SUPFSolidarity for the Urban Poor Federation (Cambodia)
SUPFSquatter and Urban Poor Federation (est. 1993; Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
SUPFSocialist Union of Popular Forces (political party; Morocco)
SUPFSupply Flight (USAF)
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The BIC and the LWZ both select m=8, and the supF test selects 10.
The supF(m + 1|m) provides a variant of the supF test for the presence of m + 1 breaks given that m breaks are present.
Carbon 1829 C14-Ly Ua-12467 5218 3 c: 7240 [+ o -] 80 Antiguo III Carbon C14-Ly- 5217 SALA Mina Pellicer Jorda Arribas Jorda Atribucion 1965 1983 1980 1980 1984 1984 1967 1987 1979 A B A B Posteriores prehistoria Edad del Bronce Calcolitico Supf. 1 1 1 2 I 3 4 2 5 Transicion II 3 1 1 6 1 2 2 5790 7 2 [+ o -] 140 Gak-8969 4 2 III 5-6 3 3 Neolitico 3 8 9 7-8 3 4 4 IV 4 9 7130 5 [+ o -] 150 Gak-8975 4/5: 4 10 5 10 7160 [+ o -] 180 Gak-8975 SALA Torca Pellicer Atribucion 1979 1982 Posteriores prehistoria 1 Edad del 1 2 Bronce Calcolitico 3 2 4810 [+ o -] 220 GAK-8960 4 5 Transicion 6 7 3 6480 [+ o -] 180 GAK-8959 8 Neolitico 9 6200 [+ o -] 100 UGRA- 261 4 10
Except for Colombia, Pakistan, and South Africa, this result is confirmed for MeanF and SupF statistics as well.
The SupF test assumes as the alternative hypothesis a sudden shift in regime at an unknown point in time.
More formal tests for parameter stability are conducted using the SupF and MeanF statistical tests developed in Hansen (1992).
Mutagenic specificity of the (+)anti-diol epoxide of dibenz[a,j]anthracene in the supF gene of an Escherichia coli plasmid.
To monitor the frequency of DNA damage within a tumor, the investigators turned to a bacterial gene called supF. They inserted multiple copies of this gene into mouse cancer cells.