
Here is my most rencently made games, all made during jams and using a custom engine in C. It is difficult to call them games as most of them doesn't have a proper gameplay. But still they are the result of jams, and motivated the developpement of the engine.

Ludum Dare 52: haarvest

haarvest game screen shot, half lit grey rock on a red sky

Ludum Dare entry

Linux Game Jam 2022: sokokoo

sokokoo game screen shot, hatched building on a black sky entry

Play the web version


Sokokoo is a first person puzzle game where your task is to push crates on the right spot.

This game has been made for the Linux Game Jam of 2022, on 1 week deadline.

All assets were created during the jam. The ambience sound has been recorded from local birds.



Web version is a bit buggy, I am trying to fix this tried enough, this is as better as it gets, known quirks: non qwerty layout doesn't work; fullscreen can only be achieved with CTRL+ALT+Enter, you need to hit escape twice to enter the menu...

Once you have completed the only level you can poke around with the flycam mode (key Z) and the debug mode (key X).

Ludum Dare 48: survivre

survivre game screen shot, man free falling around rocks

Ludum Dare entry

Play the web version