In the latest issue of Justin’s excellent Responsive Web Design weekly newsletter, he includes a segment called “The Snippet Show”:
This is what tells all our browsers on all our devices to set the viewport to be the same width of the current device, and to also set the initial scale to 1 (not scaled at all). This essentially allows us to have responsive design consistently.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
The viewport
value for the meta
element was invented by Apple when the iPhone was released. Back then, it was a safe bet that most websites were wider than the iPhone’s 320 pixel wide display—most of them were 960 pixels wide …because reasons. So mobile Safari would automatically shrink those sites down to fit within the display. If you wanted to over-ride that behaviour, you had to use the meta viewport
gubbins that they made up.
That was nine years ago. These days, if you’re building a responsive website, you still need to include that meta
That seems like a shame to me. I’m not suggesting that the default behaviour should switch to assuming a fluid layout, but maybe the browser could just figure it out. After all, the CSS will already be parsed by the time the HTML is rendering. Perhaps a quick test for the presence of a crawlbar could be used to trigger the shrinking behaviour. No crawlbar, no shrinking.
Maybe someday the assumption behind the current behaviour could be flipped—assume a website is responsive unless the author explicitly requests the shrinking behaviour. I’d like to think that could happen soon, but I suspect that a depressingly large number of sites are still fixed-width (I don’t even want to know—don’t tell me).
There are other browser default behaviours that might someday change. Right now, if I type
into a browser, it will first attempt to contact
rather than
. That means the
server has to do a redirect, costing the user valuable time.
You can mitigate this by putting your site on the HSTS preload list but wouldn’t it be nice if browsers first checked for HTTPS
instead of HTTP
? I don’t think that will happen anytime soon, but someday …someday.
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# Shared by Gunnar Bittersmann on Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 at 4:19pm