Link tags: folksonomy



Tweet Clouds

My Twitter folksonomy. I'm glad to see that present continuous verbs are the most used.

Flickr: adactio's photos tagged with lastfm:event=97947

Yes, there is a reason why I'm using this machine tag. Watch the next release of for machine tagging goodness on events. - Home

An experiment in social tagging of art museum collections

Powerhouse Museum | Sydney Australia

Fantastic collection of user-tagged content at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney.

Flickr Services: Flickr API: flickr.tags.getHotList

This new method in the Flickr API could be used to create some fun zeitgeist-driven mashups.

REST web services interface :: Tagyu

As a follow-up to my post about Yahoo's term extractor, I should point out that Tagyu also has an API. It's RESTful and simple.

Folksonomy - New York Times

Daniel Pink explains folksonomies.

delimport - Spotlight Plugins

This excellent little plug-in allows you to search your links from Spotlight.