* Posts by EN1R0PY

15 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Aug 2018

Tech contractor loses IR35 tribunal appeal: 'Right' to substitute didn't mean he could, say judges


Re: Chasing the little guy...

No you are talking out of something! The same tax breaks that ordinary people get are available to wealthier people, but there are loads of loop holes that wealthy people get that ordinary people don't. This feels like such a typical logical assignment statement I struggle to believe that you don't get it but think you deserve to be in the tech sector. Here's some free advice Google "union" and "intersection" they should help you understand the concept the all can have one of something without all having one of everything. It's not all that difficult really.


Re: To be honest, I don't think this goes far enough at all

No one benefits? I think you are only seeing it from one perspective, try thinking about the employees pov: make it harder to employ temp staff and the company will have to look after its perm staff better! Perm staff are in fact people, taxpayers and human effing being too didn't you know?

The contractors like to claim employees are just jelly the contractors get paid more, yes for the same work of course we think it's unfair, however there's also the commoditization of tech employees. Business now generally treat all tech staff as if they are not really employees, once had a 2 hour lecture in a town hall about how in India and China they can make the staff work all night and sack them if they refuse. Imagine that lecture being given to sales or manufacturing? They'd all be up in arms!! Educated, experienced, employed engineers holding grad and post grad degrees in the actual work that they do are talked to like street rats begging for crumbs all because the contractors, here and abroad, have tought the management to think of engineers as only interested in making it to end of their contract taking as much money as possible as they go. Contractors are a convenience, employees are the real life blood of a business. Carry on putting contractors ahead of employees, have all tech jobs moved to India and every business in the west closed then who benefits exactly? Not the Indians, because we won't have any money to paid them anymore.


Re: Good for HMRC

If you pay a lower percentage of your income as tax than anyone else earning the same amount you are a tax dodger, says everyone who pays their fair share!

Contractor pay is inflated to begin with, don't give me some nonsense about how it works out the same, the same work I do goes for 400 or more a day as a contractor, I get a lot less that that but pay a higher total percentage in tax than a contractor doing the same, I contribute my fair share, they don't, end of. So what I get one day off in 14, that doesn't make up for the contractors getting paid twice and taxed half as much as I do. If that contractor wage was taxed with PAYE they would pay more tax, so compared to me and other employees they are reducing contributions, regardless of how much more in total they get paid than me. Where does the extra money go? In their pocket, not to the NHS, not the police or to fight covid, but to your second home and Tesla payments, grubby thieves!

You are either directly benefiting from this clearly unfair situation, or you are not very bright, if you think it's defensible. To give a specific example based on ability and contribution to the business: SW tester contractors get paid more than SW developers, which proves that skill and responsibility have less of an impact on pay than whether you a contactor or employed, how is that right? It's either you get paid more OR you pay less tax for loosing 1/14 days now both, contractors make a free choice to get both and still cry all over the internet about it.


Re: A couple of things here I'm surprised about

Because theres no reason for overpaid underworked lazy contractors to come crying on mummies shoulder then is there?


Re: I'm going to go out on a limb...

Then if you are not economically and emotionally able to deal with the uncertainty that comes with being paid more maybe you should make different choices rather than crying for sympathy from people who get their extra money in bonuses that never get paid because once again the company splurged the budget paying one person to work for the same money they could employ 2 graduates.


Re: I'm going to go out on a limb...

Exactly! 450 a day (~100k a year), no one outside of the executive gets paid that much, certainly no employed r&d engineer! The point is that it supposed to be fair, contractors think it's unfair because they don't get all the benefits, employees think it's unfair that they get paid less and taxed more (paying more for the NHS and other things contractors still use) and have no choice about it while having to listen to you winge about how you want to pay even less tax. Here's a question for the high and mighty contactors if you really earn what you are paid how come many businesses are getting rid of you? Answer: you were never more important to the company than other engineers you were just a flexible way of managing the number of bums on seats. So now we've got rid of the notion that you have somehow earned the right to be paid more and pay less tax then everyone else please explain how allowing this tax dodging helps anyone but the contractors? I want too is not a mature arguement...

Boeing admits 737 Max sims didn't accurately reproduce what flying without MCAS was like


Re: Say, what?

Non-normal is not explicit here, though it is not refering to non-normal sensing as they stated they will deactivate the sensor so it must just refer to a non-normal AoA. AoA is explained in the article, if the Angle of Attack is too high (elevated) the engine will stall. As for defining what an event is in software try a good intro to programming book. It's using technical not legal language, that technical language might be specific to the industry but its not hard to interpret. The system will only try once to correct the plane, it won't keep on trying or retry if the sensor reading continues to show an elevated AoA so the piolets won't have to fight the system. It is believed that the piolets could not regain control which caused the crash, rather than the system activating at all.

(Why are people misreading this article to create a reason to be mad, Boeing killed people that's reason enough!)


That quote was not Boeing defending the old software but talking about the changes in the new release so when you ask them to "just shut up" a la Gavin Williamson would prefer they don't creat fixes at all or they aren't transparent about what those fixes are?

I get they f'ed up to the extent of people dying and I'm in no way defending that it happened but they are explaining what they have done to try to ensure it won't happen again. How is shut up a helpful response? They also said "failure conditions" not failure examples so unless there was a problem aside from a sensor failing causing a safety feature to misbehave there is only one "disastrous failure condition".

Its nee jerk responses like this that feed Trump's post truth world. "Have a go at them not matter what they say cos the internet told me to be mad, but forgive the corrupt fascist politicians cos the internet told me to do that too!"

Tesla driver killed after smashing into truck had just enabled Autopilot – US crash watchdog


Re: What's the point?

Those "ridiculous 20 zones" are usually schools. I genuinely hope you crash into a brick wall before you kill someone.

Intel applies hobnailed boot to countries where its men and women workers aren't paid the same


Re: GenZ will see you now and throw you out.

They identified a problem and took steps to fix it, what wrong with that? Oh I know you don't see how you benefit so your getting your knickers in a twist. People like you give the industry a bad name.

Oh and yes I'm a white man who thinks the industry should do more to attract more women and other minorities, not because it will benefit me but because it's the right thing to do. Like I said I'm a MAN not a whiney little boy crying "what about me WAAAAAAAAA!"

Fake broadband ISP support scammers accidentally cough up IP address to Deadpool in card phish gone wrong


Re: Dirty Scammers

Beer doesn't help to keep it up, jus' sayin.

Behold, the world's most popular programming language – and it is...wait, er, YAML?!?


Proppa language bruv

Mark up is fir mark up, programming languages are for programming. Does it store structured data? Its markup. Is it a Turing complete language that can process data? Then its a programming language.

Can you imagine learning to program and reading this nonsense? I can program with mark up bruv innnit!

Python joins movement to dump 'offensive' master, slave terms


Re: There sure are a lot of people getting very offended by a rather small change

Excalty, the alt righters won't understand that though, requires thought. On a side note anyone ever notice that the more alt righ a programmer is the less likely they are to be the best of the bunch, just an observation, jusy words, don't be offended.


Try reading if you soon fond of the English language

'master'/'slave' <> 'blacklist'/'whitelist'

The terms 'master' and 'slave' literally only refer to the slave trade. The colours black and white have been used as yes or no since ancient Greek times. Try reading a book that's not called 'my struggle'!

I ask any of you right now to find the nearest black person and try to explain to them why it's ok to use it... no one... really??? But it was such a reasonable thing to say... ya know how they shouldn't be sensitive about something that affects them not you. Are you sure you don't want to stand up in your office and explain that black people are over sensitive about being raped for 400 years? No?

And while your at it go find a Jewish guy and explain to him why you're going to start using the term 'auschwitz guard'/'forced labourer' because it's part of the English language so no PC brigade is gonna tell you what to do like some nazi...

Yes I know it's common parlance (that means spoken often to all you big readers out there) but it's not the only term that could be used, and if you were being honest there's certainly phases you don't want to hear that are probably not as bad a refering to the historical and continuing subjugation of an entire race. Reading this honestly made me ashamed to be a programmer, it's like el reg is just breitbart for programmers now. It not about being 'left' or 'right' but just being right, defending something that hurts some people to use and no one to get rid of is not right.

Top Euro court: No, you can't steal images from other websites (too bad a school had to be sued to confirm this little fact)


Fair use means fair use!

Seconded! Alot of overly aggressive answers here keep saying it's really simple... apart from all the exceptions! And if only the kid and their school had wasted time training in copyright law instead of actual lessons, even though they are exempt from it most of the time for good reason. Let's make a generation of lawyers who can't actually do anything but at least they know what they can't legally do!

If people where being really fair here then it was obviously ok for the kid to use it for educational purposes and then school just used it as an example piece on their website while committing the high crime of not checking with the lawyers before farting. Please tell me how that actually risks the copyright holder going hungry, regardless of his 'rights'? Excluding the obvious delusions of grandure about how much you all think that crappy app you once wrote might be worth one day.

Of course people have a right to protect their work and their income however a child, a school or some random guy downloading something for personal use does not constitute a risk. Someone making money from your work does, facebook etc certainly does and many content creators have to advertise their content on social media and thus risk their creations, let's focus on that instead of blaming a little kid and their school for all the evils in the world. Having to contest evertime or lose the copyright seems like the real problem here, not the child's or school's or photographer's actions.

Feel free to commence commenting in CAPS yelling 'brexit means brexit!'... oh wait 'copyright means copyright!'