Six uses for Huffduffer
It’s so nice to see when someone else finds Huffduffer to be useful!
It’s so nice to see when someone else finds Huffduffer to be useful!
Max describes how he does bookmarking on his own site—he’s got a bookmarklet for sharing links, like I do. But he goes further with a smart use of the “share target” section in his web app manifest, as described by Aaron.
By the way, Max’s upcoming talk at the Web Clerks conference in Vienna sounds like it’s going to be unmissable!
For once, Betteridge’s law of headlines is refuted.
This is a fascinating insight into the heady days of 2005 when Yahoo was the cool company snapping up all the best products like Flickr, Upcoming, and It all goes downhill from there.
There’s no mention of the surprising coda.
Oh my goodness! Maciej is channelling Jason Scott:
Delicious has over a billion bookmarks and is a fascinating piece of web history. Even Yahoo, for whom mismanagement is usually effortless, had to work hard to keep Delicious down. I bought it in part so it wouldn’t disappear from the web.
I really like Alex’s framing of best-of-breed progressively enhanced websites as “progressive apps” (although Bruce has some other ideas about the naming).
It’s a shame that the add-to-homescreen part isn’t standardised yet though.
I really like what Tom has done here, printing out his bookmarks.
They capture a changing style of writing. They capture changing interests – you can almost catalogue projects by what I was linking to when. They capture time – you can see the gaps when I went on holiday, or was busy delivering work. They remind me of the memories I have around those links – what was going on in my life at those points.
Paul has some further thoughts on self-hosting bookmarks while trying to retain the social aspect.
Did you know that you could use to bookmark colour palettes? Neither did I.
Et tu, BBC?
Magnolia is providing microformat feeds: simple HTML documents marked up with xFolk, hReview or hAtom. It's basically a simple sort of API. Very nice.
This excellent little plug-in allows you to search your links from Spotlight.