I’m continually struck by a sense of web design deja vu these days. After many years of pretty dull stagnation, things are moving at a fast clip once again. It reminds of the web standards years at the beginning of the century—and not just because HTML5 Doctor has revived Dan’s excellent Simplequiz format.
Back then, there was a great spirit of experimentation with CSS. Inevitably the experimentation started on personal sites—blogs and portfolios—but before long that spirit found its way into the mainstream with big relaunches like ESPN, Wired, Fast Company and so on. Now I’m seeing the same transition happening with responsive web design and, funnily enough, I’m seeing lots of the same questions popping up:
- How do we convince the client?
- How do we deal with ad providers?
- How will the CMS cope with this new approach?
Those are tricky questions but I’m confident that they can be answered. The reason I feel so confident is that there are such smart people working on this new frontier.
Just as we once gratefully received techniques like Dave’s CSS sprites and Doug’s sliding doors, now we have new problems to solve in fiendishly clever ways. The difference is that we now have Github.
Here’s a case in point: responsive images. Scaling images is all well and good but beyond a certain point it becomes overkill. How do we ensure that we’re serving up appropriately-sized images to various screen widths?
Scott kicked things off with his original code, a clever mixture of JavaScript, cookies, .htaccess rules and the -data
HTML5 attribute prefix. Crucially, this technique is using progressive enhancement: the smaller image is the default; the larger image only gets swapped in when the screen width is wide enough. Update: and Scott has just updated the code to remove the -data-fullsrc
Mark was able to take Scott’s code and fork it to come up with his own variation which uses less JavaScript.
Andy added his own twist on the technique by coming up with a slightly different solution: instead of looking at the width of the screen, take a look a look at the width of the element that contains the image. Basically, if you’re using percentages to scale your images anyway, you can compare the offsetWidth
of the image to the declared width
of the image and if it’s larger, swap in a larger image. He has written up this technique and you can see it in action on the holding page for this September’s Brighton Digital Festival.
I particularly like Andy’s Content First approach. The result is that sometimes a large screen width might mean you actually want smaller images (because the images will appear within grid columns) whereas a smaller screen, like maybe a tablet, might get the larger images (if the content is linearised, for example). So it isn’t the width of the viewport that matters; it’s the context within which the image is appearing.
All three approaches are equally valuable. The technique you choose will depend on your own content and the specific kind of problem you are trying to solve.
The Mobile Safari orientation and scale bug is another good example of a crunchy problem that smart people like Shi Chuan and Mathias Bynens can tackle using the interplay of blogs, Github and to a lesser extent, Twitter. I just love seeing the interplay of ideas that cross-pollinate between these clever-clogged geeks.