which reference place names in Ireland

Fairweather Fiddlers @ Brighton Acoustic Club Aug 2019 - YouTube

Myself and Jessica joining in some reels and jigs.

Fairweather Fiddlers @ Brighton Acoustic Club Aug 2019

᚛ᚈᚑᚋ ᚄᚉᚑᚈᚈ᚜ and ᚛ᚑᚌᚐᚋ᚜ - YouTube

When is a space not a space?

Tom talks about ogham stones and unicode.

᚛ᚈᚑᚋ ᚄᚉᚑᚈᚈ᚜ and ᚛ᚑᚌᚐᚋ᚜

Sessions Map

This is nifty—a map of all the Irish music sessions and events happening around the world, using the data from

If you’re interested in using data from The Session, there’s a read-only API and regularly-updated data dumps.

Even Racists Got the Blues – The Geeky Gaeilgeoir

The perils of self-translation.

I’m often baffled by the number of people who seem to think that you can translate from one language to another simply by pulling the words of one language from a dictionary and plugging them into the syntax of the other. It just doesn’t work that way, friends.

Read to the end for a wonderfully delicious twist in the tale.


Banjos and Discrete Technologies | stevebenford

An examination of how sites like The Session are meshing with older ideas of traditional Irish music:

There is a very interesting tension at play here – one that speaks directly to the design of new technologies. On the one hand, Irish musicians appear to be enthusiastically adopting digital media to establish a common repertoire of tunes, while on the other the actual performance of these tunes in a live session is governed by a strong etiquette that emphasizes the importance of playing by ear.

There’s an accompanying paper called Supporting Traditional Music-Making: Designing for Situated Discretion (PDF).

The Infinite Trad Session

Okay, this is kind of nuts: some researchers have seeded a neural network with all the tunes from The Session. Some of the results are surprisingly okay. It’s certainly a fascinating project.

Barnaby Walters • #TIL there’s a crater on Mercury named after Turlough O’Carolan

The 17th century blind Irish harpist has been immortalised as a crater on Mercury.

In The Name of Willie Clancy « Arbutus Yarns

A really nice short film about the Willie Clancy Summer School. It makes me want to get back to Miltown Malbay this July.

The Keymaster: Patrick Olwell’s story - YouTube

The trailer for a documentary on flutemaker Patrick Olwell. The film should be done later this year.

The Keymaster: Patrick Olwell's story

Mick O’Pedia: Bejaysis, ye can look up all kinds o’ shite now

Sure, this is a bleedin’ one-to-one copy of feckin’ Wikipedia. Give it an aul’ spin.

Beautiful People - home

A documentary about the weekly session in Dempsey’s pub in Manhattan.

reboot10 - Jeremy Keith talks about the Transmission of Tradition

Here's the video of my talk from this year's Reboot conference in Copenhagen. I had a lot of fun talking about (and playing) Irish music here.

Session.Org session SSWC'07 - a photoset on Flickr

This is simply marvelous! A meatspace gathering of musicians that know each other threw the Irish music website I run, The Session. I wish I could have been there.


Cá Bhfuil Na Gaeilgeoirí? | The Guardian | Guardian Unlimited

Can you really get by in Ireland by just speaking Irish? Not in Dublin, it seems. I'd love to see the TV show that this article is based on.

Twenty Major - still smoking in Dublin bars.

The best response yet to the O'Reilly Web 2.0 cease and desist debacle.

Rob Weychert's Daily Haiku: “Pallor”

This one's just for me and Rob.