Inspiring Tech Quotes
Some of the more idiotic, harmful, stupid and nasty things said by the thought leaders of Silicon Valley.
Some of the more idiotic, harmful, stupid and nasty things said by the thought leaders of Silicon Valley.
A superb piece of writing from Jeffrey, scorching the screen with righteous anger. THIS. IS. IMPORTANT!
SOPA approaches the piracy problem with a broad brush, lights that brush on fire, and soaks the whole internet in gasoline.
At first I thought that Andy Rutledge was trying to make some nuanced satirical point here but it turns out he's just a twunt.
The muisc "industry" is clearly populated by asshats who actively enjoy displaying their incompetence and malice.
The RIAA now says it is illegal for you to put that CD you bought onto your own computer. Asshats.
Yet another reason never to fly with Ryanair.
Because if you use Tim O'Reilly's sherrif badge, the terrorists have already won.
I used to think that Mike Arrington was a dick. Now I know he is.
Apple are chasing companies that use the word "podcast", even though they have no claim to that word. Asshats.
"Restore airport security measures to normal or risk being sued for compensation." Ryanair are such a bunch of assholes. I refuse to fly with them.