Retrofitting fluid typography | Clagnut by Richard Rutter
Here’s a taste of what Rich will be delivering at Patterns Day on Thursday—can’t wait!
Jim shares his thoughts on my recent post about declarative design systems. He picks up on the way I described a declarative design systems as “a predefined set of boundary conditions that can be used to generate components”:
I like this definition of a design system: a set of boundaries. It’s about saying “don’t go there” rather than “you can only go here”. This embraces the idea of constraints as the mother of invention: it opens the door to creativity while keeping things bounded.
Here’s a taste of what Rich will be delivering at Patterns Day on Thursday—can’t wait!
Oliver asked me some questions about my upcoming talk at Pixel Pioneers in Bristol in June. Here are my answers.
Here’s the video of the talk I gave at Monday’s meet-up here in Brighton—it’s a very condensed version of my longer conference talk on declarative design.
I feel like we need a name for this era, when CSS started getting real good.
I think this is what I’ve been calling declarative design.
There’s a broader point here about declarative design:
Setting very specific values may feel like you’re in more control, but you’re actually rescinding control by introducing fragility in the form of overly-specific CSS.
I gave five answers to Oliver, who’s organising the Pixel Pioneers event in Bristol.
Do you have a design system or do you have a design analytical?
Balancing the ledger.
The joy of getting hands-on with HTML and CSS.
If you like the sound of being a design engineer, come and join us at Clearleft.