USSHC is a privately owned underground secure colocation data center located in the rural Midwestern United States. We take pride in offering the most secure, carrier-class colocation data center services available. USSHC hosts the servers on which xmpp.org and jabber.org services are run.
Unmatched Excellence
Unmatched excellence in security, and colocation services is our first priority. No other commercially available colocation facility can match our level of physical security for your colocated equipment. Multiple layers of security and redundancy are practiced throughout the data center facility. All security, cooling, power, and connectivity systems are implemented in layers, with primary, backup, and tertiary systems used throughout the underground colocation data center.
Working with the leaders…
Our partners and customers are the new industry leaders in business continuity, information assurance, and disaster recovery and disaster preparedness programs.
USSHC owns the data center. Unlike many secure internet colocation data centers, USSHC owns the building, the land above, below, and around it, the campus, and all infrastructure improvements. This ensures that both USSHC and their colocation customers have maximum flexibility and long-term security.
You can find out more about USSHC by visiting usshc.com.