Andy just debuted this at An Event Apart—lovely stuff.
Andy just debuted this at An Event Apart—lovely stuff.
Andy's excellent presentation from An Event Apart in Boston and @media in London. Required reading/viewing.
Andy makes a great case for presenting clients with designs in HTML/CSS rather than flat, fixed, non-interactive graphics.
Malarkey has launched his latest project: For A Beautiful Web is a series of web design master class training workshops covering topics including visual design for the web, best-practice XHTML mark-up and CSS, Microformats and practical web access…
A holding page for Malarkey's upcoming series of workshops. Add you name if your interested.
I'm a cartoon, which feels kinda weird. Brits... collect 'em all: Budd, Hicks, Malarkey and me.
Malarkey's got a brand new bag... if by "bag" you mean "website". And a very nice bag it is too.
Andy showed me some pages from the book over video iChat today. It looks great.