
Action Camp May 1st – 10th


The Land Is Yours.. What’s it worth to you?

For those currently occupying Yorkley Court Community Farm, it is their life blood, it is their home, it is where they get their water, where they get their fuel for cooking and warmth, it’s where they grow food and forage from natures bounty, it is where they meet each other and do tasks together, it’s where they learn from one another and it’s where they celebrate and laugh together.

They came to this piece of neglected land to challenge land distribution and management of resources in the UK and beyond. Land is the source of every human being’s needs, without it there is no shelter, fuel or food. The dominant ideology in the world holds that these resources are to be managed by an elite at the expense of the majority. We believe we need the land as much as the land needs us to defend it. Property developer Brian Bennett falsely lays claim to this land, he has plans to build a solar farm and who knows what else..? This land is agricultural and is more suited for growing food; solar energy is better harvested on peoples’ roofs. We would rather continue to grow food and live on the land sustainably, working with the local community to create something that benefits more than just one man. We are currently occupying around 40 acres of the 180 acre site.

Do you want to come and help build a thriving community farm, grow your own and build your own? We will be holding a week of workshops, activities and skill-shares from Friday 1st of May on all aspects of sustainability. To include: treehouse building, basket weaving, consensus decision making, regenerative agriculture, barricade building, DIY energy, foraging for food and medicine.. And any more skills you would like to come and share! We will set up basic infrastructure for the camp to run, everything else will be what we all make it. If you want to be part of the setup and pre – organising, arrive from Monday 27th April for the seed camp. If you want to stay on after the action camp…

… The Land Is Yours. Defend it!!

For more info or to let us know about skillshares , workshops or activities you would like to facilitate, get in touch:

[email protected] 07522 025 889
facebook: YorkleyCourtCF website:
postcode: GL15 4TZ wishlist:
financial support:

1 thought on “Events

  1. Anyone going from Bristol to this event on May 1st Friday and could give a lift (will share petrol cost) please contact me: 07442963408

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