Seattle Samurai Book
Kelly has made a beautiful book:
Experience the lives of the first Japanese Americans in the Pacific Northwest through the cartoons and illustrations by Sam Goto
Rejoice! For Kevin Cornell’s new book is available to you through the power of print on demand. I’ve ordered mine. And should you.
Kelly has made a beautiful book:
Experience the lives of the first Japanese Americans in the Pacific Northwest through the cartoons and illustrations by Sam Goto
This is easily the most relatable 100 Days project I’ve seen:
I began posting a daily dialogue with the little voice in my head who tells me I’m no good.
Now you can back already-funded the Kickstarter project to get the book …and a plush demon.
Anton is a fantastic artist. Therefore, this graphic novel will be fantastic. Therefore, you should back the hell out of it.
A peek behind the scenes of the printing of the Korean version of HTML5 For Web Designers.
Follow the adventure of this group of artists from around the world, in a Japanese fold Moleskine sketchbook exchange.