Responsive Day Out 2 is just ten days away. If you’ve got a ticket, I’ll see you there. If you haven’t got a ticket, sorry; they’re all sold out. But despair not—some people who have tickets can’t make it and they’re looking to transfer theirs:
Matt Hill, Ali Springall, Marta Armada, and Matt Smith.
Either way, if you can make it to Brighton on Friday, June 27th, you’re in for a treat.
The location is the Corn Exchange at the Brighton Dome, a short walk from the train station. We’ll be using the main Dome entrance on Church Street. Just follow the geeks.
Bring along your ticket (either on paper or on a screen) or some form of ID. If you have a ticket and you can’t make it after all, feel free to transfer it to someone else: there’s a link in the email you got when you registered that will allow you to update the attendee details.
As with last year, the event will be a fast-paced affair, with each section chunked into groups of three back-to-back fast talks followed by a joint discussion with all three speakers.
I’ve grouped the talks into sections that are roughly thematically-related. The day will kick off with a section grouped around planning and process. Then there’ll be a more technology-focused section. After lunch, there’ll be a more big-picture, strategic section. At least one of the talks in each section will be based around a case study.
The one exception to the format is the final section of the day. That’s all Ethan, all the time. It will be Ethantastic.
The order might end up changing, but here’s what I’ve got planned:
– | Registration |
– | Stephen |
– | Sally |
– | Ida |
– | Chat with Stephen, Sally, and Ida. |
– | Break |
– | Rachel |
– | Dan |
– | Yaili |
– | Chat with Rachel, Dan, and Yaili. |
– | Lunch |
– | Oliver |
– | Kirsty |
– | Stephanie |
– | Chat with Oliver, Kirsty, and Stephanie. |
– | Break |
– | Ethan! |
– | Chat with Ethan. |
– ??:?? | Pub |
Now, just to make sure that your expectations are in check, remember that this is a very rough’n’ready spit’n’sawdust kind of event. You won’t be getting a conference programme. You won’t even be getting a lanyard. Lunch is not provided (but Street Diner will be on that day—yay!). There is no pre-party. There is no after-party. And if you want a cup of tea or a coffee, it’ll cost ya.
Basically, every expense has been spared for this. There’s only aspect where we haven’t cut any corners, and that’s with the speakers. I can guarantee you a day of excellent talks.
See you next Friday!
# Shared by Bramus! on Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 at 11:06am
# Shared by Simon R Jones on Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 at 12:24pm
# Shared by Simon St.Laurent on Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 at 12:53pm
# Shared by Sally Jenkinson on Wednesday, June 18th, 2014 at 9:48am